The Oil Lamps ClipArt gallery provides 28 examples of ancient and modern lighting devices designed to burn oil.

"Bronze Lamp in British Museum." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Bronze Lamp

"Bronze Lamp in British Museum." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

An appendage to a lamp or gas-fixture designed to promote combustion.


An appendage to a lamp or gas-fixture designed to promote combustion.

A device, as in a furnace, stove, or gas lamp, that is lighted to produce a flame.

Mantle Burner

A device, as in a furnace, stove, or gas lamp, that is lighted to produce a flame.

An oil burner is a heating device which burns fuel oil. The oil is atomized in to a fine spray usually by forcing it under pressure through a nozzle.

Oil Burner

An oil burner is a heating device which burns fuel oil. The oil is atomized in to a fine spray usually…

A cup of incombustible material mounted upon a pole or suspended from above, and serving to contain a light often made by burning a coil soaked in oil.


A cup of incombustible material mounted upon a pole or suspended from above, and serving to contain…

An old oil davy lamp.

Davy Lamp

An old oil davy lamp.

"An improved form of the lamp, in which a portion of the cone B is removed to show the two parallel flat wicks A, A, which have each a separate slit or opening in the cone. C is the coincident winder for raising or lowering the wicks in the tubes, by which the wicks can be moved separately or simultaneously as desired. D is a lever for raising the extinguishers E, whereby not onl is the light instantly extinguished, but the wicks are also covered and protected from dirt, while all evaporation by the wick-holder is prevented." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Duplex Burner

"An improved form of the lamp, in which a portion of the cone B is removed to show the two parallel…

A vessel with a wick, for giving light.


A vessel with a wick, for giving light.

A small lamp with an open flame.


A small lamp with an open flame.

A tall, slender lamp.


A tall, slender lamp.

A bronze German lamp.


A bronze German lamp.

An illustration of a lamp.


An illustration of a lamp.

A traditional Jewish lamp.


A traditional Jewish lamp.

Lamp with Cherub.

Lamp with Cherub

Lamp with Cherub.

The Arabian lamp is a suspended lamp made out of enameled glass.

Arabian Lamp

The Arabian lamp is a suspended lamp made out of enameled glass.

"Hanging lamp from Nushagak in Southern Alaska. It is suspended from the framework of the tent by cords. Oils and fats from northern animals give a clear and steady light, and Eskimo lamps are frequently praised by travelers." -Bodmer, 1917

Eskimo Lamp

"Hanging lamp from Nushagak in Southern Alaska. It is suspended from the framework of the tent by cords.…

"Open oil lamp commonly worn on hat. Wick is inverted in spout." -Bodmer, 1917

Oil Lamp

"Open oil lamp commonly worn on hat. Wick is inverted in spout." -Bodmer, 1917

"A pagan votive lamp of bronze, now in the museum at Naples." -Bodmer, 1917

Pagan Lamp in the Shape of a Foot

"A pagan votive lamp of bronze, now in the museum at Naples." -Bodmer, 1917

A wick is placed over the nozzle and extends into the fuel chamber. Most lamps come with one nozzle, a few lamps have more. The more nozzles the greater the fuel consumption.

Wick Raiser for Lamps

A wick is placed over the nozzle and extends into the fuel chamber. Most lamps come with one nozzle,…

A lantern is a portable lighting device used to illuminate broad areas. Lanterns may be used for signaling, or as general light sources for camping.

Lantern Holder

A lantern is a portable lighting device used to illuminate broad areas. Lanterns may be used for signaling,…

"An oil lamp. The Greeks and Romans originally used candles; but in later times candles were chiefly confined to the houses of the lower classes. A great number of ancient lamps has come down to us; the greater part of which are made of terra cotta, but also a considerable number of bronze. Most of the lamps are of an oval form, and flat upon the top, on which there are frequently figures in relief. In the lamps there are one or more ellychnia burnt into it. The following is an example of a dumyxos lucerna, upon which there is a winged boy with a goose." — Smith, 1873


"An oil lamp. The Greeks and Romans originally used candles; but in later times candles were chiefly…

"An oil lamp. The Greeks and Romans originally used candles; but in later times candles were chiefly confined to the houses of the lower classes. A great number of ancient lamps has come down to us; the greater part of which are made of terra cotta, but also a considerable number of bronze. Most of the lamps are of an oval form, and flat upon the top, on which there are frequently figures in relief. In the lamps there are one or more ellychnia burnt into it. The following is an example of a dumyxos lucerna, upon which there is a winged boy with a goose." — Smith, 1873


"An oil lamp. The Greeks and Romans originally used candles; but in later times candles were chiefly…

"The moderator lamp, invented by M. Franchot about 1836, from the simplicity and efficiency of its arrangements rapidly superseded about all other forms of mechanical lamps. The two essential features of the moderator lamp are (1) the strong spiral spring which, acting on a piston within the cylindrical reservoir of the lamp, serves to propel the oil to the burner, and (2) the ascending tube C through which the oil passes upwards to the burner. The latter consist of two sections, the lower fixed to and passing through the piston A into the oil reservoir, and the upper attached to the burner. The lower or piston section moves within the upper, which forms a sheath enclosing nearly its whole length when the spring is fully wound up." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Moderator Lamp

"The moderator lamp, invented by M. Franchot about 1836, from the simplicity and efficiency of its arrangements…

An old lamp attached to a galvanometer.

Old Lamp

An old lamp attached to a galvanometer.

A tall, thin lamp stand on a round, ornamented base with three claw feet. The top of the stand has a small, round surface on which sits a simple, Roman oil lamp. The lamp is lit and a flame is burning, giving off light.

Pompeiian Stand with Lighted Oil Lamp

A tall, thin lamp stand on a round, ornamented base with three claw feet. The top of the stand has a…

"The first Réverbère --oil lantern-- with a metal reflector, used to light the streets of Paris. It was invented by Bourgeois de Châteaublanc in 1765, and used until the introduction of gas." -Bodmer, 1917

Réverbère Oil Lamp

"The first Réverbère --oil lantern-- with a metal reflector, used to light the streets…

"An example of a form of reading lamp is seen here. The lamp is mounted on a standard on which it can be raised or lowered at will, and fixed by a thumb screw. The oil reservoir is in two parts, the upper ac being an inverted flask which fits into bb, from which the burner is directly fed through the tube d; h is an overflow cup for any oil that escapes at the burner, and it is pierced with air-holes for admitting the current of air to the center tube of the Argand burner. The lamp is filled with oil by withdrawing the flask ac, filling it, and inverting it into its place. The under reservoir bb fills from it to the burner level ee, on a line with the mouth of ac. so soon as that level falls below the mouth of ac, a bubble of air gets access to the upper reservoir, and oil again fills up bb to the level ec, and so on it goes as long as combustion continues and the supply of oil in ac endures." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Reading Lamp

"An example of a form of reading lamp is seen here. The lamp is mounted on a standard on which it can…

A lamp used by the ancient Romans for light.

Roman Lamp

A lamp used by the ancient Romans for light.