The radial bone in the human arm.


The radial bone in the human arm.

The ulna bone in the human arm.


The ulna bone in the human arm.

A man wearing a full suit of armor riding a horse.

Suit of Armor

A man wearing a full suit of armor riding a horse.

A figure on horseback.

Horseback rider

A figure on horseback.

"Denarius of the earliest kind: Having on the obverse a personification of Rome as a warrior with helmet; and on the reverse, a chariot drawn by four horses." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Denarius of the earliest kind: Having on the obverse a personification of Rome as a warrior with helmet;…

"Eagle, as a military standard, was adopted by the Romans, and even by nations preceding them in history. The Persians, in the time of Cyrus the Younger, bore an eagle on a spear as a standard. The Romans for some time used the eagle, the wolf, the boar, the horse, and the minotaur for standards, but afterwards abandoned the last four, and confined themselves to the first." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Roman Eagle

"Eagle, as a military standard, was adopted by the Romans, and even by nations preceding them in history.…

"A. Skeleton of a young colony of Eubipora purpurea. st, Stolon; p, platform. B. Diagrammatic longitudinal section of a corallite, showing two platforms, p, and simple and cup-shaped tabulae, t." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Tubipora Purpurea

"A. Skeleton of a young colony of Eubipora purpurea. st, Stolon; p, platform. B. Diagrammatic longitudinal…

"A, Portion of the surface of a colony of Heliopora coerulea magnified, showing two calices and the surrounding coenenchymal tubes. B, Single zooid with the adjacent soft tissues as seen after removal of the skeleton by decalcification. Z1, the distal, and Z2, the proximal or intracalicular portion of the zooid; ec, ectoderm; ct, coenechymal tubes; sp, superficial network of solenia." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Heliopora Corerulea

"A, Portion of the surface of a colony of Heliopora coerulea magnified, showing two calices and the…

A machine drill used to drill through rocky surfaces. Powered by steam, water or horse.

Rock Drill

A machine drill used to drill through rocky surfaces. Powered by steam, water or horse.

Two heavily armored knights on horseback shaking hands.

Two Knights

Two heavily armored knights on horseback shaking hands.

"Skeleton of Egyptian Vulture. (Neophron percnopterus), to show bones of bird. a, post-orbital process; b, lower jaw; c, cervical vertebra; co, coracoid bone; d, humerus; e, radius; f, ulna; g, metacarpus; h, second phalanx of chief digit of wing; h, phalanges of lower digit; h'', first phalanx of chief digit; i, clavicle; k, sternum; l, pelvis; m, coccyx; n, femur; o, tibia; p, tarso-metatarsus; q, phalanges of foot." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919

Vulture Skeleton

"Skeleton of Egyptian Vulture. (Neophron percnopterus), to show bones of bird. a, post-orbital process;…

A horse trained to run around a circus ring with a man standing on his back.

Circus Horse

A horse trained to run around a circus ring with a man standing on his back.

"Skeleton of hind foot of Kangaroo." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Kangaroo Skeleton

"Skeleton of hind foot of Kangaroo." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

A type of riding saddle.

English Riding Saddle

A type of riding saddle.

A type of riding saddle.

Side Saddle

A type of riding saddle.

A type of riding saddle.

McClellan Saddle

A type of riding saddle.

A type of riding saddle.

Cowboy Saddle

A type of riding saddle.

A saddle used by mounted warriors.

War Saddle

A saddle used by mounted warriors.

A southern zodiacal constellation and sign.

Sagittarius Constellation

A southern zodiacal constellation and sign.

Hoofed mammals, resembling horses but having a smaller build.


Hoofed mammals, resembling horses but having a smaller build.

General Putnam escaping on horseback.

General Putnam

General Putnam escaping on horseback.

Sergeant Champe escaping by horseback and swimming.

Sergeant Champe

Sergeant Champe escaping by horseback and swimming.

