(1.) The guillotine is an instrument employed for the purpose of decapitation. It was officially introduced into France as the means of inflicting capital punishment in April, 1792. It was named after its reputed inventor, Dr. Joseph Ingace-Guillotin, who, contrary to popular belief, died a natural death, and not a victim of his own invention. The instrument consists of two upright posts held together at the top by a cross beam, the former being perpendicularly so grooved as to allow of the falling in a direct line a broad steel blade, whose edge is cut obliquely. The latter, sometimes weighted with lead, descends upon the neck of the criminal immediately after the cord which holds it up is released by the executioner.
(2.) A guillotine is a machine, similar in name and in general construction to the above, employed by bookbinders. It is used for cutting paper and trimming the edges of books after the sheets have been sewn together.


(1.) The guillotine is an instrument employed for the purpose of decapitation. It was officially introduced…

A tool used for cutting metals. "a and c, levers connected by a link bar b, and respectively pivoted at f and f1 to the frame e. By the arrangement of the levers the movable blade d, attached to c, acts with a strong purchase in combination with the stationary blade d1, rigidly attached to the frame e." —Whitney, 1889

Purchase Shears for Cutting Metal

A tool used for cutting metals. "a and c, levers connected by a link bar b, and respectively pivoted…

This illustration includes numerous types of saws: a. Circular saw (right-hand and left-hand saws have the teeth running opposite directions); b. section of circular saw showing flange at c; d. concave saw; e. circular saw with inserted teeth; f. mill-saw; g. ice-saw; h. cross-cut saw; i. band-saw; j. rip-saw; k. hand-saw; l. panel-saw; m. pruning-saw; n. whip-saw; o. wood-saw; p. keyhole or compass-saw; q. back-saw; r. bow-back butchers' saw.

Collection of Saws

This illustration includes numerous types of saws: a. Circular saw (right-hand and left-hand saws have…

"A reaping hook; a curved blade of steel (anciently also of bronze) having the edge on the inner side of the curve, with a short handle or haft, for cutting with the right hand grain or grass which is grasped by the left." —Whitney, 1889
<p>This sickle has a serrated edge on the inside curve of the blade.

Sickle with Serrated Edge

"A reaping hook; a curved blade of steel (anciently also of bronze) having the edge on the inner side…

"In printing, a galley with a false bottom, in the form of a thin slice of wood, which aids the removal of the type from the galley to the stone." -Whitney, 1889

Slice Galley

"In printing, a galley with a false bottom, in the form of a thin slice of wood, which aids the removal…

In wood working there are a number of fine tools used in cutting wood, in which a single or double shearing blade is used.

Wood Cutting Tool

In wood working there are a number of fine tools used in cutting wood, in which a single or double shearing…