Genus Cathartes, found in the Americas, sometimes as far north as New England. These buzzards…
"On the Sarcorhamphus gryphus the Condor, the head and neck are bare, with dull red skin, wrinkled in…
Genus Gypohierax, is about the size of a goose, and is found in Western Africa, particularly…
"Gypaëtus barbatus, the magnificent L&emumlmmergeier, is greyish-black with white streaks, and has…
The largest bird of prey native to Europe. Found in the lofty mountains of southern Eurasia and northern…
"Young bearded griffin (Gypaetus barbatus). Showing the feather-tracts or pterylae, for instance those…
The lammergeyer (Swiss for "lamb-killer") is a member of the vulture family, but has a notably feathered…
In vultures, the head and neck are bare, the beak is long and curved at the tip, legs are powerful,…
"Skeleton of Egyptian Vulture. (Neophron percnopterus), to show bones of bird. a, post-orbital process;…
Genus Coragyps, about the size of a small turkey. This one is feeding on a cow's head.
Black vulture (or carrion crow), genus Coragyps, about the size of a small turkey. This group…
V. cinercus, native to the mountainous regions of Europe. It feeds exclusively on carrion.
C. Californianus, a large species of vulture, found only on the western side of the Rocky Mountains,…
N. percnopterus, common to Africa, sometimes found in Southern Europe and in Asia. Males and…
"One of the smaller Vulturidae, of a genus differing from the true vultures in the slender bill, which…
Genus sarcoramphus, a large vulture found in the tropical regions of the Americas, sometimes…
"A Vulture is any member of the family Vulturidæ included among the birds of prey. In all the…
G. serpentarius, known as the serpent vulture because it feeds on snakes. It has a distinctive…
The Turkey vulture is found over the whole United States, but is more numerous in the southern region…
Vultures are carrion eaters. The head and neck are usually bare, and the bill and claws weaker than…
Genus Vulture, posess keen eyesight and a sense of smell for locating carcasses. Vultures feed…