The Mammals: A ClipArt gallery contains 91 illustrations of mammals starting with the letter"A" including: aardvark, addax, agouti, alpaca, anteater, antelope, apes, armadillo, and aye-aye.

"It is about three and a half feet long, the tail one foot nine inches. It has a long callous snout like a hog, a small mouth, and a slender tounge; this being covered with glutinous saliva, the animal licks up the ants on which it feeds." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"It is about three and a half feet long, the tail one foot nine inches. It has a long callous snout…

"Aard-vark is a burrowing insect-eating animal of the order Edentata found in South Africa. The name 'pig' is given to it from the shape of its snout. It is about 5 feet long, with a thin tapering tail, and long upright ears. It is nocturnal in its habits and very timid. Its flesh is considered a delicacy."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Aard-vark is a burrowing insect-eating animal of the order Edentata found in South Africa. The name…

"The body is five feet long, and height three feet. The general color is gray-ish-white, though the head and neck are of a reddish-brown." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"The body is five feet long, and height three feet. The general color is gray-ish-white, though the…

"Addax of Eastern Africa. (A nasomaculatus)'"-Whitney, 1902


"Addax of Eastern Africa. (A nasomaculatus)'"-Whitney, 1902

"An insectivorous mammal peculiar to Hayti, the type-member of the genus Solenodon and of the family Solendontidæ."-Whitney, 1902


"An insectivorous mammal peculiar to Hayti, the type-member of the genus Solenodon and of the family…

"The American name for the genus Dasyprocta and family Dasyproctidæ."-Whitney, 1902


"The American name for the genus Dasyprocta and family Dasyproctidæ."-Whitney, 1902

"Is considerably smaller than the common agouti, being about the size of a rabbit, while the species approaches the dimensions of the hare. Its general proportions and form, however, are the same; but the hairs of the back and sides, instead of being annulated with various-colored rings as in that species, are nearly uniform black, while the long hairs of the croup are perfectly so; the belly and legs are equally covered with short dark hair. " — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Black Agouti

"Is considerably smaller than the common agouti, being about the size of a rabbit, while the species…

Burrowing rodents having brown fur


Burrowing rodents having brown fur

"A mammal, a native of the Andes, especially of the mountains of Chili and Peru."-Whitney, 1902


"A mammal, a native of the Andes, especially of the mountains of Chili and Peru."-Whitney, 1902

An illustration of an alpaca.


An illustration of an alpaca.

A close relative to the Llama, the Alpaca is used primarily for its wool. It lives in the wild, and is domesticated, in Chile and Peru.


A close relative to the Llama, the Alpaca is used primarily for its wool. It lives in the wild, and…

A mammal on a tree branch.

Animal in tree

A mammal on a tree branch.

The anoa or sapiutan is a bovine native to Indonesia.


The anoa or sapiutan is a bovine native to Indonesia.

Anoa are a subgenus of buffalo comprising two species native to Indonesia: the Mountain Anoa (Bubalus quarlesi) and the Lowland Anoa (Bubalus depressicornis). Both live in undisturbed forest, and are essentially miniature water buffalo, are similar in appearance to a deer, weighing 150–300 kg (330–660 lb). They live in deep rainforests.


Anoa are a subgenus of buffalo comprising two species native to Indonesia: the Mountain Anoa (Bubalus…

"It resembles the flying-squirrel, in having a flying membrane on each side, and using them in the same manner of that animal, in gliding from tree to tree." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Pele's Anomalure

"It resembles the flying-squirrel, in having a flying membrane on each side, and using them in the same…

"The <em>Anoplotherium commune</em> was of the height of the wild boar, but its form was more elongated; it had a long and thick tail, like the kangaroo; and the feet had a divided hoof, or two large toes, like those of ruminating animals." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844

Anoplotherium Commune

"The Anoplotherium commune was of the height of the wild boar, but its form was more elongated;…

"The <em>Anoplotherium gracile</em> was of elegant proportions, resembling in size and form the gazelle, and must have lived after the manner of the deer and antelope." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844

Anoplotherium Gracile

"The Anoplotherium gracile was of elegant proportions, resembling in size and form the gazelle,…

the Great Anteater is found in the tropics,(Smiley, 1839).


the Great Anteater is found in the tropics,(Smiley, 1839).

