"1. Shields of Variolaria amara; 2, a portion of the thallus of the same plant." -Lindley, 1853


"1. Shields of Variolaria amara; 2, a portion of the thallus of the same plant." -Lindley, 1853

"3. a piece of the thallus of Sticta pulmonacea, with lacunae and soredia; 4. thallus of the same, bearing shields." -Lindley, 1853

Tree Lungwort

"3. a piece of the thallus of Sticta pulmonacea, with lacunae and soredia; 4. thallus of the same, bearing…

"5. shield of Opegrapha scripta; 6. thallus of the same." -Lindley, 1853


"5. shield of Opegrapha scripta; 6. thallus of the same." -Lindley, 1853

"Shields of Baeomyces rufus." -Lindley, 1853


"Shields of Baeomyces rufus." -Lindley, 1853

"Cetraria islandica: a a. its shields; b. a shield magnified and divided vertically." -Lindley, 1853

Iceland Moss

"Cetraria islandica: a a. its shields; b. a shield magnified and divided vertically." -Lindley, 1853

"Sticta pulmonaria, or Lungs of the Oak." -Lindley, 1853

Tree Lungwort

"Sticta pulmonaria, or Lungs of the Oak." -Lindley, 1853

"A. Lecanora esculenta; B. Lecanora affinis." -Lindley, 1853


"A. Lecanora esculenta; B. Lecanora affinis." -Lindley, 1853

"A greatly magnified view of a perpendicular section of Parmelia aipolia, showing the thecae in the shield, a; b, the hypothecium and some gonidia beneath it; c, the medullary region; and d, the gonimic layer." -Lindley, 1853

Leaf Lichen

"A greatly magnified view of a perpendicular section of Parmelia aipolia, showing the thecae in the…

Lilies are herbaceous flowering plants normally grown from bulbs. They are large showy flowering garden plants.


Lilies are herbaceous flowering plants normally grown from bulbs. They are large showy flowering garden…

"The female is sometimes seen clinging to aquatic plants head downward, forming her cocoon, terminated by a long pedicle, in which she places her eggs, by means of the two bristles situated at the extremity of the abdomen."

Bristles at the Extremity of the Abdomen of the Hydrophilus Piceus

"The female is sometimes seen clinging to aquatic plants head downward, forming her cocoon, terminated…

"The <em>Tubipora</em> is a calcareous coral, formed by the combination of distinct, regularly arranged tubes, connected together at regular distances by lamellar expansions of the same material." This figure shows the crown of delicately fringed tentacula of a individual polyp.

Crown of Delicately Fringed Tentacula of Tubipora Musica

"The Tubipora is a calcareous coral, formed by the combination of distinct, regularly arranged…

"The <em>Fan Gorgon</>, from the Antilles; it often attains a height of eighteen or twenty inches. The resemblance of its network to fine lace gives rise to its name of <em>Sea-Fan</em>."

Gorgonia Flabellum

"The Fan Gorgon, from the Antilles; it often attains a height of eighteen or twenty inches. The

"The <em>Fan Gorgon</>, from the Antilles; it often attains a height of eighteen or twenty inches. The resemblance of its network to fine lace gives rise to its name of <em>Sea-Fan</em>."

Magnified Portion of Fan Gorgon

"The Fan Gorgon, from the Antilles; it often attains a height of eighteen or twenty inches. The

"The <em>Fan Gorgon</>, from the Antilles; it often attains a height of eighteen or twenty inches. The resemblance of its network to fine lace gives rise to its name of <em>Sea-Fan</em>. The Whorled Gorgon, which is found in the Mediterranean, is of elegant form."

Gorgonia Verticellata

"The Fan Gorgon, from the Antilles; it often attains a height of eighteen or twenty inches. The

"The <em>Fan Gorgon</>, from the Antilles; it often attains a height of eighteen or twenty inches. The resemblance of its network to fine lace gives rise to its name of <em>Sea-Fan</em>. The Whorled Gorgon, which is found in the Mediterranean, is of elegant form."

