Farnese Palace at Rome

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Palazzo Farnese is a prominent High Renaissance palace in Rome, which currently houses the French Embassy in Italy. “The pupils of Bramante and other renowned architects pursued the path which he had marked out; as, for example, Balthazar Peruzzi (1481 to 1536) as the principle of his works may be mentioned the Farnesia at Rome; Ant. di Sangallo of Florence (died 1546), whose principle work is the Farnese Palace at Rome. The third story of this palace is, however, the work of Michel-Angelo. The Farnese Palace forms to a certain extent the type of distinct class in the architecture of Roman palaces, and its chief characteristic is, that the façades are not divided by any orders of columns or pilasters, but the same effect and impression are produced by the architraves, cornices, and plinths of the windows, which invariably have rectilineal terminations, as well as the doors, and also by the string-courses which divide the storeys, and by a far-projecting cornice: at the same time especial consideration is devoted to the effect of good proportions. Ornaments are by sparingly introduced; whilst, on the other hand, the corners are generally marked by rustications. These palaces convey the impression of solidity without cumbersomeness, or richness without luxury, and above all, of simplicity in conjunction with dignity.”


A. Rosengarten, W. Collett-Sandars A Handbook of Architectural Styles (New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1895)


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