President Cleveland rejects office as it is laid at his doorstep.

Cleveland Rejects Office

President Cleveland rejects office as it is laid at his doorstep.

What's in a name?

Knights of Labor

What's in a name?

Anarchist terrorism in Chicago as the sword of Justice is brought against the leaders.

Anarchy in Chicago

Anarchist terrorism in Chicago as the sword of Justice is brought against the leaders.

The final picture in Harper's Weekly, "'Twas the Night before Christmas."

Christmas Sketch

The final picture in Harper's Weekly, "'Twas the Night before Christmas."

Baby Tabor as the Christkind.

Baby Tabor

Baby Tabor as the Christkind.

Chauncey Depew disgraced by the reaction to the tunnel construction accident.

Depew as Jester

Chauncey Depew disgraced by the reaction to the tunnel construction accident.

Boss Tweed grinded.

Tweed Grinded

Boss Tweed grinded.

Mr. McKinley after Harrison's defeat in 1892.

McKinley after Harrison's Defeat

Mr. McKinley after Harrison's defeat in 1892.

Richard Croker at a standstill.

Croker at Standstill

Richard Croker at a standstill.

A breeze from the West.

Western Breeze

A breeze from the West.

A March montage of "in like a lion, out like a lamb," the sign of Aries, and a rabbit.

March Montage

A March montage of "in like a lion, out like a lamb," the sign of Aries, and a rabbit.

Niagara, though often popularly translated as "Thundering Waters", this is a folk translation with no basis in historical native North American language. The name is a of a famous waterfalls and river through which Lake Erie empties into Lake Ontario, as part of the Great Lakes drainage system of North America. This shows the geological position of Niagara River and Falls, and the ancient levels of the lake waters from Lake Ontario to Chicago.

Niagara River and Falls

Niagara, though often popularly translated as "Thundering Waters", this is a folk translation with no…

Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds, or along the seacoast while a variety of other species are parasitic. The free forms are usually small, barely reaching a length greater than five or seven cetimeters (2 to 3 inches). Some of the parasitic species attain the great length of six to thirteen meters (20 to 40 feet). This is a fresh water flatworm. This is an anatomy of freshwater flatworm (Planaria), showing the excretory system, with flame-cell. The alimentary canal is stippled.


Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds,…

Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds, or along the seacoast while a variety of other species are parasitic. The free forms are usually small, barely reaching a length greater than five or seven cetimeters (2 to 3 inches). Some of the parasitic species attain the great length of six to thirteen meters (20 to 40 feet). This shows the nervous system of the flatworm.


Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds,…

Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds, or along the seacoast while a variety of other species are parasitic. Some of the parasitic species attain the great length of six to thirteen meters (20 to 40 feet). This parasitic flatworm diagram shows the (m) mouth, the (o) opening of the reproductive system, and (s) sucker and spines for attachment. The digestive system is stippled and the nervous system is black.


Flatworms are flattened, leaf-like forms living in damp places on land, in freshwater streams of ponds,…

The earthworms are also known as megadriles, in the families Tubificidae, Lumbriculidae, and Enchytraeidae, among others. The basic body plan is a tube, the digestive system, within a tube, the muscular slimy, moist outer body. The body is annular, formed of segments that are most specialized in the anterior and have a simple circulatory system. They have two main blood vessels that extend through the length of their body: a ventral blood vessel which leads the blood to the posterior end, and a dorsal blood vessel which leads to the anterior end. The dorsal vessel is contractile and pumps blood forward, where it is pumped into the ventral vessel by a series of "hearts" (aortic arches) which vary in number in the different taxa.


