437 illustrations of flowers and shrubs including: sabatia, safflower, saffron, sage, sainfoin, saltbush, sassafras, saururus, saxifrage, sedge, sesame, shad scale, shamrock, shooting star, skullcap, sloe, snakeroot, snapdragon, sneezeweed, snowberry, soapwort, sorrel, spurge, squash, St. John's wort, star of Bethlehem, starflower, stonecrop, strawberry, sumac, sundew, sundrops, and sunflower
Of the Borage family (Boraginaceae), the Virginia stickseed (Lappula virginiana).
Piece of thallus of a Sticta, with section, showing the immersed apothecia; the small openings of these…
A wide-creeping fern with reddish-brown scales. The fronds of this fern are approximately 2 feet in…
"A former genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the order Caryophylacae, and now included in the genus…
"Stone cells from different sources. 1, from coffee; 2, 3, and 4, from stem of clove; 5 and 6, from…
"In botany, a runner; a weak, creeping shoot sent out from the bottom of the stem, and rooting and forming…
"Large conical; bright crimson, excellent flower; a strong and vigorous grower on rich and heavy soils,…
"3. perpendicular section of a flower of Fragaria indica (Duchesnea indica); 4. the same section of…
A white flower with numerous florets. It is found in Australia, and is abundant on sand plains.
"2. flower of Stylapterus sp.; 3 a. anther in front; 3 b. ditto behind; 4. anther between two lobes…
Tall grasses native to the warm temperate and tropical climates. They contain stout fibrous stalks with…
A genus of trees and shrubs, which includes about fifteen species native to the United States.
Also known as Rhus vernix. It is a woody shrub or small trees that can cause skin irritation when touched.…
"Leaf of Sundew, enlarged, with the tentacles on one side infected over a bit of meat placed on the…
"Glands of Sundew magnified. External aspect with drop of secretion." — The Encyclopedia Britannica,…
The Sundews (Drosera rotundifolia) comprise one of the largest genera of carnivorous plants, with over…
"Leaves of sundew. The one at the left has all its tentacles closed over captured prey; the one at the…
"Drosera rotundifolia. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. a perpendicular section…
Of the sundew family (Droseraceae), the long-leaved sundew or Drosera longifolia var. Americana.
Of the sundew family (Droseraceae), the round-leaved sundew or Drosera rotundifolia.
Of the sundew family (Droseraceae), the thread-leaved sundew or Drosera filiformis.
Sundrops is the common name of oenothera linearis. The flowers are colored a bright, clear yellow. The…
Sundrops is the common name of oenothera pratensis. The flowers are bright yellow and grow clustered…
A genus of plants of the aster family, which have large, cordate leaves and terminal, flat, circular,…
Helianthus argophyllus is the silver leaved variety of the sunflower. The flower heads are yellow. The…
The helianthus decapetalus multiflorus sunflower has firm leaves and large heads. The common form has…
Helianthus orgyalis sunflowers have small, yellow heads. The flowers bloom in the autumn. The plant…
Drawing of three sunflowers arranged for use as top right corner decoration.
Sunflower grow to be six feet tall. The flower heads are large, varying in size and color.
Helianthus annus caifornicus plenissimus is the scientific name of the pictured sunflower. It is another…
Of the Composite family (Compositae), the ten-petaled sunflower (Helianthus decapetalus).