The Doors ClipArt gallery offers 24 views of doors ranging from the very plain to highly ornate.
The most significant and characteristic development of the Early English period was the pointed arch…
"A Simple and Inexpensive Home Apparatus for Exercise on the Horizontal Bar." — Blaisedell, 1904
Typically consists of three or four doors that hang on a center shaft and rotate around a vertical axis…
A doorway to a watch tower at Lincoln Castle during the fourteenth century. Guards usually observe the…
The most significant and characteristic development of the Early English period was the pointed arch…
Doorway at Fifth Avenue and Sixty-Seventh Street in New York. Lamb and Rich, Architects.
Framed and braced doors consist of of a frame of strengthened by a middle horizontal piece, or 'rail',…
'Ledged and Braced' Doors are similar to ledged doors, but strengthened by diagonal braces between the…
Only suitable for inferior purposes, Ledged Doors are made of narrow vertical boards, connected by three…
The main entrance through the circuit wall was made grand by the best known feature of Mycenae, the…
Remains of the circular walls round towns and palaces, which are known under the name Cyclopean, exist…
The Gate of the Lions is located in Mycenae, Greece. It was the entrance to the city. On top of the…
The term Norman architecture is used to categorise styles of Romanesque architecture developed by the…
A six-panelled door is used mostly in the construction of housing the uppermost pair of panels are termed…