"A plant may be operated on wherever the stem has become firm and woody; the top will not fail to make a fine young specimen plant, which migt be removed in the course of abot twelve months, while other shoots would no doubt be obtained from the old stem, which, with its head thus removed, might be removed to quarters where steadying if the stem were loaded with a pot or box of soil, as at a in the figure." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"A plant may be operated on wherever the stem has become firm and woody; the top will not fail to make…

"This image gives a good idea of how these drawf trees are to be manipulated, a showing the first year's development from the maiden tree after being headed back, and b the form assumed a year or two later." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Dwarf-Tree Pruning

"This image gives a good idea of how these drawf trees are to be manipulated, a showing the first year's…

"a shows a young tree with its second year's growth, the upright shoot of the maiden tree having been moderately headed back, being left longer if the buds near the base promise to break freely, or cut shorter if they are weak and wanting in vigour. The winter pruning, carried out with the view to shape the tree into a well-grown pyramid, would be effected at the places marked by a cross line." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Pyramid Pruning

"a shows a young tree with its second year's growth, the upright shoot of the maiden tree having been…

"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees, than at first signt may appear. The branches should be separated by a clean cut at an angle of abouot 45 degrees, just at the back of a bud, the cut entering on a level with the base of the bud and passing out on a level with its top, for when cut in this way the wound becomes rapidly covered with new wood, as soon as growth recommences, whereas if the cut is too close the bud is starved, or if less close an ugly and awkward snag is left." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…

"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees, than at first signt may appear. The branches should be separated by a clean cut at an angle of abouot 45 degrees, just at the back of a bud, the cut entering on a level with the base of the bud and passing out on a level with its top, for when cut in this way the wound becomes rapidly covered with new wood, as soon as growth recommences, whereas if the cut is too close the bud is starved, or if less close an ugly and awkward snag is left." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…

"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees, than at first signt may appear. The branches should be separated by a clean cut at an angle of abouot 45 degrees, just at the back of a bud, the cut entering on a level with the base of the bud and passing out on a level with its top, for when cut in this way the wound becomes rapidly covered with new wood, as soon as growth recommences, whereas if the cut is too close the bud is starved, or if less close an ugly and awkward snag is left." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…

"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees, than at first signt may appear. The branches should be separated by a clean cut at an angle of abouot 45 degrees, just at the back of a bud, the cut entering on a level with the base of the bud and passing out on a level with its top, for when cut in this way the wound becomes rapidly covered with new wood, as soon as growth recommences, whereas if the cut is too close the bud is starved, or if less close an ugly and awkward snag is left." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…

"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees, than at first signt may appear. The branches should be separated by a clean cut at an angle of abouot 45 degrees, just at the back of a bud, the cut entering on a level with the base of the bud and passing out on a level with its top, for when cut in this way the wound becomes rapidly covered with new wood, as soon as growth recommences, whereas if the cut is too close the bud is starved, or if less close an ugly and awkward snag is left." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…

"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees, than at first signt may appear. The branches should be separated by a clean cut at an angle of abouot 45 degrees, just at the back of a bud, the cut entering on a level with the base of the bud and passing out on a level with its top, for when cut in this way the wound becomes rapidly covered with new wood, as soon as growth recommences, whereas if the cut is too close the bud is starved, or if less close an ugly and awkward snag is left." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…

"When a water fall ranges between 10 and 70 feet, and the water supply is from 3 to 25 cubic feet per second, it is possible to construct a bucket wheel on which the water acts chiefly by its weight. If the variation of the head-water level does not exceed 2 feet, an overshot wheel may be used. The water is then projected over the summit of the wheel, and falls in a parabolic path into the buckets. With greater variation of head-water level, a pitch-back or high breast wheel is better. The water falls over the top of a sliding sluice into the wheel, on the same side as the head race channel. By adjusting the height of the sluice, the requisite supply is given to the wheel in all positions of the head-water level. The wheel consists of a cast-iron or wrought-iron axle C supporting the weight of the wheel. To this are attached two sets of arms A of wood or iron, which support circular segmental plates termed shrouds B. A cylindrical sole plate dd extends between the shrouds on the inner side. The buckets are formed by wood planks or curved wrought-iron plates extending from shroud to shroud, the back of the buckets being formed by the sole plate." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Water Wheel

"When a water fall ranges between 10 and 70 feet, and the water supply is from 3 to 25 cubic feet per…

"Larger aspect of head of Raia lemprieri." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Raia Lemprieri

"Larger aspect of head of Raia lemprieri." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

The head of the Golden Eagle.