The earthworms are also known as megadriles, in the families Tubificidae, Lumbriculidae, and Enchytraeidae,…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. The female is wingless and has a large waxen egg-sac (e.s.) attached to her body.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. Male scale insects are unusual in possessing only one pair of wings, thus making them resemble true flies (Diptera), though they lack the halteres (rudimentary hind wings) seen in flies, and have tail filaments, which do not occur in flies.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. This is a bit of leaf with scales.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. This is an adult female scale.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. This is the wax scale under which the female lives.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. This is a scale larva.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily Coccoidea. There are about 8,000 species of scale insects. Most scale insects are parasites of plants, feeding on sap drawn directly from the plant's vascular system. This is an adult male scale.

Scale Insects

The scale insects are small insects of the order Hemiptera, generally classified as the superfamily…

Marcus Antonius, known in English as Mark Antony, was a Roman politician and General. He was an important supporter and the best friend of Gaius Julius Caesar as a military commander and administrator, being Caesar's second cousin, once removed, by his mother Julia Antonia. After Caesar's assassination, Antony formed an official political alliance with Octavian (Augustus) and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus, known to historians today as the Second Triumvirate.

Bust of Mark Antony

Marcus Antonius, known in English as Mark Antony, was a Roman politician and General. He was an important…

Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman military and political leader. He played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.

Bust of Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar was a Roman military and political leader. He played a critical role in the transformation…

Oliver Cromwell (born April 25, 1599 Old Style, died September 3, 1658 Old Style) was an English military and political leader best known for his involvement in making England into a republican Commonwealth and for his later role as Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland. He was one of the commanders of the New Model Army which defeated the royalists in the English Civil War. After the execution of King Charles I in 1649, Cromwell dominated the short-lived Commonwealth of England, conquered Ireland and Scotland, and ruled as Lord Protector from 1653 until his death in 1658.

Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell (born April 25, 1599 Old Style, died September 3, 1658 Old Style) was an English military…

Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) was from 20 June 1837 the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and from 1 May 1876 the first Empress of India of the British Raj until her death. Her reign as the Queen lasted 63 years and seven months, longer than that of any other British monarch before or (as of 2009) since. The period centered on her reign is known as the Victorian era, a time of industrial, political, and military progress within the United Kingdom.

Queen Victoria

Victoria (Alexandrina Victoria; 24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901) was from 20 June 1837 the Queen…

"Globigerina bulloides. GLOBIGERINIDAE. A family of chiefly pelagic foraminiferous rhizopods, with the perforate test free and calcareous, its several chambers inflated or globose and arranged in a turbinate spiral, the aperture simple or multiple and conspicuous, opening into an umbilical depression, and no supplementary skeleton or canal system." -Whitney, 1911


"Globigerina bulloides. GLOBIGERINIDAE. A family of chiefly pelagic foraminiferous rhizopods, with the…

"Globigerina bulloides. GLOBIGERINIDAE. A family of chiefly pelagic foraminiferous rhizopods, with the perforate test free and calcareous, its several chambers inflated or globose and arranged in a turbinate spiral, the aperture simple or multiple and conspicuous, opening into an umbilical depression, and no supplementary skeleton or canal system." -Whitney, 1911


"Globigerina bulloides. GLOBIGERINIDAE. A family of chiefly pelagic foraminiferous rhizopods, with the…

The Capitoline Hill is a Roman hill between the Forum and the Campus Martius. The Cloaca Maxima was one of the world's earliest sewage systems. "The Capitoline and Cloaca Maxima. A restoration." -Allen, 1890

Capitoline and Cloaca Maxima

The Capitoline Hill is a Roman hill between the Forum and the Campus Martius. The Cloaca Maxima was…

This is a plan of the Durham Cathedral, England. It is an example of English Gothic architecture. Building began in 1093 and was finished in approximately 40 years. "The square eastern termination, the less ambitious height, and the comparatively simple buttress–system, combine to give the English Gothic cathedral an air of greater repose than is found in the magnificent triumphs of French Gothic art." The scale is in feet.

