The beak of a bird.

Bird Beak

The beak of a bird.

The head of a bird.

Bird Head

The head of a bird.

A bird whose plumage is mor eor less metallic and iridescent.

Glossy Ibis

A bird whose plumage is mor eor less metallic and iridescent.

A medium sized bird that breeds in high altitudes and migrates great distances.

Golden Plover

A medium sized bird that breeds in high altitudes and migrates great distances.

A medium sized bird that breeds in high altitudes and migrates great distances. Has a slightly crooked beak.

Crook Billed Plover

A medium sized bird that breeds in high altitudes and migrates great distances. Has a slightly crooked…

A bird that picks out decaying meat from crocodile's teeth.

Crocodile Bird

A bird that picks out decaying meat from crocodile's teeth.

A small wading bird.

Magellanic Plover

A small wading bird.

A bird perched on a small branch.


A bird perched on a small branch.

A bird perched on a branch.

More Pork

A bird perched on a branch.

A small desert bird.

Desert Chough

A small desert bird.

A small bird with a large beat.


A small bird with a large beat.

A large colorful bird with a colorful tail.


A large colorful bird with a colorful tail.

A bird that lives in the marshes. Has a stout bill and long legs, and more stately carriage. The plumage is very rich and elegant with intense blue, purple, and other tints.

Black Backed Sultan

A bird that lives in the marshes. Has a stout bill and long legs, and more stately carriage. The plumage…

A species of numerous bird of Europe.

Sora Rail

A species of numerous bird of Europe.

A small insectivorous migratory bird of the eastern parts of the United States.

Prairie Warbler

A small insectivorous migratory bird of the eastern parts of the United States.

A bird parrot with two long tail feathers.

Rachet Tailed Parakeet

A bird parrot with two long tail feathers.

A bird with a long decorative tail.

Cape Promerops

A bird with a long decorative tail.

A beautiful bird of a rich yellow color, passing by degrees through olivaceous tints on te rump, wings, and tail, the last blotch with white. The bill is comparatively large and black.

Prothonotary Warbler

A beautiful bird of a rich yellow color, passing by degrees through olivaceous tints on te rump, wings,…

Coccinella Ocellata, common name Eyed Lady-bird.

Coccinella Ocellata

Coccinella Ocellata, common name Eyed Lady-bird.

A bird having feathered feet and turns white in the winter.

Rock Ptarmigan

A bird having feathered feet and turns white in the winter.

A bird which puffs its plumage.


A bird which puffs its plumage.

A bird which nests in holes in the ground. About 12inches long, of a blackish color above, white below, with a black collar and gray face; the bill is a very curious bright red.

Common Puffin

A bird which nests in holes in the ground. About 12inches long, of a blackish color above, white below,…

A. Cross, B. Gate-house, C. Almonry, D. Chapel, E. Inner gate-house, F. Stable, G. Dormitory of lay brethren, H. Abbot's House. I. Kitchen, K. Refectory, L. Staircase to dormitory, M. Dormitory, N. Church, P. Library, R. Infirmary, S. Door to the church for the lay brothers, T. Base court, V. Great cloister, W. Small cloister, X. Boundary wall.

Bird Eye View of Citeaux

A. Cross, B. Gate-house, C. Almonry, D. Chapel, E. Inner gate-house, F. Stable, G. Dormitory of lay…

"The Pelecanus bassanus f Linnaeus and the Sule bassana of modern ornithologists, a large sea-fowl long known as a numerous visitor, for the purpose of breeding, to the Bass Rock at the entrance of the Firth of Forth, and to certain other islands off the coast of Britain, of which four are in Scottish waters." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The Pelecanus bassanus f Linnaeus and the Sule bassana of modern ornithologists, a large sea-fowl long…

A usually colorful bird of Africa and tropical Asia.

White Eared Bulbul

A usually colorful bird of Africa and tropical Asia.

The crimson beaked weaver bird of Africa.


The crimson beaked weaver bird of Africa.

A dark colored bird with orange—brown legs and slim red bill.

Virginia Rail

A dark colored bird with orange—brown legs and slim red bill.

A bird with black plumage with a metallic sheen, the bill and feet are ebony black, the wings pointed and the tail rounded.


A bird with black plumage with a metallic sheen, the bill and feet are ebony black, the wings pointed…

A small fringilline bird. The male has a crimson poll, a rosy red breast, and the plumage streaked with flaxen and dusky brown and white.


A small fringilline bird. The male has a crimson poll, a rosy red breast, and the plumage streaked with…

A wading bird having red shanks.


