The Segmentation of the Vitellus
“The first change in the parent-cell is that by which it becomes broken up into a mass of cells, each of which is just like itself. This process is called segmentation of the vitellus; each one of the numerous resulting cells is called a cleavage-cell. The nucleus of the parent-cell divides into two; each attracts its half of the yelk; the halves furrow apart and there are now two cleavage cells in place of the one parent-cell a furrow at right angles to the first, and redivision of the nuclei; results in four cleavage-cells. Radiating furrows intermediate to the first two bisect the four cells, and would render eight cells, were not these simultaneously doubled by a circular furrow which cleaves each, with the result of sixteen cleavage-cells. So the subdivision goes on until the parent-cell becomes a mass of cells. This particular kind of cleavage, by radiating and concentric furrowing, is called discoidal, and the resulting heap of little cells assumes the figure of a thin, flat, circular disc. Segmentation of the vitellus, in whatever manner it may go on, results in a mulberry-like mass of cleavage-cells; and the original cytula has become what is called a morula. This process is shown closely here.” Elliot Coues, 1884
birds, eggs, ornithology, furrow, Cells, yelk, cicatricle, vitellus segmentation, egg germination, cleavageGalleries
Bird AnatomySource
Elliot Coues Key to North American Birds (Boston, MA: Estes and Lauriat, 1884)
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