134 illustrations of birds including: hammer, harpy, harrier, hawk, heron, hoopoe, house-martin, humming bird, ibijau, ibis, and indigo bird
Hamburgs are considered to be excellent egg producers. They are small in size and are capable of flight.
"Scopus umbretta, the Hammerhead, of Madagascar and a large part of the Ethiopian Range, is purplish-brown,…
The Hammerkop (Scopus umbretta) is a wading bird in the Scopidae family named for the shape of its crest…
"The Harpy or Crested Eagle is the model species of the genus to which it belongs. It measures nearly…
"Circinae. Harriers. Face surrounded with an incomplete ruff (as in most owls); orifice of ear about…
Also known as the American harrier, the marsh hawk (C. Hudsonius) is nineteen to twenty-one…
The tarsus is bare below; the nostrils are linear and oblique; the lores are bare; the bill is slender…
The Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), also known simply as the Peregrine, and historically as the…
"Buteo vulgaris. hawk of Europe, Upper parts dark brown, very variable in shade according to season…
Birds of prey usually have stout, hooked beaks and sharp, curved claws, fitting them for clutching and…
A bird of the harriers, having an incomplete facial disk and large ear pars, as in some owls, a week…
"Circus cyaneus hudsonius. American Marsh Hawk, Harrier. Blue hawk. Adult Male: In perfect plumage pale…
Found in America, Mexico and the West Indies, this species averages nine to ten inches in length and…
A bird found extensively in North America, belonging to the family of goatsuckers. It is a value for…
Also known as the winter falcon, is found in California, Wisconsin, and South Carolina.
The adult female Sharp-Shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus). The "Sharpie" is a small hawk in the Accipitridae…
"Accipiter fuscus. Sharp-shinned Hawk. "Pigeon" Hawk. Above, dark plumbeous, slate-color, or bluish-gray,…
They have circular nostrils with a central tubercle; the plumage of the adult is black with a white…
"Accipiter nisus, the Sparrow-Hawk, which breeds throughout Europe, North Africa, Asia north of the…
"Falco sparverius. Rusty-crowned Falcon. Sparrow Hawk. Adults: Crown ashy-blue, with a chestnut patch,…
Resembles the American sparrow-hawk, feeding primarily on small birds and quadrupeds, as well as domesticated…
Genus Gypohierax, is about the size of a goose, and is found in Western Africa, particularly…
"Accipiter fuscus. Sharp-shinned Hawk. "Pigeon" Hawk. Above, dark plumbeous, slate-color, or bluish-gray,…
Andalusians are generally classified as "Mediterranean" chickens. They are relatively rare, and can…
They have alulets or little wing like tufts of feathers on the sides of the neck which may have been…
"Cupidonia cupido. Pinnated Grouse. Prairie Hen. Above, variegated with black, brown, tawny, or ochrey,…
Prairie hens feed on grasshoppers, wheat, corn, seeds, and the buds of trees. They are also known as…
Herons are found on the edges of rivers, lakes and marshes and live on fishes, reptiles and sometimes…
Herons are found on the edges of rivers, lakes and marshes and live on fishes, reptiles and sometimes…
Herons are found on the edges of rivers, lakes and marshes and live on fishes, reptiles and sometimes…
These wading birds mostly spend their time wading about in shallow water, feeding upon small fishes,…
"Heron is the common name of birds of the genus Ardea. The herons are distinguished by having a long…
"Ardea. Great Herons. Of largest size, former well feathered all around. Tibia extensively denuded below.…
A great blue heron, commonly found in tropical areas like Florida. They belong to the order Grallatores,…
This heron has a bill like an overturned boat. It also has a beautiful black crest that falls down behind…
"The most typical forms of Ardea (Common Heron) are large slaty-coloured birds, varied by black, rufous,…
Also known as the crested heron, the European gray heron ranges from Middle and Southern Europe into…
"Ardea herodias. Great Blue Heron. Of large size, and varied dark colors, not dichromatic. Back without…