"The Wandering Albatros of the Southern Oceans is white with narrow dusky undulations above and almost…
Birds usually have three cavities or stomachs. Labels: 1, The esophagus. 2, Ingluvies (crop). 2, Proventriculus…
In reptiles the alimentary canal differs much from that of mammals or birds. As a general rule, it is…
"This species (Alca impennis or Great Auk), extirpated chiefly by the persecution of fisherman, but…
"Chasmorhynchus niveus, the Bell-bird, ...have lores and orbits bare. The plumage is ordinarily plain…
The bill of the Gadwall Duck, showing the comb-like 'teeth' that they are known for.
Anarhynchus frontalis, the Wry-bill of New Zealand, is grey, with a black gorget and whitish lower parts;…
"Right shoulder-girdle or scapular arch of fowl, showing hp, the hypoclidium; f, furculum; Co, coracoid;…
"The Frigate pr Mana-of-War-Bird... is met throughout the tropical regions, breeds in Laysan and has…
"Standing some four feet high on very long legs, this bird (Secretary Bird) gives the impression of…
The Tropic Bird " are chiefly found in the tropical regions of the south; ... this species breeds as…
"The plumage in the Calyptomena viridis of the Indo-Malay countries is bright green, with large black…
"The Otis Tarda, the Great Bustard, which, as a native only became extinct in Norfolk about 1838, used…
One-wattled Cassowary "...Casuarius uniappendiculatus, of Salawatti and the adjoining parts of New Guinea,…
Measuring twenty-six inches in height, the kulm cock is believed to have been brought from Java or Sumatra.
"Colius capensis, or Cape Coly, has two stripes of black on the back enclosing one of white, the bare…
"On the Sarcorhamphus gryphus the Condor, the head and neck are bare, with dull red skin, wrinkled in…
"Balearica pavonina, the "Crowned" Crane of the Northern Ethiopian Region, is greenish-black above and…
"The plumage is brownish, with white margins to the feathers and a purple tinge on the rufous-mottled…
Naturally very gentle, they readily yield to captivity, when they become familiar, and evince pleasure…
Crax alector, Crested Curassow, is black with a purplish gloss, the belly being white, the naked lores…
"Numenius arquata, the Curlew or Whaup, breeds freely on the moorlands of Britain; and extends throughout…
"Schizorhinal skull of curlew (top view), showing the long cleft, a, between upper and lower forks of…
"The Indian Darter (Plotus melangaster) or snake-bird of tropical and subtropical America, ranging northwards…
The Great Northern Diver, Colymbus glacialis, "...is black above, with belts of white spots making a…
Biziura lobata, (Musk Duck) of Tasmania and Australia -except the north-is brown with buff mottlings,…
"A gold chain is formed of wires closely plaited and very flexible, the ends terminating in the heads…
"Egyptian noble hunting waterfowl on the Nile with the "throwstick' (a boomerang). The birds rise from…
An Emeu "Dromaeus novae-hollandiae, of the interior Eastern Australia, which extended in times past…
"Terpsiphone paradisi, Paradise Flycatchers, have fine crests, shorter in the female; while fleshy wattles,…
"Digestive system of the common Fowl. o, Gullet; c, Crop; p, Proventriculus; g, Gizzard; sm, Small intestine;…
The skull of an adult fowl. Here the temporal fossa is bridged over by the junction of the post-frontal…
"Fig. 62 Skull of common fowl, enlarged. from nature by Dr. R.W. Shufeldt, U.S.A. The names of bones…
Guinea fowls have small heads for their size; beak and neck short; the tail equally short and drooping.
The Guinea-fowl (or pintado) was originally native to Africa, but was introduced to American poultry-yards.
Kinds of fowl. Far left: light Brahma, behind Brahma: bantam, middle: long-tailed oriental fowl, right:…
A group of water-fowl at a bank, with a fountain and pond visible in the background.
The Gadwall (Chaulelasmus streperus) is a widely distributed duck, appearing throughout Europe and N.…
"The Gannet (S. bassana) has slate-grey wing-quills, purplish-grey bill, reddish feet and naked parts."…
Bernicla ruficollis, the Red-breasted Goose of West Siberia, which migrates southwards, strays to Britain…
"Both sexes of the Little Grebe are mainly dusky brown or blacking grey above, and silvery white below,…
"Syrrhaptes paradoxus, Sand-Ground, are true desert birds, affording excellent instances of protective…
Native only to the British Isles and the Orkneys, the red grouse is often bred in confinement to be…
"Lagopus scoticus, the Red Grouse or Muirfowl, the only bird entirely confined to our islands, differs…
Guinea Fowl are the African representatives of the pheasants, from which they differ in that the plumage…
"Larus ichthyaetus, the Great Black-headed Gull, ranging from the Black Sea and the Levant to Tibet,…
Prairie hens feed on grasshoppers, wheat, corn, seeds, and the buds of trees. They are also known as…