"Diagram illustrating the general relationships of the parts of the brain. A, fore-brain; b, midbrain;…
"The brain from the left side. Cb, the cerebral hemispheres forming the main bulkl of the fore-brain;…
"Diagram of the left half of a vertical median section of the brain. H, H, convoluted inner surface…
Diagram illustrating the general relationships of the parts of the brain. Labels: A, fore-brain; b,…
The brain from the left side. Labels: Cb, the cerebral hemispheres forming the main bulk of the fore-brain;…
Anterior view of the brain and spinal marrow. Labels: 1, 1, hemispheres of the cerebrum; 2, great middle…
Human fetus in the third month of development, with the brain and spinal cord exposed from behind.
The brain and the origin of the twelve pairs of cranial nerves. Labels: F, E, the cerebrum; D, the cerebellum,…
Simplified drawing of brain as seen in mesial section, showing relation of brain stem, cerebrum and…
Diagram to show the connecting of the Frontal Occipital Lobes with the Cerebellum. The dotted lines…
Simplified drawing of brain as seen from below, showing relations of brain stem to spinal cord and cerebrum.
The base of the brain. Labels: 1, longitudinal fissure; 2, 2, anterior lobes of cerebrum; 3, olfactory…
The base of brain. Labels: 1. Olfactory Bulb; 2. Second, or Optic Nerves; 3. Anterior Perforated Space;…
Base of the Brain. Labels: 1,2, longitudinal fissure; 3, anterior lobes cerebrum; 4, middle lobe; 5,…
Vertical section of dog's cerebellum. Labels: p m, pia mater; p, corpuscles of Purkinje, which are branched…
Outline sketch of a section of the cerebellum, showing the corpus dentatum. The section has been carried…
A top view of a dissection of the human brain showing the lateral fourth and fifth ventricles.
Side diagram of the human brain showing which parts of the brain control hearing, speech, vision, legs,…
Side diagram of the human brain showing which areas perform the sense of taste, smell, and vision.
"A,frontal love of the cerebrum; B, parietal lobe; C, parieto-occipital lobe;…
"The brain seen from the side, showing the three principal divisions." — Ritchie, 1918
View of the under surface of the brain, with the lower portion of the temporal and occipital lobes,…
A vertical section of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and the medulla oblongata, showing the relation of the…
"Brain of Carcharias. ae, nervus acousticus; b, corpus restiforme; c, cerebellum; d, lobus opticus;…
Showing the development of the cerebellum. A, Transverse section through the forepart of the cerebellum…
The lower surface of the cerebellum. The tonsil on the right side has been removed so at to display…
Sagittal section through the left lateral hemisphere of the cerebellum. Showing the "arbor vitae" and…
Plan in outline of the encephalon, as seen from the right side. The parts are represented as separated…
"Diagram of head and brain of human foetus six weeks old (heavy boundaries). The dotted line indicates…
Section of the head showing the greater scythe, the horizontal apophysis of the dura mater between the…
"The Brain is the encephalon, or center of the nervous system and the seat of consciousness and volition…
"The size of the hemispheres of the brain (A) is so small that they leave exposed the olfactory ganglion…
"Brain of Polypterus. Upper aspect. a, medulia; b, corpora restiformia; c, cerebellum; d, lobi optici;…
"Brain of Polypterus. Lateral aspect. a, medulia; b, corpora restiformia; c, cerebellum; d, lobi optici;…
"Brain of Polypterus. Lower aspect. a, medulia; b, corpora restiformia; c, cerebellum; d, lobi optici;…
"Partial section of a Vertebrate brain (diagrammatic). OLF., Olfactory lobe; CH., cerebral hemispheres;…