"A horse- or steam-power machine for digging, moving, or transporting loose gravel, sand, or soil." -Whitney, 1911


"A horse- or steam-power machine for digging, moving, or transporting loose gravel, sand, or soil."…

An illustration of a group of men riding horses and fox hunting.

Fox Hunting

An illustration of a group of men riding horses and fox hunting.

An illustration of a man riding a horse and jumping over a fence.

Horse Jumping Over Fence

An illustration of a man riding a horse and jumping over a fence.

An illustration of a man riding a flying horse and following flying dogs.

Flying Horse and Dogs

An illustration of a man riding a flying horse and following flying dogs.

The fava bean plant (Vicia faba or Faba vulgaris) is a flowering plant in the Fabaceae family of legumes.

Fava Bean

The fava bean plant (Vicia faba or Faba vulgaris) is a flowering plant in the Fabaceae family of legumes.

"Skull of Cat (Felis catus), showing the following bones, viz. : na, nasal; pm, premaxillary; m, maxillary; l, lacrymal; f, frontal; j, jugal; pa, palatine; p, parietal; sq, squamosal; ip, interparietal; so, supra-occipital; eo, exoccipital (the line leads to the occipital condyle); t, tympanic bulla; smf, stylomastoid foramen; mf, mental foramen; c, coronoid process of mandible; ar, ascending ramus of mandible; hr, horizontal ramus of mandible; an, angle of jaw." -Whitney, 1911

Domestic Cat Skull

"Skull of Cat (Felis catus), showing the following bones, viz. : na, nasal; pm, premaxillary; m, maxillary;…

"Anterior View of Human Right Femur. ec, external condyle; etu, external tuberosity; ic, internal condyle; itu, internal tuberosity; ltr, lesser trochanter; gtr, great trochanter; h, head; n, neck." -Whitney, 1911

Anterior View of Human Right Femur

"Anterior View of Human Right Femur. ec, external condyle; etu, external tuberosity; ic, internal condyle;…

"Posterior View of Left Femur of a Horse. h, head; gtr, great trochanter; ttr, third trochanter; ltr, lesser trochanter; p, pit for round ligament; itf, intertrochanteric fossa; d, a depression or fossa; etu, itu, external and internal tuberosities; cc, the two condyles." -Whitney, 1911

Posterior View of Left Femur of Horse

"Posterior View of Left Femur of a Horse. h, head; gtr, great trochanter; ttr, third trochanter; ltr,…

An illustration of the "four-cylinder, 40-45 horse-power, seven passenger Great Arrow Touring Car." -MacMillian, 1906

Great Arrow Touring Car

An illustration of the "four-cylinder, 40-45 horse-power, seven passenger Great Arrow Touring Car."…

An illustration of a horse drawn carriage driven by an adult male.

Horse Drawn Carriage

An illustration of a horse drawn carriage driven by an adult male.

"Skeleton of Fish (Perch). a, intermaxillaries; b, nasal region; c, dentary bone of mandible; d, orbit of eye; e, supraoccipital crest; f, preoperculum; g, g', vertebral column; h, pectoral fin; i, ventral fin; k, first dorsal fin; l, second dorsal fin; m, anal fin; n, n, caudal fin, making a homocercal tail." -Whitney, 1911

Skeleton of Perch

"Skeleton of Fish (Perch). a, intermaxillaries; b, nasal region; c, dentary bone of mandible; d, orbit…

An illustration of a jaunting car; The Irish form of the sprung cart, called a jaunting car or jaunty car, was a light, horse-drawn, two-wheeled open vehicle with seats placed lengthwise, either face to face or back to back.

Jaunting Car

An illustration of a jaunting car; The Irish form of the sprung cart, called a jaunting car or jaunty…

An illustration of a man riding a horse being chased by flying snakes.

Man Chased on a Horse

An illustration of a man riding a horse being chased by flying snakes.

When a single large mass of rock is caught between two faults it is spoken of as a "horse."


