"Aix sponsa. Wood Duck. Summer Duck. "The Bride." Adult Male: Bill pinkish-white, with lake-red base, black ridge, tip, and under mandible; iris and edges of eyelids red; feet orange, with black claws. Upper part of the head, including crest, glistening green and purple; a narrow white line over eye from bill to occiput, and another behind eye to nape, these white lines mixing in the crest. A broad white patch on the throat, forking behind, one branch mounting head behind eye, the other passing to side of neck. Sides and front of lower neck and fore breast rich purplish-chestnut, prettily marked with several chain of angular white spots. A large white black-edged crescent of enlarged feathers in front of the wing. Under parts pure white, the sides yellowish-gray vermiculated with black and white wavy bars; the enlarged flank-feathers broadly rayed with black and white; the lining of the wings white barred with grayish-brown, of which color is the crissum. Upper parts generally lustrous with bronzy-green and purple; scapulars and inner secondaries velvet-black, glassed with purple and green; a green speculum, succeeded by white tips of the secondaries; primaries frosted on outer webs near end. Adult female: Little or no crest, but lengthened feathers on nape; no enlargement or special colorings of feathers about the wings. Bill dusky: feet yellowish-dusky. Head and neck gray, darker on crown, the chin and parts about bill and eyes white. Fore neck, breast and sides of body yellowish-brown, mottled with dark gray, the breast spotted with brown, the belly white. Upper parts dark brown with considerable gloss; wings as in the male, but the velvety-black reduced." Elliot Coues, 1884

Wood Duck

"Aix sponsa. Wood Duck. Summer Duck. "The Bride." Adult Male: Bill pinkish-white, with lake-red base,…

"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy, though forming no crest. Bill broad and flattened, a little widened toward end, running into the forehead which arches abruptly over and away from it, not rising gradually into line with forehead; shorter or not longer than head, 2 inches or less in length along culmen, the nostrils within its basal half; the forward end of nostril about 2/5 the way from upper corner to end of bill. Bill dull blue with a black belt at the end. Iris orange. Feet dull grayish-blue, with dusky webs and black claws. Head and neck all around rich pure chestnut, not obscured with dusky-brown, but with bronzy or coppery red reflections. Lower neck and fore parts of body above and below, with rump and tail-coverts above and below, blackish. Back mixed whitish and blackish in about equal amounts, the dark wavy lines distinct and unbroken. Sides of the body under the wings vermiculated much like the back, the undulations subsiding in the grayish-white of the middle under parts. Wing-coverts ashy-gray, minutely dotted with white; speculum hoary-ash, bordered internally with black; lining of wings mostly white. Female: Bill obscured bluish, with black belt near end; iris yellow." Elliot Coues, 1884

Small Redhead

"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…

"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy, though forming no crest. Bill broad and flattened, a little widened toward end, running into the forehead which arches abruptly over and away from it, not rising gradually into line with forehead; shorter or not longer than head, 2 inches or less in length along culmen, the nostrils within its basal half; the forward end of nostril about 2/5 the way from upper corner to end of bill. Bill dull blue with a black belt at the end. Iris orange. Feet dull grayish-blue, with dusky webs and black claws. Head and neck all around rich pure chestnut, not obscured with dusky-brown, but with bronzy or coppery red reflections. Lower neck and fore parts of body above and below, with rump and tail-coverts above and below, blackish. Back mixed whitish and blackish in about equal amounts, the dark wavy lines distinct and unbroken. Sides of the body under the wings vermiculated much like the back, the undulations subsiding in the grayish-white of the middle under parts. Wing-coverts ashy-gray, minutely dotted with white; speculum hoary-ash, bordered internally with black; lining of wings mostly white. Female: Bill obscured bluish, with black belt near end; iris yellow." Elliot Coues, 1884