"The skeleton of the trunk and the limb arches seen from the front. C, clavicle; S, scapula; Oc, innominate bone attached to the side of the sacrum dorsally and meeting its fellow at the pubic symphysis in the ventral median line." —Martin, 1917

Skeletal Trunk

"The skeleton of the trunk and the limb arches seen from the front. C, clavicle; S, scapula; Oc, innominate…

"Skeleton of the Mylodon robustus." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Mylodon Robustus

"Skeleton of the Mylodon robustus." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

"Skeleton and volar Membranes of the Noctule Bat. c, clavicle; h, humerus; r, radius; u, ulna; d1, first digit or pollex; d2, d3, d4, d5, other digits of the manus supporting um, the wing-membrane; m, m, metacarpal bones; ph1, first phalanx; ph2, second phalanx; ph3, third phalanx; am, antebrachial membrane; f, femur; t, tibia; fb, fibula (rudimentary); c, calcaneum or calcar supporting im, the interfemoral membrane; pcl, post-calcaneal lobe." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Noctule Bat

"Skeleton and volar Membranes of the Noctule Bat. c, clavicle; h, humerus; r, radius; u, ulna; d1, first…

"Restoration of Dinoceras Mirabile." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Dinoceras Mirabile

"Restoration of Dinoceras Mirabile." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

"Restoration of Palaeotherium." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903


"Restoration of Palaeotherium." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

"Restored skeleton of Mammoth (Elephas primigenius)." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903


"Restored skeleton of Mammoth (Elephas primigenius)." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

A horse jumping.


A horse jumping.

A horse with battle armor.

Armored Horse

A horse with battle armor.

A human skeleton


A human skeleton

A side-view of the skull.


A side-view of the skull.

A front-view of the skull.


A front-view of the skull.

Skeleton of a horse that lived in Colorado more than a million years ago. From Guide Leaflet of the American Museum by Matthews.

Horse Skeleton

Skeleton of a horse that lived in Colorado more than a million years ago. From Guide Leaflet of the…

The four-toed horse restored from a study of its fossil skeleton.


The four-toed horse restored from a study of its fossil skeleton.

Skeleton of the fore limb of the horse. <em>sc</em>, shoulder blade; <em>h</em>, humerus; <em>r</em>, radius; <em>ua</em>, ulna; <em>m</em>, splint bone or fourth metacarpal; <em>p</em>, phalanges.

Fore Limb

Skeleton of the fore limb of the horse. sc, shoulder blade; h, humerus; r,…

Piercing mouth structure of a "horse-fly": the sucking lip is omitted.

Mouth Structure of a Horse Fly

Piercing mouth structure of a "horse-fly": the sucking lip is omitted.

A safe method of hitching a horse to a tree.


A safe method of hitching a horse to a tree.

Nymph ready to change

Molting of a Grasshopper

Nymph ready to change

The skin split along the back and the adult emerging.

Molting of a Grasshopper

The skin split along the back and the adult emerging.

The continuing of the process of the molting.

Molting of a Grasshopper

The continuing of the process of the molting.

The adult insect drying out.

Molting of a Grasshopper

The adult insect drying out.

A good horse-radish root


A good horse-radish root

The larvae are elongated, somewhat flattened creatures, some living in the soil, some in water, and some in marshes, preying upon what ever comes in their way.

Horse Fly Larva

The larvae are elongated, somewhat flattened creatures, some living in the soil, some in water, and…

The pupa of the horse fly.

Horse Fly Pupa

The pupa of the horse fly.

The horse-flies or <em>tabanidae</em>, comprise another set of troublesome creatures, of medium or large size. They have short, broad heads, enormous eyes, and short, though many jointed, feelers. The abdomen is oval, a little flattened, and the body convex and powerful. The mouth parts are well developed, consisting of a series of five sharped-pointed lancets so rigid that they readily pierce the skin and draw blood almost as soon as they touch.