Eagle Head

The head of the Golden Eagle.

A beetle having a small horn on its head.

Rhinoceos Beetle

A beetle having a small horn on its head.

"A small fish, about a span long, much esteemed for its rich and peculiar flavor. It is not much longer than the middle finger, thicker in proportion than the herring, to which it has a general resemblance; the head is sharp-pointed, and the under jaw much shorter than the upper; the scales large, silvery, and easily removed, the tail deeply forked." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A small fish, about a span long, much esteemed for its rich and peculiar flavor. It is not much longer…

"A genus of Andromeda polifolia of plants of the natural order Ericaceae, distinguished by a 5-valve naked capsule, which splits up through the back of the cells; anthers with two awns, and a globose corolla with the orifice contracted." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A genus of Andromeda polifolia of plants of the natural order Ericaceae, distinguished by a 5-valve…

"A small class of Articulated Animals, mostly included by Linnaeus in his class Verimes. They have a more or less elongated body, which is always composed of numerous rings. The first of these rings assumes, in most of them, the characters of a head, but in some there is no proper head." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A small class of Articulated Animals, mostly included by Linnaeus in his class Verimes. They have a…

"An Egyptian deity, styled Anepu on hieroglyphic monuments, was, according to mythology, the son of Osiris and Nephthys. By the Greeks, he was frequently styled Hermes or Hermanubis, combining the Egyptian with the Grecian name. He is represented on monuments as having the head of a jackal, with pointed ears and snout, which the Greeks frequently changed to those of a dog." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"An Egyptian deity, styled Anepu on hieroglyphic monuments, was, according to mythology, the son of…

"The humerus, which moves freely by a globular head upon the scapula, forming the shoulder-joint." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"The humerus, which moves freely by a globular head upon the scapula, forming the shoulder-joint." —…

A figure on horseback.

Horseback rider

A figure on horseback.

"A genus of Orthopterous insects, having an oval or orbicular flattened body, the head hidden beneath the large plate of the prothorax, long thread-like antennae, and wings folded only longitudinally. The elytra are parchment-like, and the wings are sometimes very imperfectly developed, particularly in the females, as in the case of the common cockroach." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Male Cockroach

"A genus of Orthopterous insects, having an oval or orbicular flattened body, the head hidden beneath…

"A genus of Orthopterous insects, having an oval or orbicular flattened body, the head hidden beneath the large plate of the prothorax, long thread-like antennae, and wings folded only longitudinally. The elytra are parchment-like, and the wings are sometimes very imperfectly developed, particularly in the females, as in the case of the common cockroach." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875

Female Cockroach

"A genus of Orthopterous insects, having an oval or orbicular flattened body, the head hidden beneath…

"A name given to many plants, of which the foliage has a pungent, mustard-like taste, and is used as a salad. It is sometimes more strictly confused to the genus Lepidium, a genus of the natural order Cruciferae, having small white flowers, and oblong or rounded laterally compressed pouches (silicules), with the cells one-seeded, and the valves keeled or winged on the back." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A name given to many plants, of which the foliage has a pungent, mustard-like taste, and is used as…

"Crowns were originally garlands of leaves; and in this form they have probably been used as an ornament for the head by almost every people. they were much used by both the classical nations of joyous and on solemn occasions." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Crowns were originally garlands of leaves; and in this form they have probably been used as an ornament…

"Crowns were originally garlands of leaves; and in this form they have probably been used as an ornament for the head by almost every people. they were much used by both the classical nations of joyous and on solemn occasions." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Crowns were originally garlands of leaves; and in this form they have probably been used as an ornament…

"Dentalium: B, the shell of Dentalium Entalis, broken longitudinally, showing the animal in a contracted state. C, the shell, showing the animal advancing out; a and b, the foot, the lobes of which are developed in the form of a corolla; c, a part of the collar of the mantle. E, the animal, magnified, extricated from the shell, with them antle slit along the dorsal and medial line, detached in part from its posterior insertion, and turned aside so as to show the parts enclosed; a, the extremity of the foot, which closes the aperture j, of the collar lm, of the mantle nop; bb, lobes of the fot; c, the foot itself, presenting a depression or a channel, running its whole length; d, the head; e, the cerebral ganglion; f, f, the two sides of the mouth; g, g, the membranes which support the branchiae; gg, ii, the branchiae; pp, qq, the retractor muscles; s, the muscle of insertion; t, the expanded posterior extremity, in which is situated the vent." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"Dentalium: B, the shell of Dentalium Entalis, broken longitudinally, showing the animal in a contracted…

A water wading bird mostly found in Europe. Has a dark green back and grey head.

