Crested Pelican
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“The Crested Pelican or (Pelecanus crispus) is white with rosy or salmon tinge, the primaries being black, and the moderate occipital crest and stiff elongated feathers o the lower fore-neck washed with yellow. The lores and orbits are naked, while an enormous dilatable semi-transparent pouch fills the space between the branches and the lower jaw.” A. H. Evans, 1900
bird, Pelican, water bird, crested pelican, large bird, water fowl, pelecanus crispus, Dalmation Pelican, European pelican, large water bird, largest pelicanGalleries
Birds: PSource
Evans, A. H. Birds (New York, NY: The Macmillan Company, 1900)
2400×2239, 1.9 MiB
1024×955, 231.1 KiB
640×597, 95.4 KiB
320×298, 25.0 KiB