Field Gun Carriage

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“Field-gun Carriage. A, stock. B, cheek. a, lunette; b, trail-plate; c, c, pointing-rings; d, handle; e, e, prolonge-hooks; f, wheel-guard plate; g, lock-chain bolt, nut, and washer; h, turn buckle, chain, and hasp for sponge and rammer; i, stop for rammer-head; k, ear-plate for worm; l, elevating-screw; m, under-strap; n, implement-hook; o, D-ring for hand-spike; q, trunnion-plate; r, cap-square; s, s, cap-square chains and keys; 1, prolonge; 2, sponge and rammer; 3, hand-spike.” -Whitney, 1911


William Dwight Whitney The Century Dictionary: An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language (New York, NY: The Century Co., 1911)


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