Plan of Durham Cathedral, 1093–1133

This is a plan of the Durham Cathedral, England. It is an example of English Gothic architecture. Building…

This is a plan of the Salisbury Cathedral, England. It is an example of English Gothic architecture. The scale is in feet. "The square eastern termination, the less ambitious height, and the comparatively simple buttress–system, combine to give the English Gothic cathedral an air of great repose than is found in the magnificent triumphs of French Gothic art." The grouping "of 'lancet' windows, the piercing of the wall above them with the foiled circles, and the combination of the whole under an enclosed arch, soon led to the introduction of tracery, for which the design of earlier triforium arcades had also afforded a suggestion."

Plan of Salisbury Cathedral, 1075–1092

This is a plan of the Salisbury Cathedral, England. It is an example of English Gothic architecture.…

"Those palaces which like the back of the Strozzi Place are constucted of dressed blocks with a less decided projection, present a more elegant appearance."Palazzo Strozzi is a palace in Florence, Italy. The Palace was begun in 1489 by Benedetto da Maiano, for Filippo Strozzi the Elder, a rival of the Medici who had returned to the city in November 1466 and desired the most magnificent palace to assert his family's continued prominence and, perhaps more importantly a political statement of his own status. A great number of other buildings were acquired during the 70s and demolished to provide enough space for the new construction. Giuliano da Sangallo the Younger provided a wood model of the design. Filippo Strozzi died in 1491, long before the construction's completion in 1538. Duke Cosimo I de' Medici confiscated it in the same year, not returning it to the Strozzi family until thirty years later.

Strozzi Palace at Florence

"Those palaces which like the back of the Strozzi Place are constucted of dressed blocks with a less…

"The most noteworthy of the successors of Palladio at Venice were Scamozzi, and Longhena, the architect of the Della Salute church.Some of the churches of this style retain the Byzantine system of the Greek cross with barrel-vaultings and a central dome resting on four pillars or piers. Others, again, have the form of the basilica but with a system of their own, which produces a beautiful effect. This system consists of smaller domes in the aisles, all resting on pierces masses of masonry with barrel-vaultings connected with them, as, for instance San Salvador."The Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute (Basilica of St Mary of Health/Salvation), commonly known simply as the Salute, is a famous church in Venice, placed scenically at a narrow finger of land which lies between the Grand Canal and the Bacino di San Marco on the lagoon, visible as one enters the Piazza San Marco from the water. While it has the status of a minor basilica, its decorative and distinctive profile and location make it among the most photographed churches in Italy.

Della Salute Church and Custom House

"The most noteworthy of the successors of Palladio at Venice were Scamozzi, and Longhena, the architect…

"Ideal plan of the double-ringed body of a vertebrate. N, neural canal; H, haemal canal; the body separating them is the centrum of any vertebra, bearing e, and epapophysis, and y, a hypapophysis; n, n, neurapophyses; d, d, diapophyses; ns, bifid neural spine; pl, pl, pleurapophyses; h, h, haemapophyses; hs, bifid haemal spine. Drawn by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, USA, After Owen. The Axial Skeleton of a bird or any vertebrated animal, that is, one having a back-bone, exhibits in cross-section two rings or hoops, one above and the other below a central point, like the upper and lower loops of a figure 8. The upper ring is the neural arch, so called because such cylinder encloses a section of the cerebro-spinal axis, or principal nervous system of a vertebrate (brain and spinal cord, whence arise all the nerves of the body, excepting those of the sympathetic nervous system). The lower ring is the haema arch, which similarly contains a section of the principal blood vessals and viscera.