When a single large mass of rock is caught between two faults it is spoken of as a "horse."

Tabanus americanus is a species of biting horsefly in the Tabanidae family of horseflies. It was also known as the synonym Tabanus ruficornis.

Dorsal View of Horsefly

Tabanus americanus is a species of biting horsefly in the Tabanidae family of horseflies. It was also…

An illustration of a black and white horse facing opposite directions.

Black and White Horses

An illustration of a black and white horse facing opposite directions.

An illustration of farm animals, including two horses, three pigs, and a cow.

Farm Animals in Corral

An illustration of farm animals, including two horses, three pigs, and a cow.

An illustration of a woman riding a horse out of a stable.

Woman Riding Horse

An illustration of a woman riding a horse out of a stable.

An illustration of a man riding a white horse and a boy riding a black horse.

Man and Boy Riding Horses

An illustration of a man riding a white horse and a boy riding a black horse.

An illustration of the tail of a horse.

Horse Tail

An illustration of the tail of a horse.

An illustration of a woman driving a horse and carriage.

Carriage & Horse

An illustration of a woman driving a horse and carriage.

An illustration of a soldier leading a charge on a horse.

Soldier Leading a Charge

An illustration of a soldier leading a charge on a horse.

An illustration of soldiers riding horses.

Men on Horsees

An illustration of soldiers riding horses.

An illustration of a horse-drawn fire truck.

Horse-Drawn Fire Truck

An illustration of a horse-drawn fire truck.

An illustration of a horse drawn fire carriage.

Fire Carriage

An illustration of a horse drawn fire carriage.

An illustration of a man on a horse jumping over a fence.

Man on Jumping Horse

An illustration of a man on a horse jumping over a fence.

An illustration of a man leading a horse with two children atop.

Man & Children with Horse

An illustration of a man leading a horse with two children atop.

An illustration of a horse chestnut shot.

Horse Chestnut Shoot

An illustration of a horse chestnut shot.

An illustration of a man putting a bridle on a horse.

Man & Horse

An illustration of a man putting a bridle on a horse.

An illustration of coral. Corals are marine organisms from the class Anthozoa and exist as small sea anemone–like polyps, typically in colonies of many identical individuals. The group includes the important reef builders that are found in tropical oceans, which secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton.


An illustration of coral. Corals are marine organisms from the class Anthozoa and exist as small sea…

An illustration of a whale skeleton.

Whale Skeleton

An illustration of a whale skeleton.

An illustration of a soldier sitting on a horse.

Soldier on Horse

An illustration of a soldier sitting on a horse.

"It is as well to be walking and be sure, as to ride on a stumbling horse and meet with an accident." -Trowbridge, 1866

Stumbling Horse Rebus

"It is as well to be walking and be sure, as to ride on a stumbling horse and meet with an accident."…

An illustration of a man shoeing a horse.


An illustration of a man shoeing a horse.

An illustration of a horse.


An illustration of a horse.

An illustration of a horse throwing a man.

Horse Throwing Man

An illustration of a horse throwing a man.

An illustration of a stirrup.


An illustration of a stirrup.

An illustration of a spur.


An illustration of a spur.

An illustration of a group of soldiers riding horses.

Men Riding Horse

An illustration of a group of soldiers riding horses.

An illustration of a soldier riding a horse.

Soldier on Horse

An illustration of a soldier riding a horse.

