This ClipArt gallery offers 11 images of South America, including people, customs, landmarks, and everyday life.
"Oven-birds live singly or in pairs, in the plains of Chili, Brazil and Guiana."
This illustration shows a soldier from the Incan Empire. This empire was centered in what is now Peru…
Patagonian dancers. Patagonia is that portion of South America which, to the east of the Andes, lies…
Also called the American Ostrich. "It inhabits the pampas of South America and the coolest valleys in…
The Screamers are a small family of birds, the Anhimidae.The three species occur only in South America,…
This is the earliest representation which we have of the natives of the New World, showing such as were…
The Tobas wear but little clothes, except when they come into the presence of white people or cross…
They take the gravel and dirt to the sides of the streams, and roll it about in wooden bowls. After…