Reading Lamp
“An example of a form of reading lamp is seen here. The lamp is mounted on a standard on which it can be raised or lowered at will, and fixed by a thumb screw. The oil reservoir is in two parts, the upper ac being an inverted flask which fits into bb, from which the burner is directly fed through the tube d; h is an overflow cup for any oil that escapes at the burner, and it is pierced with air-holes for admitting the current of air to the center tube of the Argand burner. The lamp is filled with oil by withdrawing the flask ac, filling it, and inverting it into its place. The under reservoir bb fills from it to the burner level ee, on a line with the mouth of ac. so soon as that level falls below the mouth of ac, a bubble of air gets access to the upper reservoir, and oil again fills up bb to the level ec, and so on it goes as long as combustion continues and the supply of oil in ac endures.” —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910
Oil LampsSource
The Encyclopedia Britannica, New Warner Edition (New York, NY: The Werner Company, 1893)
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