A medium sized bird that breeds in high altitudes and migrates great distances. Has a slightly crooked…
A bird that lives in the marshes. Has a stout bill and long legs, and more stately carriage. The plumage…
A beautiful bird of a rich yellow color, passing by degrees through olivaceous tints on te rump, wings,…
A bird which nests in holes in the ground. About 12inches long, of a blackish color above, white below,…
A. Cross, B. Gate-house, C. Almonry, D. Chapel, E. Inner gate-house, F. Stable, G. Dormitory of lay…
"The Pelecanus bassanus f Linnaeus and the Sule bassana of modern ornithologists, a large sea-fowl long…
A bird with black plumage with a metallic sheen, the bill and feet are ebony black, the wings pointed…
A small fringilline bird. The male has a crimson poll, a rosy red breast, and the plumage streaked with…
"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff,…
"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff,…
"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff,…
"Lady-bird beetles, or "lady bugs." These beetles are very destructive to plant lice." — Goff,…
"A very beautiful American, bird, found in all parts of the United States, and as far north as 55 degrees…
A small and stocky wading bird. Usually mottled brown on the top and grey on the bottom.
A large bird with varigated plumage, short soft tail feathers, well developed hind toe and long bill.
An Australian bird of paradise. It is usually 12 inches long with a wing span of 6 inches. Mostly black…
A small bird having grey and brown upper parts with small black and white spots. Pale grey under parts…
"Plumage of Bird. Bohemian Chatterer (Bombycilla garrula). a, primaries; b, secondaries; c, coverts;…
"Skeleton of Egyptian Vulture. (Neophron percnopterus), to show bones of bird. a, post-orbital process;…
"Digestive system of the common Fowl. o, Gullet; c, Crop; p, Proventriculus; g, Gizzard; sm, Small intestine;…