Frog Skeleton
“Skeleton of frog. The half of the pectoral girdle, and fore- and hind-limb of the right side are not shown. pmx., premaxilla; m.x., maxilla; n., nasal; sph., sphenethmoid; p.f., parieto-frontal; P.O., pro-otic; pt., pterygoid; q.j., quadrato-jugal; sq., squamosal; Q., quadrate; c., columella auris; A., atlas; t.p., transverse process; S.V., sacral vertebra; U., urostyle;, supra scapula; H., humerus; R.U., radio ulna; Cp., carpals; Mc., metacarpals; Il., ilium; Is., ischium; F., femur; T.F., tibio-fibula; Ca., calcaneum; As., astragalus; C., calcar; Mt., metatarsals.” -Thomson, 1916
J. Arthur Thomson, M.A., LL.D. Outlines of Zoology (New York, NY: D. Appleton & Company, 1916)
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