The Flower Anatomy ClipArt gallery includes 418 illustrations of the parts of a flower.

Corolla of Catalpa laid open, displaying two good stamens and three abortive ones or vestiges.


Corolla of Catalpa laid open, displaying two good stamens and three abortive ones or vestiges.

Chenopodium olidum, or Wild Arrach, an herb. 1, flower.


Chenopodium olidum, or Wild Arrach, an herb. 1, flower.

The cherry. 1. flower, petals and part of calyx; 2. fruit.


The cherry. 1. flower, petals and part of calyx; 2. fruit.

Chervil (Scandix cerefolium). 1, flower; 2, fruit.


Chervil (Scandix cerefolium). 1, flower; 2, fruit.

"Monstrous flower of a Cerastium; 2. the pistil and stamens separate; 3. the ovary forced open to show the origin of the ovules and the nature of the imperfect dissepiments; 4. a monstrous ovule." -Lindley, 1853

Mouse-Ear Chickweed

"Monstrous flower of a Cerastium; 2. the pistil and stamens separate; 3. the ovary forced open to show…

An illustration of the pistil, female reproductive part of the flower, from the mouse-ear chickweed. Cerastium is a genus of annual, winter annual, or perennial plants belonging to the family Caryophyllaceae. The around 100 species are commonly called Mouse-ear chickweed; different species are found nearly worldwide but the greatest concentration is mainly from the northern temperate areas of the world. A number are common weeds in fields and on disturbed ground.

Mouse-ear Chickweed

An illustration of the pistil, female reproductive part of the flower, from the mouse-ear chickweed.…

Chicory. 1, Floret; 2, fruit.


Chicory. 1, Floret; 2, fruit.

Christ's thorns (Paliurus aculeata). 1, Flower, 2, fruit.

Christ's Thorns

Christ's thorns (Paliurus aculeata). 1, Flower, 2, fruit.

A Christmas rose (Helleborus niger). 1, stamen; 2, section.

Christmas Rose

A Christmas rose (Helleborus niger). 1, stamen; 2, section.

Flowers of the orders of cistaceae, bixaceae, violaceae, and passifloraceae are pictured. These flowers include (1) helianthemum, (2) cistus, (3) bixa, and (4) viola.

Orders of Cistaceae, Bixaceae, Violaceae, and Passifloraceae

Flowers of the orders of cistaceae, bixaceae, violaceae, and passifloraceae are pictured. These flowers…

The contracted stalk-like base of a petal.


The contracted stalk-like base of a petal.

Pictured are the orders of clethraceae, pyrolaceae, and ericaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) clethra, (2) pyrola, (andromeda, (4) kalmia, (5) rhododendron, (6) erica, and (7) vaccinium.

Orders of Clethraceae, Pyrolaceae, and Ericaceae

Pictured are the orders of clethraceae, pyrolaceae, and ericaceae. The flowers of these orders that…

Clove. 1, section of flower; 2, fruit.


Clove. 1, section of flower; 2, fruit.

Coca plant. 1, flower; 2, calyx and pistil; 3, petal; 4, fruit.


Coca plant. 1, flower; 2, calyx and pistil; 3, petal; 4, fruit.

Cocoa or Cacao. 1, flower; 2, pod; 3, section of pod.

Cocoa plant

Cocoa or Cacao. 1, flower; 2, pod; 3, section of pod.

Coconut palm. A, section of fruit; a, husk; b, shell; c, albumin; d, cavity; e, embryo; f, aperture of shell; g, rudimentary aperture; B, male flower; C, female flower.

Coconut Tree

Coconut palm. A, section of fruit; a, husk; b, shell; c, albumin; d, cavity; e, embryo; f, aperture…

Flower of comfrey after removal of corolla, showing unripe fruit


Flower of comfrey after removal of corolla, showing unripe fruit

Comfrey (also comphrey) is an important herb in organic gardening, having many medicinal and fertilizer uses. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L.) is a perennial herb of the family Boraginaceae with a black, turnip-like root and large, hairy broad leaves that bears small bell-shaped white, cream, purple or pink flowers. It is native to Europe, growing in damp, grassy places, and is widespread throughout the British Isles on river banks and ditches.

Comfrey (Longitudinal Section)

Comfrey (also comphrey) is an important herb in organic gardening, having many medicinal and fertilizer…

Compound flower anatomy. 5, capitulum of nassauvia.

Compound Flower

Compound flower anatomy. 5, capitulum of nassauvia.

Compound flower anatomy. 8, corolla and andracium opened.

Compound Flower Anatomy

Compound flower anatomy. 8, corolla and andracium opened.

A one-celled compound ovary.

Compound Ovary

A one-celled compound ovary.

Compound pistils of two cells.

Compound Pistil

Compound pistils of two cells.

Compound pistils of three cells.

Compound Pistil

Compound pistils of three cells.

Compound pistils of three cells.

Compound Pistil

Compound pistils of three cells.

Head of flowers of a Coreopsis, divided lengthwise.


Head of flowers of a Coreopsis, divided lengthwise.

Five syngenesious stamens of a Coreopsis, with the tube laid open and displayed.


Five syngenesious stamens of a Coreopsis, with the tube laid open and displayed.

