Rabbit Urogenital Organs

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“Lepus cuniculus. The urogenital organs. A, of male; B, of female, from the left side. The kidneys and proximal ends of the ureters, and in B, the ovaries. Fallopian tubes and uteri are not shown. an, anus; bl, urinary bladder; c. c, corpus cavernosum; c. s, corpus spongiosum; c. gl, perineal gland; p. gl’, aperture of its duct on the perineal space; pr, anterior, pr’, posterior, and pr’, lateral lobes of prostate; rct, rectum; r. gl, rectal gland; u. g. a, urino-genital aperture; u. m, uterus masculinus; ur, ureter; va, vagina; vb, vestibule; v. d, vas deferens.” -Parker, 1900


Parker, T. Jeffrey A Manual of Zoology (New York, NY: The MacMillan Company, 1900)


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