Base of the Brain

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The base of brain. Labels: 1. Olfactory Bulb; 2. Second, or Optic Nerves; 3. Anterior Perforated Space; 4. Optic Tract; 5. Crus Cerebri; 6. 3rd Nerve; 7. 4th Nerve.; 8. 5th Nerve; 9. 6th Nerve; 10. Pyramid; 11. Olivary Body; 12. Vertebral Artery; 13. Anterior Spinal Artery; 14. Anterior Cerebral Artery; 15. Lamina Cinerea; 16. Middle Cerebral Artery; 17. Tuber Cinereum; 18. Corpora Albicantia; 19. Posterior Perforated Space; 20. Posterior Cerebral Artery; 21. Superior Cerebral Artery; 22. Pons Varolii; 23. Inferior Cerebellar Artery; 24. 7th and 8th Nerves; 25. 9th, 10th, and 11th Nerves; 26. 12th Nerve; 27. Cerebellum.


Metheny, D. Gregg Potter's Compend of Human Anatomy 8th Ed. (Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1915) 187


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