Small Carolina Rail
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“Porzana carolina. Carolina Crake. Common Rail. “ortolan.” Above, olive-brown, varied with black, with numerous sharp white streaks and specks; flanks, axilars and lining of wings, barred with white and blackish; belly whitish; crissum rufescent. Face and central line of throat black, the rest of the throat, line over eye, and especially the breast, more or less intensely slate-gray, the sides of the breast usually also with some obsolete whitish barring and speckling.” Elliot Coues, 1884
migratory birds, birds, ornithology, ortolan, crake, North American birds, omnivorous birds, ground forager, marsh birds, Porzana carolina, Carolina Crake, Common Rail, SoraGalleries
Birds: Q-RSource
Elliot Coues Key to North American Birds (Boston, MA: Estes and Lauriat, 1884)
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