Four or five feet in length with a large, bushy tail. Feeds almost entirely on white ants.


Four or five feet in length with a large, bushy tail. Feeds almost entirely on white ants.

"Also called the ant bear (Myrmecophaga jubata)."-Whitney, 1902


"Also called the ant bear (Myrmecophaga jubata)."-Whitney, 1902

Anteaters are toothless four legged mammals. They have elongated heads and sticky tongues. It tears open ant and termite mounds with its strong claws and uses its long sticky tongue to withdraw the insects it then eats.

Crested Anteater

Anteaters are toothless four legged mammals. They have elongated heads and sticky tongues. It tears…

"It is a slow, dull, nocturnal animal, but exhibits a wonderful activity in digging, for which its powerful claws are admirably adapted." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Porcupine Anteater

"It is a slow, dull, nocturnal animal, but exhibits a wonderful activity in digging, for which its powerful…

An ant eater hanging from a branch.

Two Toed Anteater

An ant eater hanging from a branch.

Anteaters are the four mammal species of the suborder Vermilingua commonly known for eating ants and termites. Together with the sloths, they compose the order Pilosa. The name "anteater" is also colloquially applied to the unrelated antbear, numbat, echidna, and pangolin.


Anteaters are the four mammal species of the suborder Vermilingua commonly known for eating ants and…

The name given to the members of a large family of ruminants, ungulates or hooved mammals.


The name given to the members of a large family of ruminants, ungulates or hooved mammals.

An antelope's head with two large antlers.


An antelope's head with two large antlers.

A group of herbivorous African animals of the family Bovidae, distinguished by a pair of hollow horns on their heads.


A group of herbivorous African animals of the family Bovidae, distinguished by a pair of hollow horns…

"Head of antelope (Gazella granti), showing horns." &mdash;The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Antelope Head

"Head of antelope (Gazella granti), showing horns." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

The sasin or blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) is a species of antelope native to India.


The sasin or blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra) is a species of antelope native to India.

"Its length is four feet; its height two and a half; the legs are long and delicate; the body round, but light and well formed; the head small; the eyes large, lively, and expressive; the ears long, cylindrical, and in continual motion; and the horns forming a complete spiral of two or three turns, wrinkled at the base, distinctly annulated in the middle, and smooth for a couple of inches next the points." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Common Antelope

"Its length is four feet; its height two and a half; the legs are long and delicate; the body round,…

"About the size of a common deer, of a reddish-fawn color, but marked with white stripes along the back and sides, and with white spots on the haunches. These markings are prominent in both sexes; and as they resemble a hardness, the species has been called the <em> Hardnessed Antilope</em>." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Guib Antelope

"About the size of a common deer, of a reddish-fawn color, but marked with white stripes along the back…

The kudu, or koodoo is a species of antelope known for its large, twisted horns.


The kudu, or koodoo is a species of antelope known for its large, twisted horns.

"The Prong-horn Antelope inhabits the W. parts of North America, from 53 degrees N. to the plains of Mexico and California. It is rather more than four feet in length, and stands three feet at the shoulder. Pale fawn above and on the limbs; breast, abdomen, and rump white. The horns are branched, and are shed annually."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Prong-horn Antelope

"The Prong-horn Antelope inhabits the W. parts of North America, from 53 degrees N. to the plains of…

Sabre Antelopes on the plains of Africa.

Sabre Antelope

Sabre Antelopes on the plains of Africa.

A ruminant witha peculiarly inflated and expanded nasal region.

Saiga Antelope

A ruminant witha peculiarly inflated and expanded nasal region.

the common Indian antelope remarkable for its swiftness and beauty. It is abundant in the open dry plains of India, in flocks of from ten to sixty females to a single male.

Sasin Antelope

the common Indian antelope remarkable for its swiftness and beauty. It is abundant in the open dry plains…

Antelopes near a Savannah of Africa.

Siberian Antelope

Antelopes near a Savannah of Africa.