Magnified Portion of Gorgonia Verticellata

"The Fan Gorgon, from the Antilles; it often attains a height of eighteen or twenty inches. The

"A species of <em>Isis</em> has numerous slender branches, furnished with cylindrical knows at intervals, contracted toward the middle, finely striated; it has a singular resemblance to the Common Mare's Tail."

Isis Hippuris

"A species of Isis has numerous slender branches, furnished with cylindrical knows at intervals,…

"The polyp itself is formed of a whitish, membranous tube, nearly cylindrical, having an upper disk, surrounded by its eight tentacula, bearing many delicate pinnae spreading out laterally. These tentacula resemble the corolla of some flower."

Coral Polyp (Lacaze-Duthiers)

"The polyp itself is formed of a whitish, membranous tube, nearly cylindrical, having an upper disk,…

"The arms of the polyps are at times subject to violent agitation, and the tentacula become much excited. If this excitement continues, the tentacula can be seen to fold and roll themselves up. The little opening around which these tentacula are attached forms the mouth of the polyp."

Coral Polyp (Lacaze-Duthiers)

"The arms of the polyps are at times subject to violent agitation, and the tentacula become much excited.…

"These winged species of polypidom are somewhat scythe-shaped, well developed, and furnished with a great quantity of pointed spiculae, which are constituted of bundles at the base of the calyx of each polyp. This figure shows one which inhabits the Mediterranean Sea."

Pennatula Spinosa

"These winged species of polypidom are somewhat scythe-shaped, well developed, and furnished with a…

"These winged species of polypidom are somewhat scythe-shaped, well developed, and furnished with a great quantity of pointed spiculae, which are constituted of bundles at the base of the calyx of each polyp. The polyps appear upon the waving and deeply indented lobes."

Loose Winged Virgularia (Virgularia Mirabilis)

"These winged species of polypidom are somewhat scythe-shaped, well developed, and furnished with a…

"These winged species of polypidom are somewhat scythe-shaped, well developed, and furnished with a great quantity of pointed spiculae, which are constituted of bundles at the base of the calyx of each polyp. The polyps appear upon the waving and deeply indented lobes."

Branch of Loose Winged Virgularia

"These winged species of polypidom are somewhat scythe-shaped, well developed, and furnished with a…

"The <em>Umbellularia Groenlandica</em> has a very long stem, which is terminated at the summit only by a cluster of polyps. It is an inhabitant of the northern seas."

Umbellularia Groenlandica (Lamarck)

"The Umbellularia Groenlandica has a very long stem, which is terminated at the summit only…

"The species shown in this figure has a simple, cylindrical body, without branchiae, and a rudimentary polypidom furnished with very large polyps of a whitish color."

Veretillum Cynomorium (Lamarck)

"The species shown in this figure has a simple, cylindrical body, without branchiae, and a rudimentary…

An illustration of a garden at Mt. Pleasant.


An illustration of a garden at Mt. Pleasant.

"Andrea nivalis, natural size; 2. the same much magnified; 3. spore-case with the torn calyptra; 4. spore-case after the discharge of the spores; 5. columella with a few spores adhering." -Lindley, 1853

Andrea nivalis

"Andrea nivalis, natural size; 2. the same much magnified; 3. spore-case with the torn calyptra; 4.…

The moss, Andraea rupestris much magnified.

Andreaea Moss

The moss, Andraea rupestris much magnified.

Ophioglossum vulgatum, or Southern Adderstongue is a fern-like plant commonly growing in sand dunes.

Southern Adderstongue

Ophioglossum vulgatum, or Southern Adderstongue is a fern-like plant commonly growing in sand dunes.

The Antrophyum Lessonii is a type of fern from the Polypodiaceae family.

Antrophyum Fern

The Antrophyum Lessonii is a type of fern from the Polypodiaceae family.

The spore-cases and cup of Trichomanes radicans or the Aerialroot Bristle Fern.

Aerialroot Bristle Fern

The spore-cases and cup of Trichomanes radicans or the Aerialroot Bristle Fern.

The Hydnora africana is a parasitic plant growing in deserts known for giving of the odor of feces to attract pollinators like dung beetles.

