228 illustrations of birds including: parakeet, parrot, partridge, passenger pigeon, pastor, pavao, peacock, pelican, penguin, petrel, pewee, phalarope, pheasant, philydor, phoebe, piculet, pie, pigeon, pinc-pinc, pintail, pipit, pitta, plant-cutter, plover, pochard, pogostemon, pork, pouter, promerops, psalurus, ptarmigan, puff, and puffin
" A genus of insessorial birds many of which are remarkable for the beauty of their plumage. They have…
"A bird of the grouse family (Tetraonidae) distinguished from the true grouse by having the toes as…
Puffins are a bird genus of the auk family, characterized by the great development of the beak. In habits,…
A handsome plover-like bird of Northern Europe and Asia (Vanellus cristatus), also known in Great Britain…
"Drepanornis albertisi, D'Albertis' Bird of Paradise, is rufous-brown, with green throat and ante-ocular…
"Falcinellus speciosus, Long-tailed Bird of Paradise, is black with rainbow-like reflections; the broad…
"Diphyllodes magnifica, Magnificent Bird of Paradise, has a brown head and under surface, green throat…
"Parotia sexpennis, the Six-wired Bird of Paradise, is bronzy- and purplish-black, having scale-like…
Parakeets can be found in the wild in Florida. They are members of the parrot family. They have a soft,…
The alexandrine parakeet is a long-tailed species, originally brought back from India by Alexander the…
Sociable in their dispositions, they assemble in more or less numerous bands, and make the forests re-echo…
The Nymphicus uvaeesis, Uvaean Parakeet, has a dark coloured face, black beak, green plumage and crest,…
Usually living around small mountain streams, large spiders have been known to attack and eat the vrested…
"They are highly esteemed for their vivacity and gentleness, and the facility with which they learn…
"Conuropsis carolinensis. Carolina Parroquet. Green; head yellow; face red; bill white; feet flesh-color;…
"Conuropsis carolinensis. Carolina Parroquet. Green; head yellow; face red; bill white; feet flesh-color;…
A climbing bird of brilliant color, having a fleshy tongue, and a short, hooked bill toothed above.
A genus of tropical birds classes with the climbers. The genus includes many beautiful species, most…
The Carolina parrot is native to Guiana, but can be found as far north as Virginia. They often travel…
Somewhat larger than the common cross-bill, the parrot cross-bill largely resembles its habits.
The Elegant Parrot (Neophema elegans) is a grass parakeet with the synonym Euphema elegans native to…
"Parrot is the popular name for any individual of a well-known group of birds from the warmer regions…
Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what…
Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what…
Parrots are much appreciated on account of their memory, and also for their habit of repeating what…
"Psittacus erithacus, the Grey Parrot, which ranges across Equatorial Africa, is ashy-grey, with black…
A medium-sized parrot about 12 inches long. A predominantly grey bird, native to Africa.
The long-billed parrot (nestor productus) is thought to be the connecting link between parrots…
A genus of birds of the grouse family, including a number of widely different species of game birs,…
Found in California, the California partridge averages aproximately nine and a quarter inches in length,…
"Lophortyx californica. Californian Partridge. Valley Quail. Male: With a small white line from bill…
The common partridge of Europe, or gray partridge, is found throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Its…
The male and female are green in color and have sarlet colored skin around the eyes. Usually small and…
"Coturnix. Bill smaller and much slenderer than that of any of the foregoing genera of Odontophorinae;…
"Lophortyx gambeli. Gambel's Partridge. Arizona Quail. Male: Without white loral line; forehead black…
The red-legged partridge (or Gurnsey partridge) averages thirteen inches and length and is found in…
"The red-legged partridge with wings fully extended as in rapid flight."—Pettigrew, 1874
An assortment of passeres, one order of birds. The legs, feet, and talons are generally smaller than…
Resembling a starling, the rose-colored pastor can often be found living in the vicinity of livestock,…
The bloody pavao (coracina scutata) is a mostly black bird, which gets its name from the blood…
At the commencement of spring the male displays to the females all the splendor of his plumage; he struts,…
"The animal struts about, and, lifting its tail in the air, spreads it like a fan, and seems to be very…