"Water-storage tracheids in the leaf of Euphorbia splendens. b, b, water-storage tracheids; d, mesophyll…
"Glandular hair from the petiole of Pelargonium zonale. e, secretion from the globular gland on which…
"Portion of a cross section through a nectariferous bract of Vicia sepium; n, nectar-secreting cells."…
"Formation of an interior, globular, lysigenous gland of the leaf of Dictamnus fraxinella. A, g, g and…
"Cross section through a portion of orange peel showing the cavity of an interior, globular gland at…
"Schizogenous resin duct in the young stem of ivy (Hedera helix), as seen in cross section. A, early,…
"Lysigenous gland in the leaf of Dictamnus fraxinella. B, young gland, with cells beginning to secrete…
"Resin duct in leaf of Pinus silvestris, in cross section at A, and in longitudinal section at B; h,…
"Laticiferous vessels from the cortex of root of Scorozonora hispanica...B, smaller portion." -Stevens,…
"Glands from Pinguicula. A, upper surface of leaf showing long-stalked gland at m, and short-stalked…
"Different forms of crystals of calcium oxalate. A, from the petiole of Begonia manicata." -Stevens,…
"Cystoliths from the leaf of Ficus carica. A, complete cystolith; B, cystolith from which the calcium…
"Glands from the leaf of Ribes nigrum. A, young stage in the development of the gland where the cuticle…
"One-celled hydatode of Gonocaryum pyriforme, seen in cross section at A, and from the surface in B."…
"Radial longitudinal section through a hydatode from the leaf margin of Primula sinensis. i, upper,…
"A, B, C, D, Successive stages of growth of prothallium from the spore in Osmunda cinnamomea; E, growth…
"A, Antheridium containing sperm cells; B, archegonium containing an egg cell which has been found by…
"Showing method of association of paternal and maternal chromosomes, at A in all vegetative nuclei,…
The archesporium in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or microspores of Silphium."…
The primary sporogenous cell (ps) and the primary parietal layer (ppr) in the stages of "formation of…
The inner layer (i), outer layer (o), sporogenous cells (s) in the stages of "formation of anthers and…
The sporogenous cells (s), tapetum (t), two parietal layers (oo) in the stages of "formation of anthers…
The cross section of a mature anther lobe in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or…
The anther and archesporium in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or microspores…
The pollen grains beginning to germinate in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or…
The sporogenous cells (s), tapetum (t), two parietal layers (oo) in the stages of "formation of anthers…
The cross section of a mature anther lobe in the stages of "formation of anthers and pollen grains or…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the division of a grandmother cell of microspores or pollen grains of a lily, somewhat diagrammatic.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Stages in the formation of the megaspore, its germination, fertilization of the egg and endosperm cells.…
"Showing the planes in which sections are cut transversely." -Stevens, 1916
"Showing the planes in which sections are cut longitudinal radially" -Stevens, 1916
"Showing the planes in which sections are cut longitudinal tangentially." -Stevens, 1916
"Simple microtome for clamping to table. P, P, plate glass ways for the section knife; S, milled-head…