Hydnora africana

The Hydnora africana is a parasitic plant growing in deserts known for giving of the odor of feces to…

The longitudinal section of the Hydnora africana is a parasitic plant growing in deserts known for giving of the odor of feces to attract pollinators like dung beetles.

Hydnora africana

The longitudinal section of the Hydnora africana is a parasitic plant growing in deserts known for giving…

The Yucca aloifolia also known as the Aloe Yucca or Spanish Bayonet.

Aloe Yucca

The Yucca aloifolia also known as the Aloe Yucca or Spanish Bayonet.

"1. Locusta of Agrostis alba; 2. paleae and stamens, &c. of the same." -Lindley, 1853

Redtop Locusta

"1. Locusta of Agrostis alba; 2. paleae and stamens, &c. of the same." -Lindley, 1853

"3. paleae of Leersia oryzoides; 4. pistil, stamens, and hypogynous scales of the same." -Lindley, 1853

Rice Cutgrass

"3. paleae of Leersia oryzoides; 4. pistil, stamens, and hypogynous scales of the same." -Lindley, 1853

"5. locusta of Polypogon monspeliensis; 6. paleae, &c. of the same." -Lindley, 1853

Annual Beard Grass

"5. locusta of Polypogon monspeliensis; 6. paleae, &c. of the same." -Lindley, 1853

"7. locusta of Stipa pennata" (Feather Grass); "8. rachis, bracteae, and florets of Cynosurus cristatus" (Crested Dog's-Tail). -Lindley, 1853

Feather Grass and Crested Dog's-Tail

"7. locusta of Stipa pennata" (Feather Grass); "8. rachis, bracteae, and florets of Cynosurus cristatus"…

"9. locusta of Cynodon dactylon; 10. paleae, and abortive floret of the same." -Lindley, 1853

Bermuda Grass

"9. locusta of Cynodon dactylon; 10. paleae, and abortive floret of the same." -Lindley, 1853

"1. Locusta of Corynephorus canescens (Grey Hair-grass); 2. paleae, &c. of the same; 3. locusta of Phalaris aquatica (Harding grass); 4. locusta of Alopecurus pratensis (Meadow Foxtail); 5. locusta of Aira caryophyllea (Silver hairgrass); 6. floret of the same; 7. locusta of Festuca duriuscula (Red Fescue); 8. locust of Glyceria fluitans (Water Mannagrass); 9. floret of the same; 10. locusta of Eragrostis poaeformis (Lovegrass)." -Lindley, 1853

Grass Locusta

"1. Locusta of Corynephorus canescens (Grey Hair-grass); 2. paleae, &c. of the same; 3. locusta of Phalaris…

Setaria glauca or the Yellow Foxtail is a monocot weed in the Poaceae family.

Yellow Foxtail

Setaria glauca or the Yellow Foxtail is a monocot weed in the Poaceae family.

"Scirpus lacustris. 1. A flower surrounded with hypogynous bristles; 2. a seed; 3, a section of it, showing the lenticular embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"Scirpus lacustris. 1. A flower surrounded with hypogynous bristles; 2. a seed; 3, a section of it,…

"Uricle or addiional glumes of Carex rivularis" (Shining Flatsedge) -Lindley, 1853

Shining Flatsedge

"Uricle or addiional glumes of Carex rivularis" (Shining Flatsedge) -Lindley, 1853

"Tonina fluviatilis. 1. male flower; 2. centre of do.; 3. female and male flowers; 4. section of ripe fruit; 5. seed; 6. section of do." -Lindley, 1853

Tonina fluviatilis

"Tonina fluviatilis. 1. male flower; 2. centre of do.; 3. female and male flowers; 4. section of ripe…

"Pistia Stratiotes. 1. A spathe with its 2 flowers; 2. a section of a seed-vessel; 3. a seed; 4. the same cut perpendicularly." -Lindley, 1853

Water Cabbage

"Pistia Stratiotes. 1. A spathe with its 2 flowers; 2. a section of a seed-vessel; 3. a seed; 4. the…

"Typha latifolia; 2, its fruit; 3, a section of the seed; 4, the embryo; 5, a stamen." -Lindley, 1853

