Vulture Skeleton
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“Skeleton of Egyptian Vulture. (Neophron percnopterus), to show bones of bird. a, post-orbital process; b, lower jaw; c, cervical vertebra; co, coracoid bone; d, humerus; e, radius; f, ulna; g, metacarpus; h, second phalanx of chief digit of wing; h, phalanges of lower digit; h’’, first phalanx of chief digit; i, clavicle; k, sternum; l, pelvis; m, coccyx; n, femur; o, tibia; p, tarso-metatarsus; q, phalanges of foot.” — Winston’s Encyclopedia, 1919
skeleton, Egyptian, vulture, kvulture, Bone, humerus, ulna, jaw, phalange, radius, cervical, Metacarpus, Coracoid, nephron, percnopterus, phalanxGalleries
Bird AnatomySource
Editor in Chief Charles Morris Winston's Cumulative Loose-Leaf Encyclopedia (Philadelphia, PA: The John C. Winston Company, 1918)
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