Solitary Sandpiper

A water wading bird mostly found in Europe. Has a dark green back and grey head.

A type of ceremonial drinking cup usually shaped like an animal head or horn.


A type of ceremonial drinking cup usually shaped like an animal head or horn.

"A name often given to various species of Heron, particularly those which, at least during the breeding season, have the feathers on the lower part of the back lengthened and their barbs loose, so that this part of the plumage is very soft and flowing." — Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"A name often given to various species of Heron, particularly those which, at least during the breeding…

"A typical Thysanuran (Machilis maritima). Female, ventral view. Mx1, Mx2, 1st and 2nd maxillae. ii-x, Appendages on 2nd to 10th abdominal segments. The eversible sacs on the abdominal segments are shown, some protruded and some retracted. Ovp, Ovipositor. Mn, Mandible, and Mxl. maxillula, dissected out of head." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"A typical Thysanuran (Machilis maritima). Female, ventral view. Mx1, Mx2, 1st and 2nd maxillae. ii-x,…

"Drawing from tlife of the Italian scorpion Euscorpius italicus, Herbst, holding a blue-bottle fly with its left chela, and carefully piercing it between head and thorax with its string. Two insertions of the string are effected and the fly is instantly paralysed by the poison so introduced into its body." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"Drawing from tlife of the Italian scorpion Euscorpius italicus, Herbst, holding a blue-bottle fly with…

"Bronze Spear-Head, length 19 inches." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Bronze Spear-Head

"Bronze Spear-Head, length 19 inches." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

"Head and Appendages of Honey-bee (Apis). a, Antenna or feeler. g, Epipharynx. mxp, Maxillary palp. pg, Opposite to galeae of 2nd maxillae (labium). mx, 1st maxilla. lp, Labial palp. l, Ligula or "tongue." b, Bouton or spoon of the ligula." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Honey Bee

"Head and Appendages of Honey-bee (Apis). a, Antenna or feeler. g, Epipharynx. mxp, Maxillary palp.…

"A ball-bearing hub with outward cups. The hub-shell H is turned out of mild steel, and the cups C are forced into the ends of the hub-shell and soldered thereto. A thin washer W is then spun into the end, for the purpose of retaining oil, and a thin internal tube T unites the two cups, and guides the oil fed in at the middle of the hub to the balls. The projecting flanges S are for the attachment of the tangent spokes used to build the hub into the wheel. The spindle A has the two cones screwed on it, one C, against the shoulder, the other C, adjustable. The-spindle ends are passed through the back-fork ends and are there adjusted in position by the chain-tension adjusters. After adjustments the nuts N clamp the spindle securely between the fork-ends. The chain-wheel or free-wheel clutch is screwed on the end of the hub-shell with a right-hand thread." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Ball-bearing Hub

"A ball-bearing hub with outward cups. The hub-shell H is turned out of mild steel, and the cups C are…

"One end of the cup-adjusting hub, with inward bearings. The cones are formed of one piece with the spindles, and the adjusting cp C is screwed in the end of the hub shell, and locked in position by the screwed locking-ring R. The figure also illustrates a divided spindle for facilitating the removal of the tire for repair when required without disturbing the wheel, bearings, chain or gear-case. The chain side of the hub-spindle, not shown in the figure, is secured to the frame in the usual way; on the left side the spindle S projects very little beyond the adjusting cup. A distance washer W is placed between the end of the spindle S and the fork-end F. A detachable screw-pin, or the footstep, P, passes through the washer W, and is screwed into the end of the spindle S, the hexagod head of the detachable pin drawing all the parts securely together." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Cup-adjusting Hub

"One end of the cup-adjusting hub, with inward bearings. The cones are formed of one piece with the…