Common Bulrush

"Typha latifolia; 2, its fruit; 3, a section of the seed; 4, the embryo; 5, a stamen." -Lindley, 1853

"1. Spathe of Arum maculatum; 2. its spadix loaded with flowers; 3. an anther; 4. a transverse section of an ovary; 5. a cluster of ripe fruits; 6. a seed; 7. a section of the same, showing the embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Wild Arum

"1. Spathe of Arum maculatum; 2. its spadix loaded with flowers; 3. an anther; 4. a transverse section…

Arum maculatum: "A single fruit divided vertically, so as to show the seeds in situ. A perpendicular section of one of the seeds." -Lindley, 1853

Wild Arum Fruit and Seed

Arum maculatum: "A single fruit divided vertically, so as to show the seeds in situ. A perpendicular…

Arum maculatum or the wild arum is a woodland plant of the Araceae family.

Wild Arum

Arum maculatum or the wild arum is a woodland plant of the Araceae family.

The fruit of Freycinetia imbricata, a flowering plant native to Southeast Asia.

Freycinetia imbricata

The fruit of Freycinetia imbricata, a flowering plant native to Southeast Asia.

"Palm Trees. 1. Corypha Gebanga; 2. Nipa fruiticans." -Lindley, 1853

Gebang and Nipa Palm Trees

"Palm Trees. 1. Corypha Gebanga; 2. Nipa fruiticans." -Lindley, 1853

"Inflorescence of Chamaerops humilis, in its spathe; 2. a portion of the same, with the fruit ripening; 3. a male flower; 4. a female flower; 5. a ripe fruit; 6. a section of another variety, showing the seed; 7. a seed with a portion of the surface cut away, to display the embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Fan Palm

"Inflorescence of Chamaerops humilis, in its spathe; 2. a portion of the same, with the fruit ripening;…

"Sagus Rumphii. 1. a flower; 2. the same opened; 3. a section of an ovary; 4. a section of a seed of Sagus filaris; 5. fruit and remains of spadix." -Lindley, 1853


"Sagus Rumphii. 1. a flower; 2. the same opened; 3. a section of an ovary; 4. a section of a seed of…

"Stratiotes aloides. 1. a flower and spathe; 2. a flower split open; 3. a fruit in its spathe; 4. a section of the fruit; 5. an embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Water Pineapple

"Stratiotes aloides. 1. a flower and spathe; 2. a flower split open; 3. a fruit in its spathe; 4. a…

The Aechmea fulgens of coralberry is a bromeliad which is often used as a decorative plant.


The Aechmea fulgens of coralberry is a bromeliad which is often used as a decorative plant.

Tacca integrifolia or White Bat Plant is a flowering plant cultivated as ornamental plants.

White Bat Plant

Tacca integrifolia or White Bat Plant is a flowering plant cultivated as ornamental plants.

"Sections of the stem of a Brazilian Vellozia; 1. transversely; 2, 3. longitudinally." -Lindley, 1853

Brazilian Vellozia

"Sections of the stem of a Brazilian Vellozia; 1. transversely; 2, 3. longitudinally." -Lindley, 1853

"Pancratium maritimum. 1. a flower cut open, and showing that there is a bifid tooth, forming a coronet or cup, between each stamen; 2. a transverse section of the ovary." -Lindley, 1853

Sea Daffodil

"Pancratium maritimum. 1. a flower cut open, and showing that there is a bifid tooth, forming a coronet…

Littaea geminiflora, or the Twin-Flowered Agave, showing the flower and the whole plant.

Twin-Flowered Agave

Littaea geminiflora, or the Twin-Flowered Agave, showing the flower and the whole plant.

Agave americana is also known as the Century Plant or Maguey and is used as an ornamental plant.


Agave americana is also known as the Century Plant or Maguey and is used as an ornamental plant.

Iris germanica or German Iris and the ripe capsule of an Iris.

German Iris

Iris germanica or German Iris and the ripe capsule of an Iris.

The Musa paradisiaca or plantain, when in fruit.


The Musa paradisiaca or plantain, when in fruit.