"Bachelor's Button. I, vertical section of the receptacle; II, style and forked stigma; III, corolla, united anthers and stigma; IV, pistil; pap, pappus; ak, akene; V, tubular flower cut vertically, showing anther-tube, traversed by the style; l, lobe of corolla." -Bergen, 1896


"Bachelor's Button. I, vertical section of the receptacle; II, style and forked stigma; III, corolla,…

"Bachelor's Button. I, a tubular flower; anth, the united anthers; II, fruit; III, fruit, vertical section; IV, a neutral ray-flower; V, ring of anthers." -Bergen, 1896


"Bachelor's Button. I, a tubular flower; anth, the united anthers; II, fruit; III, fruit, vertical section;…

"Centaurea cyanus. 1. a floret; 2. the anthers; 3. perpendicular section of young fruit; 4. ripe fruit." -Lindley, 1853


"Centaurea cyanus. 1. a floret; 2. the anthers; 3. perpendicular section of young fruit; 4. ripe fruit."…

An illustration of a longitudinal section view of a disk-floret of the cornflower. Centaurea cyanus ('Cornflower, Bachelor's button, Basket flower, Bluebottle, Boutonniere flower, Hurtsickle) is a small annual flowering plant in the family Asteraceae, native to Europe.

Disk-floret of a Cornflower (Longitudinal

An illustration of a longitudinal section view of a disk-floret of the cornflower. Centaurea cyanus…

The inner circle of flower parts: made up of petals which are often colored and showy.


The inner circle of flower parts: made up of petals which are often colored and showy.

Front view of a papilionaceous corolla.


Front view of a papilionaceous corolla.

View of a papilionaceous corolla, displaying <em>s</em>, Standard or Vexilluml <em>w</em>, wings, or Alae; <em>k</em>, Keel, or Carina.


View of a papilionaceous corolla, displaying s, Standard or Vexilluml w, wings, or…

Typical form of corolla. 1, Gamopetalous, irregular, labiate (dead nettle).

Corolla Flower

Typical form of corolla. 1, Gamopetalous, irregular, labiate (dead nettle).

A corolla with a regularly expanding tube.

Funnel-Shaped Corolla

A corolla with a regularly expanding tube.

"In botany, applied to a monopetalous corolla shaped like a funnel, in which the tube enlarges gradually from below, it expands widely at the summit; infundibuliform." -Whitney, 1911

Funnelform Corolla

"In botany, applied to a monopetalous corolla shaped like a funnel, in which the tube enlarges gradually…

"When the petals stand side by side with the claw, gradually expanding into a limb."&mdash;Darby, 1855

Liliaceous Corolla

"When the petals stand side by side with the claw, gradually expanding into a limb."—Darby, 1855

Corolla of the flower of the Morning Glory.

Morning Glory corolla

Corolla of the flower of the Morning Glory.

"When the corolla is separated into two unequal divisions, called the anterior, or lower, and posterior, or upper lips."&mdash;Darby, 1855

Ringent Corolla

"When the corolla is separated into two unequal divisions, called the anterior, or lower, and posterior,…

"When there are several spreading petals without claws."&mdash;Darby, 1855

Rosaceous Corolla

"When there are several spreading petals without claws."—Darby, 1855

A corolla with a very short tube and a spreading limb.

Rotate Corolla

A corolla with a very short tube and a spreading limb.

Tubular structure formed by united petals.


Tubular structure formed by united petals.

A corymb arrangement of flowers.


A corymb arrangement of flowers.

A type of flower cluster with a flat top.


A type of flower cluster with a flat top.

A corymb


A corymb

"Corymb.--A bunch of flowers where the foot-stalks proceed from different parts of the principal axis, but all attain the same height." -Newman, 1850


"Corymb.--A bunch of flowers where the foot-stalks proceed from different parts of the principal axis,…

A cow-parsnip. 1, flower; 2, fruit; 3, carpel (section)


A cow-parsnip. 1, flower; 2, fruit; 3, carpel (section)

Cow-wheat. 1, flower, side view; 2, flower posterior view.


Cow-wheat. 1, flower, side view; 2, flower posterior view.

A cowslip. 1, flower (section).


A cowslip. 1, flower (section).

Flower of a Crassula, diagram or ground-plan of same.


Flower of a Crassula, diagram or ground-plan of same.

Pictured are the orders of crassulaceae, saxifragaceae, and cephalotacea. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) sedum, (2) saxifraga, (3) ribes, (4) parnassia, and (5) cephalotus.

Orders of Crassulaceae, Saxifragaceae, and Cephalotaceae

Pictured are the orders of crassulaceae, saxifragaceae, and cephalotacea. The flowers of these orders…

This illustration shows a cross-section of an ovary of a flower.

Cross-Section of Flower Ovary

This illustration shows a cross-section of an ovary of a flower.

Croton Tiglium. 1, male flower (section); 2, female; 3, fruit; 4, fruit (section)

Croton Tiglium

Croton Tiglium. 1, male flower (section); 2, female; 3, fruit; 4, fruit (section)

The orders of cunoniaceae, bruniaceae, and hamamelidaceae are pictured. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) cunonia, (2) brunia, (3) hamamelis, and (4) liquidambar.

Orders of Cunoniaceae, Bruniaceae, and Hamamelidaceae

The orders of cunoniaceae, bruniaceae, and hamamelidaceae are pictured. The flowers of these orders…

Custard apple (Anona reticulata). 1, flower, three outer petals removed; 2, fruit and section.

Custard Apple

Custard apple (Anona reticulata). 1, flower, three outer petals removed; 2, fruit and section.

Forms of cyme. 1, pink.


Forms of cyme. 1, pink.

Cytisus purpurens. 1, flower.

Cytisus purpurens

Cytisus purpurens. 1, flower.

Typical form of Corolla. 9, Tubular (daisy, disc floret).


Typical form of Corolla. 9, Tubular (daisy, disc floret).

Typical form of Corolla. 12, Ligulate (daisy, ray floret).

Daisy Floret

Typical form of Corolla. 12, Ligulate (daisy, ray floret).

Darlingtonia californica (1, Stamens and pistil).

Darlingtonia Californica

Darlingtonia californica (1, Stamens and pistil).