Axial Skeleton

"Ideal plan of the double-ringed body of a vertebrate. N, neural canal; H, haemal canal; the body separating…

"Fig 55. - Actual section of the body in the thoracic region of a bird. N, neural canal; H, haemal canal; c, centrum of a dorsal vertebra; hy, hypapophysis; d, diapophysis; z, zygapophysis; ns, neural spine; r, pleurapophysis, or vertebral part of a free rib, bearing u, uncinate process or epipleura; cr, haemapophyses; or sternal part of the same; st, section of the sternum or breast-bone (haemal spine). Designed by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, USA. This figure shows such a section, made across the thoracic or chest-region of the trunk. Here the upper ring (neural) is contracted, only surrounding the slender spinal cord, while the lower ring is expanded to enclose the heart and lungs." Elliot Coues, 1884

The Axial Skeleton

"Fig 55. - Actual section of the body in the thoracic region of a bird. N, neural canal; H, haemal canal;…

The Musée du Louvre or officially the Grand Louvre — in English, the Louvre Museum or Great Louvre, or simply the Louvre — is the national museum of France, the most visited museum in the world, and a historic monument. It is a central landmark of Paris, located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement (neighborhood). Nearly 35,000 objects from the 6th century BC to the 19th century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square meters (652,300 square feet).Charles Le Brun (February 24 1619 – February 22 1690) was a French painter and art theorist, one of the dominant artists in 17th century France."Little by little a method of ornamentation was introduced by successive decorators and architects, which was eminently suited to the French taste. Androuet Du Cercean and Jean Lepautre are especially noticeable as representatives of this school of establishment. The sumptuous Apollo Gallery in the Louvre is a characteristic example of the productions of the latter. [This image] exhibits a portion of the system of decoration which pervades the whole gallery."

Fragment from the Apollo Gallery in the Louvre at Paris

The Musée du Louvre or officially the Grand Louvre — in English, the Louvre Museum or Great Louvre,…

The Palace of Versailles, or simply Versailles, is a royal château in Versailles, the île-de-France region of France. In French, it is known as the Château de Versailles."It was principally the above-mentioned system of Roccoco decoration and architectural detail which characterized the architecture of the time of Louis XV.; it is, consequently, sometimes designated as the style of Louis XV. [This image] gives a portion of an interior drawn in perspective.""Internal arrangement and decoration are the main characteristics of the style of this period, and in this direction the best results were doubtless produced. Large and lofty rooms, as well as scope for display, were indispensable; consequently this style of embellishment was most happily carried out in each state apartments, especially in the princely castles and palaces, or, as the French call them, the "Hôtels" of the aristocracy."

Saloon in the Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles, or simply Versailles, is a royal château in Versailles, the île-de-France…

The Palace of Versailles, or simply Versailles, is a royal château in Versailles, the île-de-France region of France. In French, it is known as the Château de Versailles."It was principally the above-mentioned system of Roccoco decoration and architectural detail which characterized the architecture of the time of Louis XV.; it is, consequently, sometimes designated as the style of Louis XV." This image depicts the entire wall."Internal arrangement and decoration are the main characteristics of the style of this period, and in this direction the best results were doubtless produced. Large and lofty rooms, as well as scope for display, were indispensable; consequently this style of embellishment was most happily carried out in each state apartments, especially in the princely castles and palaces, or, as the French call them, the "Hôtels" of the aristocracy."

Saloon in the Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles, or simply Versailles, is a royal château in Versailles, the île-de-France…

"The main essentials in all the Roccoco Styles are a certain independence in the ornamentation of the main architectural organism, the prominence of this ornamentation itself, and finally its shape and design. A luxurious elegance is displayed in the treatment of interiors, which was most happily employed in the embellishment of the state apartments. [This image] gives an example of the absence of connection among the various ornaments employed in the system of decoration, such as was especially peculiar to the churches of the Jesuits."