"Third cervical vertebra of Woodpecker (Picus viridis). (Viewed anteriorly.) Ft, vertebrarterial foramen; Ob, upper arch ; Pa, articular process; Psi, haemal spine ; Pt, Pt, the two bars of the transverse process, shewn on one side ancylosed with the cervical rib (R); Sa articular surface of centrum. (From Wieersheim.) A. H. Evans, 1900

The Diagram of a Third Cervical Vertebra of a Woodpecker

"Third cervical vertebra of Woodpecker (Picus viridis). (Viewed anteriorly.) Ft, vertebrarterial foramen;…

"Skeleton of the trunk of a Falcon. Ca, coracoid, which articulates with the sternum (St) at ; Cr, keel of sternum; Fu (Cl), furcula (clavicles); G, glenoid cavity for humerus; S, scapula; Un uncinate process; V, vertebral, and Sp, sternal, portion of rib. (From Wiedersheim.)" A. H. Evans, 1900

The Skeleton of the Trunk of a Falcon

"Skeleton of the trunk of a Falcon. Ca, coracoid, which articulates with the sternum (St) at ; Cr, keel…

"Skeleton of the Limbs and Tail of a Carinate Bird. (The skeleton of the body is indicated by dotted lines.) F, digits; Fi, fibula; HW, carpus; MF, tarsometatarsus; MH, carpometacarpus; OA, humerus; OS, femur; Py, pygostyle; R, coracoid; Ul, ulna; Sch, scapula; St, sternum, with its keel (Cr); T, tibiotarsus; Rd, radius; Z, Z, digits of foot. (From Wiedersheim.)" A. H. Evans, 1900

Skeleton of the Limbs and Tail of a Carinate Bird

"Skeleton of the Limbs and Tail of a Carinate Bird. (The skeleton of the body is indicated by dotted…

"Skull of a Wild Duck (Anus boscas), from the side. ag, Angular; als, alisphenoid; ar, articular; bt, basitemporal; d, dentaryl en, external nostrils, e.o, exoccipital; eth, ethmoid; fr, frontal; j, jugal; lc, lacrymal; mx, maxilla; mx.p, maxillopalatine process; n, nasal, parietal; pg, pterygoid; pl, palatine; ps, presphenoid; px, premaxilla; q, quadrate; q.j, quadratojugal; s.ag, supra-angular; s.o, supraoccipital; sq, squamosal; ty, tympanic cavity; v, vomer; II, foramen for optic nerve; V, for trigeminal." (From Wiedersheim.)" A. H. Evans, 1900

Diagram of the Skull of a Wild Duck

"Skull of a Wild Duck (Anus boscas), from the side. ag, Angular; als, alisphenoid; ar, articular; bt,…

"Ichthyornis victor and I. dispar, ...were small forms of about the size of a Partridge, with the habits and appearance, it is presumed, of Terns or Gulls. The head was extremely large in proportion to the remainder of the skeleton; the beak was long and pointed, with entirely separate rami to the mandible; the sharp teeth, fixed regularly in distinct sockets, were inclined backwards, and occupied the whole of the lower and at least the posterior half of the upper jaw; the keel of the sternum was large and broad; the dorsal and cervico-dorsal vertebrae were biconcave. the quadrate articulated to the skull by one knob,... the metatarsus was short and the whole foot small; a furcula was probably present; the wings were well developed, indicating great powers of flight; while the tail was comparatively short, and ended in a pygostyle." A. H. Evans, 1900

Skeleton Head of a Ichthyornis

"Ichthyornis victor and I. dispar, ...were small forms of about the size of a Partridge, with the habits…

An illustration of a man on a horse.

Man on a Horse

An illustration of a man on a horse.

Horse-rakes are on a footing different from mowing machines. Grass may be cut in the morning, in the evening, or in a cloudy day. But the hay must be raked at the very right time, or it may be entirely spoiled.

Carpenter's Improved Horse-rake

Horse-rakes are on a footing different from mowing machines. Grass may be cut in the morning, in the…

General James Longstreet (1821 - 1904) was a famous Confederate general of the American Civil War and principal subordinate to General Robert E. Lee. General Longstreet was called "Old War Horse" by General Robert E. Lee.

General James Longstreet

General James Longstreet (1821 - 1904) was a famous Confederate general of the American Civil War and…

Horace Greeley as the Trojan Horse of the Democratic Party who will do "anything to get in" but "you can't play the old Trojan Horse on Uncle Sam."

