The Mammals: A ClipArt gallery contains 91 illustrations of mammals starting with the letter"A" including: aardvark, addax, agouti, alpaca, anteater, antelope, apes, armadillo, and aye-aye.
"It is about three and a half feet long, the tail one foot nine inches. It has a long callous snout…
"Aard-vark is a burrowing insect-eating animal of the order Edentata found in South Africa. The name…
"The body is five feet long, and height three feet. The general color is gray-ish-white, though the…
"An insectivorous mammal peculiar to Hayti, the type-member of the genus Solenodon and of the family…
"Is considerably smaller than the common agouti, being about the size of a rabbit, while the species…
"A mammal, a native of the Andes, especially of the mountains of Chili and Peru."-Whitney, 1902
A close relative to the Llama, the Alpaca is used primarily for its wool. It lives in the wild, and…
Anoa are a subgenus of buffalo comprising two species native to Indonesia: the Mountain Anoa (Bubalus…
"It resembles the flying-squirrel, in having a flying membrane on each side, and using them in the same…
"The Anoplotherium commune was of the height of the wild boar, but its form was more elongated;…
"The Anoplotherium gracile was of elegant proportions, resembling in size and form the gazelle,…
Anteaters are toothless four legged mammals. They have elongated heads and sticky tongues. It tears…
"It is a slow, dull, nocturnal animal, but exhibits a wonderful activity in digging, for which its powerful…
Anteaters are the four mammal species of the suborder Vermilingua commonly known for eating ants and…
A group of herbivorous African animals of the family Bovidae, distinguished by a pair of hollow horns…
"Head of antelope (Gazella granti), showing horns." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903
"Its length is four feet; its height two and a half; the legs are long and delicate; the body round,…
"About the size of a common deer, of a reddish-fawn color, but marked with white stripes along the back…
"The Prong-horn Antelope inhabits the W. parts of North America, from 53 degrees N. to the plains of…
the common Indian antelope remarkable for its swiftness and beauty. It is abundant in the open dry plains…
"A West-African kob antelope, Kobus sing-sing. —Whitney, 1889 This illustration shows the antelope…
"The tailless ape or magot of Barbary; This ape is notable for its intelligence and docility, and has…
A large black tail&mdashless monkey, commonly called an ape on account of its general aspect.
Monkey, a word loosely applied to apes, baboons, Old and New World monkeys, marmosets and lemurs.
"It is remarkable, even among this active genus, for the agility with which it speeds along the rocks…
The armadillos have scaly skin for protection; some have also the power of rolling themselves into a…
The limbs are short and strong, as are also the claws , and the animals have a great aptitude for digging…
Armadillos are native to South America and are classed with the edentata or toothless animals.
An illustration of a pichiciago, a small burrowing armadillo. The front half of the animal is covered…
"The central bands are usually six, but the number varies, Its size is nearly that of a woodchuck, being…
Armadillos live on carrion, insects and fruit. They are all small, except for the Gigantic armadillo…
"This is the size of a rabbit, of a brown color, with short legs and a long body, covered with short…