Large Redhead

"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…

"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy, though forming no crest. Bill broad and flattened, a little widened toward end, running into the forehead which arches abruptly over and away from it, not rising gradually into line with forehead; shorter or not longer than head, 2 inches or less in length along culmen, the nostrils within its basal half; the forward end of nostril about 2/5 the way from upper corner to end of bill. Bill dull blue with a black belt at the end. Iris orange. Feet dull grayish-blue, with dusky webs and black claws. Head and neck all around rich pure chestnut, not obscured with dusky-brown, but with bronzy or coppery red reflections. Lower neck and fore parts of body above and below, with rump and tail-coverts above and below, blackish. Back mixed whitish and blackish in about equal amounts, the dark wavy lines distinct and unbroken. Sides of the body under the wings vermiculated much like the back, the undulations subsiding in the grayish-white of the middle under parts. Wing-coverts ashy-gray, minutely dotted with white; speculum hoary-ash, bordered internally with black; lining of wings mostly white. Female: Bill obscured bluish, with black belt near end; iris yellow." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Fuligula ferina americana. Red-head. American Pochard. The feathers of the head somewhat full and puffy,…

"Buteo vulgaris. hawk of Europe, Upper parts dark brown, very variable in shade according to season or wear of the feathers, varied with paler brown, or even reddish-brown edging of the feathers, but without the clear fawn color of the young; the feathers of the crown showing whitish when distributed, and usually sharp, dark shaft-lines; the upper tail-coverts chestnut and white, with blackish bars. Quills and tail-feathers as below, but the inner webs of the former showing more decided dark cross-bars upon a lighter marbled-whitish ground, and the latter having broader and sharper, dark wavy bars. These large quills, and particularly those of the tail, vary much in shade according to wear, the new feathers being strongly slate-colored, the old ones plain dark brown. The tail, however, never shows any trace often rich chestnut that obtains in the adult B borealis. Iris brown, never yellow; feet, cere, gape, and base of under mandible rich chrome-yellow; rest of bill and claws bluish-black." Elliot Coues, 1884

European Hawk

"Buteo vulgaris. hawk of Europe, Upper parts dark brown, very variable in shade according to season…

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Tangram Pattern, Black with Small Dotted Lines

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are…

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Tangram Pattern, Black with Solid Lines

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are…

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Tangram Pattern, White with Small Dotted Lines

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are…

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Tangram Pattern, White with Solid Lines

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are…

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Tangram Pattern, Black with Small Dotted Lines and Instructions

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are…

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Tangram Pattern, Black with Solid Lines and Instructions

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are…

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Tangram Pattern, Black with Small Dotted Lines and Instructions

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are…

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. 7 figures consisting of triangles, squares, and parallelograms are used to construct the given shapes.

Tangram Pattern, Black with Solid Lines and Instructions

Tangram pattern with black pieces and thin white-dotted lines. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are…

A line with arrows on both ends to show that it extends indefinitely. The line is slanting up when read from left to right.

Line, Slanted

A line with arrows on both ends to show that it extends indefinitely. The line is slanting up when read…

A line with arrows on both ends to show that it extends indefinitely. The line is slanting down when read from left to right.

Line, Slanted

A line with arrows on both ends to show that it extends indefinitely. The line is slanting down when…

A horizontal line with arrows at both ends to show that it extends indefinitely.

Line, Horizontal

A horizontal line with arrows at both ends to show that it extends indefinitely.

A vertical line with arrows at both ends to show that it extends indefinitely.

Line, Vertical

A vertical line with arrows at both ends to show that it extends indefinitely.

2 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting up when read from left to right.

Lines, 2 Parallel Slanted

2 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting…

2 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting down when read from left to right.

Lines, 2 Parallel Slanted

2 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting…

2 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Lines, 2 Parallel Horizontal

2 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

2 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.  The top line is half the length of the bottom line.

Lines, 2 Parallel Horizontal

2 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The top…

2 parallel vertical lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Lines, 2 Parallel Vertical

2 parallel vertical lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

3 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting up when read from left to right.

