“Leptosoma discolor, the Kiromobo or Vorondreo of Madagascar, and the Comoro Islands, which has a big crested head; a long, slightly hooked bill, overhung at the base by recurved loral feathers; linear nostrils, places far forward and covered by a partly reversible outer toe. The wings are moderate, having ten primaries and twelve secondaries; the long, square tail has twelve feathers; the tongue is tapering, horney and channeled; a large aftershaft is present is present, and there is a considerable powder-down patch on each side of the rump. The head is grey, glossed with copper and green, the neck duller; the upper parts are shining green and coppery-red, the under parts grey with white abdomen. The slightly larger female is reddish-brown above, with buff markings and only dull gloss; the head is chiefly lack, the lower surface fawn-coloured spotted with black.” A. H. Evans, 1900
Evans, A. H. Birds (New York, NY: The Macmillan Company, 1900)
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