The Human Sensory Systems: Hearing ClipArt gallery offers 133 illustrations related to the human auditory sense. The structures within the ear also contribute to the sense of balance or equilibrium.
The stapes on stirrup-bone. 1, base; 2 and 3, arch; 4, head of bone, which articulates with orbicular…
The medial wall and part of the posterior and anterior walls of the right tympanic cavity, lateral view.
View of the inner wall of the middle ear. Section through the left temporal bone of a child to show…
View of the outer wall of the middle ear. Section through the left temporal bone of a child to show…
The tympanic ossicles, which are 3 small bones that form a chain across the tympanic cavity, connecting…
Tympanic ossicles of left ear. A, incus as seen from front. B, Malleus, viewed from behind. C, Incus…
Interior view of the tympanum, with membrana tympani and bones in natural position. 1, Membrana tympani;…
The utricle (utriculus) (1) and the saccule (sacculus) (2) of the membranous labyrinth.
The vestibule of the ear. It is a central common cavity of communication between the osseous parts of…