"Brank, or Branks, an instrument and formerly used in Scotland, and to some extent also in England, as a punishment for scolds. It consisted of an iron frame which went over the head of the offender, and had in front an iron plate which was inserted in the mouth, where it was fixed above the tongue, and kept it perfectly quiet." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919


"Brank, or Branks, an instrument and formerly used in Scotland, and to some extent also in England,…

"A genus of dimiliarly known as cuttle-fishes. They have eight arms, each with two rows of suckers, which are sessile or unstalked. The prominent head is joined to the body by a distinct neck, and the body itself is short, generally more or less rounded in shape, and unprovided with side or lateral fins. They have attained a notoriety from tales circulated concerning their ferocity and the existence of gigantic members of the genus, though the largest cuttle-fishes that have been met with have belonged to other genera." — Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919


"A genus of dimiliarly known as cuttle-fishes. They have eight arms, each with two rows of suckers,…

"Prior to the introduction of the cup and cone, a form of tunnel-head in which no valve or cone exists was employed. A hollow annular chamber BB is built in the upper portion of the stack, communicating by arched cavities A, A, A with the shaft, and also with the exit gas main C; a considerable fraction of the gases then passes out through the arched vavities when the materials are heaped up to the level of the charging door D. With small furnaces the wall between the shaft and the chamber B is made of past or wrought iron; in some cases the gas has been collected through a central tube in the axis of the shaft supported by groins springing from the shaft and the ore." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Collecting Top

"Prior to the introduction of the cup and cone, a form of tunnel-head in which no valve or cone exists…

"Formerly the balls were squeezed by an "alligator" or "crocodile" squeezer, and were then "shingled" by shingling hammers, such as the "tilt" hammer (where the hammer forms a lever with the fulcrum in the middle, a cam pressing upon one end serving to depress that end and raise the other which carries the head)." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Alligator Squeezer

"Formerly the balls were squeezed by an "alligator" or "crocodile" squeezer, and were then "shingled"…

"Female head in high relief, Nineveh collection." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Ivory Carving

"Female head in high relief, Nineveh collection." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

"Why does a person carrying a weight upon his back stoop forward? In order to bring the center of gravity of his body and the load over his feet. If held in this position, he would fall backwards, as the direction of the center of gravity would fall beyond his heels." — Wells, 1857

Center of Gravity

"Why does a person carrying a weight upon his back stoop forward? In order to bring the center of gravity…

"Why does a person carrying a weight upon his back stoop forward? In order to bring the center of gravity of his body and the load over his feet, he assumes this position." — Wells, 1857

Center of Gravity

"Why does a person carrying a weight upon his back stoop forward? In order to bring the center of gravity…

A horse trained to run around a circus ring with a man standing on his back.

Circus Horse

A horse trained to run around a circus ring with a man standing on his back.

"It is of gold plate, so thick as to require no "piping" at the back to sustain it; but in general the repoused examples have a piping of copper wire." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Gold Plate

"It is of gold plate, so thick as to require no "piping" at the back to sustain it; but in general the…

"The head of a pin or brooch evidently suggested by a butterfly, a characteristic of the gold work of Mycenae." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Butterfly Brooch

"The head of a pin or brooch evidently suggested by a butterfly, a characteristic of the gold work of…

"Diadems or head fillets of pure hammered gold cut into thin plates, attached to rings by double gold wires, and fastened together at the back with thin twisted wire." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"Diadems or head fillets of pure hammered gold cut into thin plates, attached to rings by double gold…

"Bronze Lamp in British Museum." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Bronze Lamp

"Bronze Lamp in British Museum." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

"The hides now come to be trimmed and prepared for tanning in the shape in which they are intended ultimately to be sent into the market. An entire untrimmed hide is termed a crop; a side is half a crop, the dividing line of the two sides being shown at EF; a butt is the back portion ABCD, and a bend is half a butt ABFE. G, G are belly pieces, and H, H the cheeks, both together being the offal. When the shoulder (the upper part of the butt) is removed, what remains is the short butt." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Hide Divisions

"The hides now come to be trimmed and prepared for tanning in the shape in which they are intended ultimately…

"Catadioptric Holophote.—Part of the anterior hemisphere of rays is intercepted and at once parallelized by the lens L, whose principal focus (i.e., for parallel rays) is in the center of the flame, while the remainder is intercepted and made parallel by the paraboloid a, and thus the double agents in Fresnel's design are dispensed with. The rays of the posterior hemisphere are reflected by the spherical mirror b back again through the foxus, whence passing onwards one portion of them falls on the lens and the rest on the paraboloid, so as finally to emerge in union with and parallel to the front rays." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Catadioptric Holophote