Jesuit Church, Rome

"The main essentials in all the Roccoco Styles are a certain independence in the ornamentation of the…

"Muscles of a bird (accipiter nisus), after Carus, Tab. Anat. Comp., 1828, pl. 4.   a, pharynx; b, trachea; e, hyoid bone; d, ear; e, humerous; f, radius; g, ulna; h, radial finger; i, tibia; k, metatarsus; l, hind toe; m, inner toe; n, middle toe; o, outer toe. 1, biventer cervicis, with central tendon 1 a, and upper 1 b, and lower 1 c, belly. 2, complexus. 3, flexor capitis lateralis. 4, flexor longus capitis. 5, extensor magnus cervicis. 6, descendens cervicis. 7, 7, semispinales. 8, flexorsuperior capitis. 9, flexor inferior or longus capitis. 10, 10, intertransversales. 11, levator coccygis. 12, depressor coccygis. 13, cruro-coccygeus (ilio-coccygeus?). 14, pubo-coccygeus. 15 ischio-coccygeus. 16, lateralis quartus (quadratus coccygis, to tail-feathers). 17, obliquus externus abdominis. 18, cucullaris (trapezius). 19, serratus magnus. 20, pectoralis major. 21, a, b, latissimus dorsi. 22, deltoid. 23, suprascapular. 24, coraco-brachialis. 25, biceps brachii. 26, supinatpr longus. 27, anconeus longus (part of "triceps"). 28, anconeus brevis. 29, anconeus brevissimus. 30 a, 30 b, tensor patagii, carpal and radial parts. 31, tensor patagii posterior. 32, extensormetacarpi longus. 33, extensor metacarpi brevis. 34 a, flexor digitorum sublimis. 34 b, flexor digitorum profundus. 34 c, flexor metacarpi radialis. 36, flexor (meta-) carpi ulnaris. 37, glutaeus maximus. 38, adductor femoris primus. 39, sartorius. 40, latissimus femoris. 41, gracilis = ambiens: only its tendon in sight. 42, vastus; 43, iceps cruris. 44, semimembranosus. 46,46,47, gastrocnemius. 48 digastricus (chief opener of the mouth). 49, temporal. 50, long ligament. 51, cutaneous muscle of scalp. 52, masseter. 53, a muscle of the hyoid bone. 54, tibialis anticus. 55, tibialis posticus. 56, extensor hallucis. 57, flexor hallucis. 58, flaxor digitorum profundus or perforans, seen in various places: long and short head, and several tendons. 59, extensor longus digitorum, tendons seen in various places 60, abductor digiti interni. 61,61,61, flexores digitorum perforati. 62, peronaeus. 63, abductor minimi digiti. 64, abductor hallucis." Elliot Coues, 1884

Eurasian Sparrowhawk Muscles

"Muscles of a bird (accipiter nisus), after Carus, Tab. Anat. Comp., 1828, pl. 4. a, pharynx; b, trachea;…

"But perhaps the most effective and suitable employment of iron is shown in connection with glass, as has been exemplified in the temporary buildings for exhibitions, for which the Great Exhibition in London, in the year 1851, furnished the model which has so often been followed subsequently. This building was afterwards removed to Sydenham, and is now known as the Crystal Palace. In this structure the walls as well as the vaulted roof consist of glass inserted between iron girders, after the pattern of large conservatories and winter-gardens, especially of that in the Champs Élydées at Paris, which is no longer in existence. Although this building scarcely seems like an architectural construction, but appears to form a peculiar specialty, still an impression is produced, which is hitherto unparalleled by its transparent termination in all directions, and by its dimensions, which have never been before attained in enclosed spaces. The distinguishing height of the main body of the building, which is divided into several naves and galleries , and if the loftier transept, which is 174 English feet high, is too considerable to recall the conservatory, which first suggested the idea to Paxton of constructing such a building on a large scale for the Great Exhibition. The visible stability of the system of construction gives a certain feeling of security as a counterpoise to the astonishment which the enormous size creates. On the other hand it is not to be denied that artistic execution in the forms of the constructive parts is wanting, though many difficulties would perhaps have had to be overcome to attain this without the structure suffering as regards solidity. These constructive elements, moreover, are not used as leading to further æsthetic development, so that a real artistic value can only be attributed to the novel impression of the whole, which is produced by the large dimensions and transparent walls."

