"A, columnar cells found lining various parts of the intestines (called <em>columnar epthelium</em>); B, cells of a fusiform or spindle shape found in the loose tissue under the skin and in other parts (called <em>connective-tissue cells</em>); C, cell having many processes or projections - such are found in some kinds of connective tissue; D, primitive cells composed of protoplasm with nucleus, and having no cell wall." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Various forms of cells

"A, columnar cells found lining various parts of the intestines (called columnar epthelium);…

"In the stomach, intestines and elsewhere the epithelial cell is obling in profile and is called columnar epithelium." &mdash; Richardson, 1906

Columnar Epithelium

"In the stomach, intestines and elsewhere the epithelial cell is obling in profile and is called columnar…

Also known as Pinus sylvestris fastigiata. This tree is nearly identical to a regular Scots Pine, only that it is in the shape of a column.

Columnar Scots Pine

Also known as Pinus sylvestris fastigiata. This tree is nearly identical to a regular Scots Pine, only…

This Greek krater has columnar handles. Its a type of antique vase that was typically used for mixing water and wine.

Greek Krater

This Greek krater has columnar handles. Its a type of antique vase that was typically used for mixing…