"A West-African kob antelope, <i>Kobus sing-sing</i>. —Whitney, 1889
<p>This illustration shows the antelope stepping down into a body of water. The animal has two, long, curved horns and is surrounded by grass-like foliage.

Kobus Sing-Sing Antelope

"A West-African kob antelope, Kobus sing-sing. —Whitney, 1889 This illustration shows the antelope…

Several long-horned antelopes antelopes on the plains of Africa.

Long Horned Antelopes

Several long-horned antelopes antelopes on the plains of Africa.

"Aoudad (Ammotragus tragelaphus.)"-Whitney, 1902


"Aoudad (Ammotragus tragelaphus.)"-Whitney, 1902

An ape in a tree


An ape in a tree

"A kind of tailless monkey."


"A kind of tailless monkey."

"The tailless ape or magot of Barbary; This ape is notable for its intelligence and docility, and has been the "showman's ape" from time immemorial."-Whitney, 1902

Barbary Ape

"The tailless ape or magot of Barbary; This ape is notable for its intelligence and docility, and has…

A large black tail&mdashless monkey, commonly called an ape on account of its general aspect.

Black Ape

A large black tail&mdashless monkey, commonly called an ape on account of its general aspect.

Monkey, a word loosely applied to apes, baboons, Old and New World monkeys, marmosets and lemurs.

Red Ape

Monkey, a word loosely applied to apes, baboons, Old and New World monkeys, marmosets and lemurs.

"It is remarkable, even among this active genus, for the agility with which it speeds along the rocks and ledges of its native haunts." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885


"It is remarkable, even among this active genus, for the agility with which it speeds along the rocks…

The armadillos have scaly skin for protection; some have also the power of rolling themselves into a ball, still further securing safety.


The armadillos have scaly skin for protection; some have also the power of rolling themselves into a…

The limbs are short and strong, as are also the claws , and the animals have a great aptitude for digging and burrowing.


The limbs are short and strong, as are also the claws , and the animals have a great aptitude for digging…

This armadillo is found exclusively in South America.


This armadillo is found exclusively in South America.

Armadillos are native to South America and are classed with the edentata or toothless animals.


Armadillos are native to South America and are classed with the edentata or toothless animals.

An Armadillo


An Armadillo

An odd looking armadillo.


An odd looking armadillo.

The three banded armadillo.


The three banded armadillo.

Armadillo rolled into a ball for defense.


Armadillo rolled into a ball for defense.

An illustration of a pichiciago, a small burrowing armadillo. The front half of the animal is covered in the endoskeleton. The back half of the animal is stripped of the outer skeleton so that the exoskeleton or dermoskeleton can be viewed. The scientific name of the pichiciago is <i>Chlamydophorus truncatus</i>.

Armadillo - Endoskeleton and Exoskeleton or Dermoskeleton

An illustration of a pichiciago, a small burrowing armadillo. The front half of the animal is covered…

"The central bands are usually six, but the number varies, Its size is nearly that of a woodchuck, being fourteen or sixeen inches long, but the form is flatter and more tortoise-like. It has, like the rest of its brethren, little stupid eyes, and a keen-scented nose, sharp quick-hearing ears." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Six Banded Armadillo

"The central bands are usually six, but the number varies, Its size is nearly that of a woodchuck, being…

Armadillos live on carrion, insects and fruit. They are all small, except for the Gigantic armadillo which can weigh over 100 pounds. Their head and body is covered with plates made of bones and scales.

Six-banded armadillo

Armadillos live on carrion, insects and fruit. They are all small, except for the Gigantic armadillo…

A wild buffalo.


A wild buffalo.

"Aswail, or Sloth-Bear (Prochilus labiatus)."-Whitney, 1902.


"Aswail, or Sloth-Bear (Prochilus labiatus)."-Whitney, 1902.

"This is the size of a rabbit, of a brown color, with short legs and a long body, covered with short spines of nearly uniform length. The tail, medium length, is covered with similar spines." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Swinder's Aulacoe

"This is the size of a rabbit, of a brown color, with short legs and a long body, covered with short…