437 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: sabatia, safflower, saffron, sage, sainfoin, saltbush, sassafras, saururus, saxifrage, sedge, sesame, shad scale, shamrock, shooting star, skullcap, sloe, snakeroot, snapdragon, sneezeweed, snowberry, soapwort, sorrel, spurge, squash, St. John's wort, star of Bethlehem, starflower, stonecrop, strawberry, sumac, sundew, sundrops, and sunflower
Sweet or Common Basil is the common name of ocimum basilicum. The flowers are white and bloom in August.…
Sweet gum is the common name of liquidambar styraciflua. The number 1 represents the female flower.…
The flowers of sweet gum are greenish yellow. The flowers bloom in spring. The tree somewhat resembles…
Illustrated are flowers of sweet pea, showing the structure of a leguminous flower. Banner, standard…
"Irregular corolla of sweet pea. A, side view; B, front view. s, standard; w, w, wings; k, keel." -Bergen,…
Pictured are the essential organs of a sweet pea flower. Calyx (c), tenth stamen (a), and stigma (e).
Sweet William is the common name of dianthus barbatus. The stems grows ten to twenty inches tall. The…
"Diagram of flower of Sweet-pea (Lathyrus), showing five parts of the calyx, of which two are superior,…
Also known as Magnolia virginiana. The branch of a Sweetbay Magnolia plant, native to the southeastern…
"Synaphea dilatata. 1. a flower; 2. one of its lobes; 3. the ovary and style and stigma." -Lindley,…
This perennial plant belongs to the sempervivum; commonly used as an ornamental plant.
"A plant of the genus Sonchus, primarily S. oleraceus, a weed of waste places, probably native in Europe…