1 Right pulmonary veins; 1’ Cavity of the auricle; 2 Wall of the auricle; 3,3’ Walls of the ventricle; 3’’ Bottom of heart; 4 Anterior carnea of musculus papillares; 5,5 Musculi papillares; 5’ Left side of the Septum; 6,6’ Mitral valve; 7 Interior of the aorta; 7’ Exterior of the aortic sinus; 8 Root of the pulmonary artery; 8’ Separated portion of the pulmonary artery; 9 Cord of the ductus arteriosus; 10 Arteries rising from the summit of the aortic arch
W. Morrant Baker and Vincent Dormer Harris, Hand-Book of Physiology (Philadelphia:P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1892) 174
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