Greeley as Trojan Horse of Democratic Party

Horace Greeley as the Trojan Horse of the Democratic Party who will do "anything to get in" but "you…

New York Tribune joins New York Herald on the third term hobby horse of anti-Grant editorials.

NY Tribune and NY Herald

New York Tribune joins New York Herald on the third term hobby horse of anti-Grant editorials.

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the roadway by trucks, bicyclists, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or other vehicles might occur. The TRUCK CROSSING word message sign may be used as an alternate to the Truck Crossing symbol sign.

Truck Crossing, Black and White

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the…

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the roadway by trucks, bicyclists, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or other vehicles might occur. The TRUCK CROSSING word message sign may be used as an alternate to the Truck Crossing symbol sign.

Truck Crossing, Color

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the…

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the roadway by trucks, bicyclists, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or other vehicles might occur. The TRUCK CROSSING word message sign may be used as an alternate to the Truck Crossing symbol sign.

Truck Crossing, Outline

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the…

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the roadway by trucks, bicyclists, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or other vehicles might occur. The TRUCK CROSSING word message sign may be used as an alternate to the Truck Crossing symbol sign.

Truck Crossing, Silhouette

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the…

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the roadway by trucks, bicyclists, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or other vehicles might occur. These locations might be relatively confined or might occur randomly over a segment of roadway. Vehicular Traffic signs should be used only at locations where the road user's sight distance is restricted, or the condition, activity, or entering traffic would be unexpected. If the condition or activity is seasonal or temporary, the Vehicular Traffic sign should be removed or covered when the condition or activity does not exist.

Golf Cart Crossing, Black and White

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the…

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the roadway by trucks, bicyclists, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or other vehicles might occur. These locations might be relatively confined or might occur randomly over a segment of roadway. Vehicular Traffic signs should be used only at locations where the road user's sight distance is restricted, or the condition, activity, or entering traffic would be unexpected. If the condition or activity is seasonal or temporary, the Vehicular Traffic sign should be removed or covered when the condition or activity does not exist.

Golf Cart Crossing, Color

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the…

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the roadway by trucks, bicyclists, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or other vehicles might occur. These locations might be relatively confined or might occur randomly over a segment of roadway. Vehicular Traffic signs should be used only at locations where the road user's sight distance is restricted, or the condition, activity, or entering traffic would be unexpected. If the condition or activity is seasonal or temporary, the Vehicular Traffic sign should be removed or covered when the condition or activity does not exist.

Golf Cart Crossing, Outline

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the…

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the roadway by trucks, bicyclists, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or other vehicles might occur. These locations might be relatively confined or might occur randomly over a segment of roadway. Vehicular Traffic signs should be used only at locations where the road user's sight distance is restricted, or the condition, activity, or entering traffic would be unexpected. If the condition or activity is seasonal or temporary, the Vehicular Traffic sign should be removed or covered when the condition or activity does not exist.

Golf Cart Crossing, Silhouette

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the…

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the roadway by trucks, bicyclists, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or other vehicles might occur. These locations might be relatively confined or might occur randomly over a segment of roadway. Vehicular Traffic signs should be used only at locations where the road user's sight distance is restricted, or the condition, activity, or entering traffic would be unexpected. If the condition or activity is seasonal or temporary, the Vehicular Traffic sign should be removed or covered when the condition or activity does not exist.

Horse-Drawn Vehicles, Black and White

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the…

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the roadway by trucks, bicyclists, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, golf carts, horse-drawn vehicles, or other vehicles might occur. These locations might be relatively confined or might occur randomly over a segment of roadway. Vehicular Traffic signs should be used only at locations where the road user's sight distance is restricted, or the condition, activity, or entering traffic would be unexpected. If the condition or activity is seasonal or temporary, the Vehicular Traffic sign should be removed or covered when the condition or activity does not exist.

Horse-Drawn Vehicles, Color

Vehicular Traffic signs may be used to alert road users to locations where unexpected entries into the…