Also called the broad-bill and spoon-bill, the shoveler is commonly found on lakes and rivers, where…
The gadwall (or gray duck) is nineteen inches long, and is found throughout Europe and America, as well…
The pintail duck measures twenty-six to twenty-eight inches in length (including the tail), and is found…
The American widgeon (or baldpate) averages about nineteen inches in length. It is common in North America,…
Also known as the summer teal, the garganey is sixteen inches long and found in Southern Europe and…
Common throughout Europe, the English teal is accidental to the East coast of the United States.
The Mandarin duck, also known as the Chinese teal and the fan-tail duck, is domesticated in China and…
Also known as the burrow-duck and the sly goose, the common European sheldrake has been known to make…
The eider duck is found throughout the northern regions of Europe and North America. The female lines…
Found in the Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America, the king duck strongly resembles the…
Common in Europe and North America, the velvet scoter is also known as the white-winged coot.
The red-crested whistling duck measures about twenty-two inches in length, and is found throughout Europe…
The pochard (or dun-hen) averages about nineteen and a half inches in length, and is found in parts…
The American scaup duck is common in North America, accidental in Europe. It is also known as the creek…
Also known as the old-wife, the long-tailed duck measures about seventeen inches, not including its…
"The harlequin duck is a very beautiful but small species, fourteen inches lng; fond of the eddying…
The buffle-headed duck builds its nest in the hollow of trees, and averages about thirteen inches in…
Measuring about nineteen inches long, the hooded merganser is common in North America, its head adorned…
Found in both Europe and North America, the goosander is also known as the buff-breasted sheldrake,…
Also known as the horned grebe, dipper, water-witch, and hell-diver, the sclavonian grebe is common…
"The red-throated diver, twenty-four inches long, is common to Europe and America. This is called scape-grace…
Found in the arctic regions of Europe and America, the black guillemot averages about thirteen inches…
Expert swimmers, grebes hunt fish, frogs, crustaceans, and insects in both salt and fresh water.
Averaging about twelve inches in length, the arctic puffin feeds chiefly on young fish, crustaceans,…
A scene depicting a great auk, as well as razor-bills and puffins. The great auk is now extinct.
The jackass penguin gets its name from its strange cry, which is said to resemble the braying of a donkey.
Also known as the pantagonian penguin, the king penguin is found in the far southern latitudes of South…
The common white pelican measures about five to six feet in length, with a wingspan of approximately…
The black cormorant averages about three feet in length, and is found in Greenland, as well as a long…
Also known as common gannet and as the channel-goose, the soland-goose is common to the sea between…
The man-of-war bird (also known as the frigate-bird or frigate-pelican) is noted for its extraordinary…
Also known as the snake-bird, the anhinga inhabits the freshwater areas of the South Atlantic States;…
Notable for its lengthy tail-feathers, the tropic bird inhabits the tropical regions of the Atlantic…
Averaging about eighteen inches in length, the greater shearwater is uncommon in Europe; it breeds on…
Feeding chiefly on fish, the great black-billed gull has been known to feed on small birds.
Found throughout Northern Europe, the common skua has been known to attack other birds in order to steal…
Distributed throughout the northern regions of the Atlantic, the fulmar petrel prefers to nest in the…
The cape petrel or fulmar is about the size of a small duck and inhabits the southern seas.
The smallest of the web-footed birds, the stormy petrel averages only about six inches in length.
A footprint of brontozoum giganeum, a now extinct relative of the cassowary. This example is eighteen…
Old Tavern at Elizabethport. This view is looking eastward. In the distance, on the right, is seen a…
"Accentor- A genus of passerine birds, family Sylviidæ, subfamily Accentorinæ."-Whitney,…
"Feather from Argus Pheasant. (a,d, main stem; d, calamus; a, rachis; c,c,c, vanes cut away on right…
"A grallatorial bird, a native of South America, often called the golden-breasted trumpeter."-Whitney,…
"Agapornis- A genus of small African parrots, including the love-birds, sometimes made the type of a…
"Roseate Spoonbill-a large grallatorial bird of the genus Platalea, family Plataledidæ, related…
"A considerable number of insects belonging to Sphingina have transparents wings. Among them is the…