The Ninths, Tenth, and Eleventh Cranial Nerves

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The ninth, tenth, and eleventh cranial nerves. Labels: 1, Gasserian ganglion; 2, internal carotid; 3, pharyngeal branch of pneumogastric; 4, glosso-pharyngeal; 5, lingual; 6, spinal accessory; 7, middle constrictor of pharynx; 8, internal jugular vein; 9, superior laryngeal nerve; 10, ganglion of pneumogastric, 11, hypoglossal; 12, ditto communicating with eighth and first cervical; 13, external laryngeal; 14, second cervical; 15, pharyngeal plexus; 16, superior cervical ganglion; 17, superior cardiac nerve; 18, third cervical; 19, thyroid body; 20, fourth cervical; 21, recurrent laryngeal; 22, spinal accessory; 23, trachea 24, middle cervical ganglion; 25, middle cardiac nerve; 26, phrenic; 27, left carotid; 28, bronchial plexus; 29, phrenic; 30, inferior cervical ganglion; 31, pulmonary plexus; 32, aorta; 33, esophageal plexus; 34, vena axygos superior; 35, vena azygos minor; 36, gangliated cord of sympathetic.


Richardson, Joseph G. Health and Longevity (New York: Home Health Society, 1912) 266


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