Lines, 3 Parallel Slanted

3 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting…

3 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting down when read from left to right.

Lines, 3 Parallel Slanted

3 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting…

3 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Lines, 3 Parallel Horizontal

3 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

3 parallel vertical lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Lines, 3 Parallel Vertical

3 parallel vertical lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

4 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting up when read from left to right.

Lines, 4 Parallel Slanted

4 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting…

4 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting down when read from left to right.

Lines, 4 Parallel Slanted

4 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting…

4 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Lines, 4 Parallel Horizontal

4 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

4 parallel vertical lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Lines, 4 Parallel Vertical

4 parallel vertical lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

5 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting up when read from left to right.

Lines, 5 Parallel Slanted

5 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting…

5 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting down when read from left to right.

Lines, 5 Parallel Slanted

5 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting…

5 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Lines, 5 Parallel Horizontal

5 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Star with 5 points with lines of symmetry.

Star, 5-Point

Star with 5 points with lines of symmetry.

5 parallel vertical lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Lines, 5 Parallel Vertical

5 parallel vertical lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

6 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting up when read from left to right.

Lines, 6 Parallel Slanted

6 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting…

6 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting down when read from left to right.

Lines, 6 Parallel Slanted

6 parallel lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely. The lines are slanting…

6 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Lines, 6 Parallel Horizontal

6 parallel horizontal lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Star with 6 points with lines of symmetry.

Star, 6-Point

Star with 6 points with lines of symmetry.

6 parallel vertical lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Lines, 6 Parallel Vertical

6 parallel vertical lines with arrows on both ends to show that they extend indefinitely.

Letter A with a dotted vertical line that is a line of symmetry.

Vertical Line of Symmetry, Letter A With

Letter A with a dotted vertical line that is a line of symmetry.

Letter B with a dotted horizontal line that is a line of symmetry.

Horizontal Line of Symmetry, Letter B With

Letter B with a dotted horizontal line that is a line of symmetry.

A line with arrows on both ends to show that it extends indefinitely. The line is slanting up when read from left to right.

Line, Slanted

A line with arrows on both ends to show that it extends indefinitely. The line is slanting up when read…

A line with arrows on both ends to show that it extends indefinitely. The line is slanting down when read from left to right.

Line, Slanted

A line with arrows on both ends to show that it extends indefinitely. The line is slanting down when…

A horizontal line with arrows at both ends to show that it extends indefinitely.

Line, Horizontal

A horizontal line with arrows at both ends to show that it extends indefinitely.

A vertical line with arrows at both ends to show that it extends indefinitely.

Line, Vertical

A vertical line with arrows at both ends to show that it extends indefinitely.

A curved line with endpoints.

Line, Curved

A curved line with endpoints.

A curved line with endpoints. This illustration resembles a parabola.

Line, Curved

A curved line with endpoints. This illustration resembles a parabola.

A curved line with endpoints.

Line, Curved

A curved line with endpoints.

A curved line with endpoints.

Line, Curved

A curved line with endpoints.

A curved line with endpoints.

Line, Curved

A curved line with endpoints.

A curved line with endpoints.

Line, Curved

A curved line with endpoints.

A curved line with endpoints.

Line, Curved

A curved line with endpoints.

A curved line with endpoints.

Line, Curved

A curved line with endpoints.

A curved s-shaped line.

Line, Curved

A curved s-shaped line.

A curved wavy line.

Line, Curved Wavy

A curved wavy line.

Illustrations of a segment, a ray, and a line that can be used when providing definitions.

Definitions, Segment, Ray, Line

Illustrations of a segment, a ray, and a line that can be used when providing definitions.

2 intersecting lines.

Intersecting Lines, 2

2 intersecting lines.

2 intersecting lines.

Intersecting Lines, 2

2 intersecting lines.

2 intersecting lines.

Intersecting Lines, 2

2 intersecting lines.