Crystal Palace at Sydenham

"But perhaps the most effective and suitable employment of iron is shown in connection with glass, as…

George Washington, born in Virginia, February 22nd, 1732 was the eldest of five children. He was inquisitive, docile and diligent with a talent for leadership. His first surveying job established his reputation in that field. At nineteen, he was appointed military inspector with the rank of major. He continued for many years of service in his military career finally retiring to private life in 1758. On January 6th, 1759, he married Mrs. Martha Custis, a widow. With the revolution approaching he was commissioned to take command of the army. He leadership skills were to carry him though the years of difficulty ahead. The succesful siege of Yorktown was a victory that put a finish to the war. On the 25th of November, 1783, a peace treaty with Britain was ratified. Once again he retired to private life, spending the next several years devoted to his family and farm. In 1787 he was chosen as president of the convention to revise the federal system held at Philadelphia. With the new constitution about to go into operation, Washington was unanimously chosen as the first president of the United States.

George Washington

George Washington, born in Virginia, February 22nd, 1732 was the eldest of five children. He was inquisitive,…

Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. He was also a noted polymath, a leading author and printer, satirist, political theorist, politician, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. In 1751, Franklin and Dr. Thomas Bond obtained a charter from the Pennsylvania legislature to establish a hospital. Pennsylvania Hospital was the first hospital in what was to become the United States of America. In June, 1776, he was appointed a member of the Committee of Five that drafted the Declaration of Independence. Although he was temporarily disabled by gout and unable to attend most meetings of the Committee, Franklin made several small changes to the draft sent to him by Thomas Jefferson. In December, 1776, Franklin was dispatched to France as commissioner for the United States and remained in France until 1785. Franklin retained a lifelong commitment to the Puritan virtues and political values with which he had grown up. Through his civic work and publishing, he succeeded in passing these values into the American culture permanently.

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. He was also a noted…

John F. Oberlin was a Alsatian pastor and philanthropist. Oberlin College, an American liberal arts college in Ohio, was named for him upon its founding in 1833. In 1766, after studing theology in his hometown, he became pastor of Waldersbach, a remote and barren region in Steintal, a valley in the Vosges on the borders of Alsace and Lorraine. He set himself to better the material, and spiritual, condition of the inhabitants. He began by constructing roads through the valley and erecting bridges, inciting the peasantry to the enterprise by his personal example. He introduced an improved system of agriculture. Substantial cottages were erected, and various industrial arts were introduced. He founded an itinerant library, originated infant schools, and established an ordinary school at each of the five villages in the parish. In the work of education he received great assistance from his housekeeper, Louisa Scheppler. He died in 1826, and was interred with great manifestations of honor and affection at the village of Urbach.

John Frederick Oberlin

John F. Oberlin was a Alsatian pastor and philanthropist. Oberlin College, an American liberal arts…

This railroad car is a vehicle that is used for the carrying of cargo or passengers. These cars can be coupled together into a train and hauled by a locomotive.

Union Park Railway Car on a Rail Transport System

This railroad car is a vehicle that is used for the carrying of cargo or passengers. These cars can…

This portable wagon is a loading machine that brings together a swinging table arranged to be lowered flat on the ground. Horses can pass over it with ease, holding a lower hopper onto which the table dumps its load, and a conveyer which elevates to receive the contents of the conveyer.

Portable Wagon Loading Machine

This portable wagon is a loading machine that brings together a swinging table arranged to be lowered…

This vehicle brake is used to slow down a vehicle by converting its kinetic energy into heat. This basic system, used a brake lever, and road wheel brakes. The heat energy is then dissipated into the atmosphere.

Running Gear Vehicular Brake

This vehicle brake is used to slow down a vehicle by converting its kinetic energy into heat. This basic…

A fire door is a type of door or movable barrier used as part of a passive fire protection system within buildings to prevent the spread of fire or smoke between separate sections. It is usually the only means of allowing people to pass through a fire resistant wall.