Horse Fly

The horse-flies or tabanidae, comprise another set of troublesome creatures, of medium or large…

Wat Tyler, while talking to the King, grew violent, forgot to whom he was speaking, and laid his hand on the king's bridle, as if to threaten or take him prisoner. Upon this, the Lord Mayor, with his mace-dealt the man such a blow that he fell from his horse, and an attendant thrust him through with a sword.

Death of Wat Tyler

Wat Tyler, while talking to the King, grew violent, forgot to whom he was speaking, and laid his hand…

Half of a horse-chestnut, similarly cut; the caulicle is curved down on the side of one of the thick cotyledons.

Horse Chestnut

Half of a horse-chestnut, similarly cut; the caulicle is curved down on the side of one of the thick…

Horse-chestnut in germination; footstalks are formed to the cotyledons, pushing out in their lengthening the growing parts.

Horse Chestnut in Germination

Horse-chestnut in germination; footstalks are formed to the cotyledons, pushing out in their lengthening…

Shoot of Horse-chestnut, of one year's growth, taken in autumn after the leaves have fallen; showing the large terminal bud and smaller auxiliary buds.

Shoot of Horse-chestnut

Shoot of Horse-chestnut, of one year's growth, taken in autumn after the leaves have fallen; showing…

Little girl and her father riding a rocking horse with wings.

Riding A Horse

Little girl and her father riding a rocking horse with wings.

The movement of General Sherman's troops towards the Atlantic Ocean.

Sherman's March to the Sea

The movement of General Sherman's troops towards the Atlantic Ocean.

A wilderness battle during the Civil War.

Wilderness Battle

A wilderness battle during the Civil War.

1. Frontal bone 2. Parietal bone 3. Coronal Suture 4. Squamous portion of Temporal bone 5. Mastoid process of Temporal bone 6. Zygoma 7. Superior Maxillary Bone 8. Inferior Maxillary Bone 9. Tempero-Maxillary Bone 10. Nasal Bone 11. Orbit 12. Cervical Vertebra 13. First Rib 14. Clavicle 15. Manubrium 16. Body of Sternum 17. Ensiform Process of Sternum 18. Shoulder Blade 19. Acromion Process of Scapula 20. Costal Cartilage 21. Seventh Rib 22. Eighth Rib 23. Twelfth Rib 24. Twelfth Dorsal Vertebra 25. Lumbar Vertebra 26. Head of Humerus 27. Humerus 28. Elbow-Joint 29. Radius 30. Ulna 31. Wrist 32. Metacarpal bone 33.Thumb 34. Phalanges of the Finger 35. Sacrum 36. Ilium 37. Crest of the Ilium 38. Pubic Bone 39. Ischium 40. Sacro-Iliac Symphysis 41. Pubic Symphysis 42. Obturator Foramen 43. Head of Femur 44. Neck of Femur 45. Greater trochanter 46. Femur 47 Patella knee-pan 48. Tibia 49. Fibula 50. External Malleolus 51. Internal Malleolus 52. Os Calcis 53. Tarsus 54. Metatarsal Bone 55. Phalanges of Toes


1. Frontal bone 2. Parietal bone 3. Coronal Suture 4. Squamous portion of Temporal bone 5. Mastoid process…

Skeleton of a bat.

Bat Skeleton

Skeleton of a bat.

"The Scapula, or shoulder blade, is one of the two bones, the other being the clavicle, which form the pectoral arch or shoulder girdle." &mdash;Finley, 1917

Shoulder blade

"The Scapula, or shoulder blade, is one of the two bones, the other being the clavicle, which form the…

A human skeleton.

Human skeleton

A human skeleton.

"View from above of the Atlas, the first cervical vertebra."&mdash;Finley, 1917


"View from above of the Atlas, the first cervical vertebra."—Finley, 1917

"Side view of the axis, the second cervical vertebra."&mdash;Finley, 1917


"Side view of the axis, the second cervical vertebra."—Finley, 1917

Side view of the dorsal vertebra.

Dorsal vertebra

Side view of the dorsal vertebra.