A wading bird having red shanks.

A fly catching bird.

European Redstart

A fly catching bird.

A fly catching bird.

American Redstart

A fly catching bird.

An Australian bird with black velvety and golden yellow plumage in the male.

Regent Bowerbird

An Australian bird with black velvety and golden yellow plumage in the male.

"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff, 1904


"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff,…

"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff, 1904


"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff,…

"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff, 1904


"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff,…

"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff, 1904


"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff,…

A bird with bright colors and enormous colorful bill.

Ariel Toucan

A bird with bright colors and enormous colorful bill.

A large non—flying bird of South America.

South American Ostrich

A large non—flying bird of South America.

The head of the Golden Eagle.

Eagle Head

The head of the Golden Eagle.

The talon of the Golden Eagle.

Eagle Talon

The talon of the Golden Eagle.

A bird with a small horn on its beak.

Rhinoceros Auk

A bird with a small horn on its beak.

"A very beautiful American, bird, found in all parts of the United States, and as far north as 55 degrees N. lat., but migrating to tropical or subtropical regions in winter." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A very beautiful American, bird, found in all parts of the United States, and as far north as 55 degrees…

A flycatching bird with a large fan—like tail.

Fan Tailed Flycatcher

A flycatching bird with a large fan—like tail.

"Pyx in the form of a Dove." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Pyx in the form of a Dove." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

A water wading bird mostly found in Europe. Has a dark green back and grey head.

Solitary Sandpiper

A water wading bird mostly found in Europe. Has a dark green back and grey head.

A small and stocky wading bird. Usually mottled brown on the top and grey on the bottom.

South American Painted Snipe

A small and stocky wading bird. Usually mottled brown on the top and grey on the bottom.

A medium skimmer bird whose large bill is red with a black tip.

Black Skimmer

A medium skimmer bird whose large bill is red with a black tip.

A large bird with varigated plumage, short soft tail feathers, well developed hind toe and long bill.


A large bird with varigated plumage, short soft tail feathers, well developed hind toe and long bill.

An Australian bird of paradise. It is usually 12 inches long with a wing span of 6 inches. Mostly black with iridescent purple, violet, blue, and green.


An Australian bird of paradise. It is usually 12 inches long with a wing span of 6 inches. Mostly black…

A bird that breeds in the rocks.

Rock Dove

A bird that breeds in the rocks.

A small bird having grey and brown upper parts with small black and white spots. Pale grey under parts and a brown rump.

Rock Wren

A small bird having grey and brown upper parts with small black and white spots. Pale grey under parts…

A bird with a thin black bill with a red tip.

Roseate Tern

A bird with a thin black bill with a red tip.

A seeding bird of the cardinal family having a red breast.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak

A seeding bird of the cardinal family having a red breast.

"Plumage of Bird. Bohemian Chatterer (Bombycilla garrula). a, primaries; b, secondaries; c, coverts; d, scapulars; e, tail feathers; f, forehead; g, sinciput; h, occiput." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919

Plumage of Bird

"Plumage of Bird. Bohemian Chatterer (Bombycilla garrula). a, primaries; b, secondaries; c, coverts;…

"Skeleton of Egyptian Vulture. (Neophron percnopterus), to show bones of bird. a, post-orbital process; b, lower jaw; c, cervical vertebra; co, coracoid bone; d, humerus; e, radius; f, ulna; g, metacarpus; h, second phalanx of chief digit of wing; h, phalanges of lower digit; h'', first phalanx of chief digit; i, clavicle; k, sternum; l, pelvis; m, coccyx; n, femur; o, tibia; p, tarso-metatarsus; q, phalanges of foot." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919

Vulture Skeleton

"Skeleton of Egyptian Vulture. (Neophron percnopterus), to show bones of bird. a, post-orbital process;…

"Digestive system of the common Fowl. o, Gullet; c, Crop; p, Proventriculus; g, Gizzard; sm, Small intestine; k, Intestinal caeca; l, Large intestine; cl, Cloaca." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919

Fowl Digestive System

"Digestive system of the common Fowl. o, Gullet; c, Crop; p, Proventriculus; g, Gizzard; sm, Small intestine;…

A medium sized wader bird. Commonly found in marshes and bogs.


A medium sized wader bird. Commonly found in marshes and bogs.

A reddish brown bird found in the United States during the winter.

Rusty Grackle

A reddish brown bird found in the United States during the winter.

A South Americandendrocolaptine bird of the genus Xiphorhynchus.


A South Americandendrocolaptine bird of the genus Xiphorhynchus.