"Catadioptric Holophote.—Part of the anterior hemisphere of rays is intercepted and at once parallelized…

"Catadioptric Holophote.—Part of the anterior hemisphere of rays is intercepted and at once parallelized by the lens L, whose principal focus (i.e., for parallel rays) is in the center of the flame, while the remainder is intercepted and made parallel by the paraboloid a, and thus the double agents in Fresnel's design are dispensed with. The rays of the posterior hemisphere are reflected by the spherical mirror b back again through the foxus, whence passing onwards one portion of them falls on the lens and the rest on the paraboloid, so as finally to emerge in union with and parallel to the front rays." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Catadioptric Holophote

"Catadioptric Holophote.—Part of the anterior hemisphere of rays is intercepted and at once parallelized…

A plumber's tool with a bulbous head, for finishing soldered work.

Round Iron

A plumber's tool with a bulbous head, for finishing soldered work.

"Perfect Form of Dioptric Holophote for an Oil Flame.—By combining the back prisms ga, hc just described with a semi-holophote abc subtending 180 degrees and a portion of the dioptric spherical mirror ijk, no light is lost on the burner, and all the rays are parallelized, so that this apparatus, being all of glass, is both geometrically and physically perfect." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Dioptric Holophote

"Perfect Form of Dioptric Holophote for an Oil Flame.—By combining the back prisms ga, hc just described…

"Professor Swan's Designs.—Among several ingenious arrangements and new forms of agents proposed by Professor Swan is the mode of sending rays from prisms through interstices left between other prisms placed in front, and also a form of agent which he termed the triesoptric prism, in which the rays would undergo two refractions and three reflexions. a are the front and b the triesoptric prisms. The two upper and lower prisms a are constructed of flint glass of high refractive power. It will be observed from the drawing that this ingenious arrangement is nevertheless open to objection, for cones of light of 30 degrees in front and of 65 degrees at the back are lost through the interstices." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Swans Designs

"Professor Swan's Designs.—Among several ingenious arrangements and new forms of agents proposed by…

The back of a coin worth 100 copecks in Russia.


The back of a coin worth 100 copecks in Russia.

The back of a common currency of India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.


The back of a common currency of India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

"Head of British Lizard. Laceria vivipara." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Laceria Vivipara

"Head of British Lizard. Laceria vivipara." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

"Head of British Lizard. Laceria agilis." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Laceria Agilis

"Head of British Lizard. Laceria agilis." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

"Head of British Lizard. Laceria viridis." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Laceria Viridis

"Head of British Lizard. Laceria viridis." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

"The capstan, in universal use, on board of ships, is an axle placed upright, with a head, or drum, A, pierced with holes for the levers B, C, D. The weight is drawn by the rope E, passing two or three times round the axle to prevent its slipping. This is a very powerful and convenient machine. When not in use, the levers are taken out of their places and laid aside, and when great force is required two or three men can push at each lever." —Comstock, 1850


"The capstan, in universal use, on board of ships, is an axle placed upright, with a head, or drum,…

A caterpillar with a saddle type pattern on its back.

Saddleback Caterpillar

A caterpillar with a saddle type pattern on its back.

"The pressure of the atmosphere may be easily shown by the tube and piston. suppose there is an orifice to be opened or closed by the valve b, as the piston a is moved up or down in its barrel. The valve being fastened by a hinge on the upper side, on pushing the piston down, it will open by the pressure of the air against it, and the air will make its escape. But when the piston is at the bottom of the barrel, on attempting to raise it again, towards the top, the valve is closed by the force of the external air acting upon it. If, therefore, the piston be drawn up in this state, it must be against the pressure of the atmosphere, the whole weight of which, to an extent equal to the diameter of the piston, must be lifted, while there will remain a vacuum or void space below it in the tube. if the piston be only three inches in diameter, it will require the full strength of a man to draw it to the top of the barrel, and when raised, if suddenly let go, it will be forced back again by the weight of the air, and will stright the bottom with great violence." —Comstock, 1850

Atmospheric Pressure

"The pressure of the atmosphere may be easily shown by the tube and piston. suppose there is an orifice…