Fire Door

A fire door is a type of door or movable barrier used as part of a passive fire protection system within…

An automatic lubrication system often referred to as a centralized lubricator comprises a controller, pump, reservoir, metering valves, fittings and feed lines. It typically delivers a controlled amount of lubricant in the forms of grease or oil to multiple, specific locations on a machine while the machine is operating at specific times from a central location.

Automatic Feeder for Lubricating Materials

An automatic lubrication system often referred to as a centralized lubricator comprises a controller,…

This sugar cane car transport is the conveyance of sugar can by means of wheeled vehicles running on steel rails. Tracks consist of steel rails running on sleepers and ballast. Sometimes there is also a signaling system.

Sugar Cane Car

This sugar cane car transport is the conveyance of sugar can by means of wheeled vehicles running on…

A steam generator is the term used to describe a type of boiler used to produce steam for climate control and potable water heating in railroad passenger cars. The output of a railroad steam generator is low pressure, saturated steam that is passed through a system of pipes and conduits.

Steam Generator

A steam generator is the term used to describe a type of boiler used to produce steam for climate control…

A railway electrification system supplies electrical energy to railway locomotives and multiple units so that they can operate without having an on board prime mover. There are several different electrification systems in use throughout the world. Railway electrification has many advantages but requires heavy capital expenditure for installation.

Closed Conduit Electric Railway

A railway electrification system supplies electrical energy to railway locomotives and multiple units…

The hydraulic brake is an arrangement of braking mechanism which uses brake fluid, typically containing ethylene glycol, to transfer pressure from the controlling unit, which is usually near the operator of the vehicle, to the actual brake mechanism, which is usually at or near the wheel of the vehicle. Within a hydraulic brake system, as the brake pedal is pressed/ brake lever is squeezed, a push rod exerts force on the piston(s) in the master cylinder causing fluid from the brake fluid reservoir to flow into a pressure chamber through a compensating port which results in an increase in the pressure of the entire hydraulic system. This forces fluid through the hydraulic lines toward one or more calipers where it acts upon one or two additional caliper pistons secured by one or more seated O-rings which prevent the escape of any fluid from around the piston.

Fluid Pressure Brake Apparatus

The hydraulic brake is an arrangement of braking mechanism which uses brake fluid, typically containing…

This chair features a mechanical system that spins an idler gear while the user is rocking back and forth to propel a fan located above the users headrest

Automatic Fan for Rocking Chair

This chair features a mechanical system that spins an idler gear while the user is rocking back and…

An index is a system used to make finding information easier. In a traditional back-of-the-book index the headings will include names of people, places and events, and concepts selected by a person as being relevant and of interest to a possible reader of the book.

File Index

An index is a system used to make finding information easier. In a traditional back-of-the-book index…

A pulley, also called a sheave or a drum, is a mechanism composed of a wheel on an axle or shaft that may have a groove between two flanges around its circumference. A rope, cable, belt, or chain usually runs over the wheel and inside the groove, if present. Pulleys are used to change the direction of an applied force, transmit rotational motion, or realize a mechanical advantage in either a linear or rotational system of motion. Two or more pulleys together are called a block and tackle.


A pulley, also called a sheave or a drum, is a mechanism composed of a wheel on an axle or shaft that…

A system for manual delivery of mail to a series of recipients includes a stack of mail holders each comprising a front flap, a back flap and a central fold.

Mail Bag Delivering Machine

A system for manual delivery of mail to a series of recipients includes a stack of mail holders each…

In electrical grids, a power system network integrates transmission grids, distribution grids, distributed generators and loads that have connection points called busses.

System of Electrical Distribution

In electrical grids, a power system network integrates transmission grids, distribution grids, distributed…

Turnbuckle is a screw device to adjust the tension or length of ropes, cables, tie rods, and other tension system.


Turnbuckle is a screw device to adjust the tension or length of ropes, cables, tie rods, and other tension…