The Columbus Day ClipArt gallery offers 27 illustrations of Christopher Columbus, his ships, and the discovery of America.
"Columbus taking possession of the land in the name of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella."—GOrdy,…
Departure of Christopher Columbus from Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain
An Italian explorer whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean led to general European awareness of the…
An Italian explorer who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and landed in the American continents.
Columbus being received by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella at Barcelona, after returning from the…
Dressed in scarlet, and carrying the banner of the expedition, Columbus landed. He was followed by a…
A full page (8.5 x 11 inches) Columbus Day illustration of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria at full…
A simple color illustration of Christopher Columbus' ships at sea. Illustrated by James Basom Seaman…
A simple black and white illustration of Christopher Columbus' ships at sea. Illustrated by James Basom…