"A, Shapes of bases of leaves; B, Peltate leaf of Tropaeolum. 1, heart-shaped; 2, arrow-shaped; 3, halberd-shaped." -Bergen, 1896

Leaf Bases

"A, Shapes of bases of leaves; B, Peltate leaf of Tropaeolum. 1, heart-shaped; 2, arrow-shaped; 3, halberd-shaped."…

"A, Runcinate leaf of dandelion." -Bergen, 1896

Dandelion Leaf

"A, Runcinate leaf of dandelion." -Bergen, 1896

"Lyrate leaf." -Bergen, 1896

Lyrate Leaf

"Lyrate leaf." -Bergen, 1896

"Shapes of margins of leaves. a (1), finely serrate; (2), coarsely serrate; (3), doubly serrate. b (1), finely dentate; (2), sinuate dentate; (3), doubly dentate. c, deeply sinuate. d, wavy. e (1), crenate or scalloped; (2), doubly crenate." -Bergen, 1896

Leaf Margins

"Shapes of margins of leaves. a (1), finely serrate; (2), coarsely serrate; (3), doubly serrate. b (1),…

"An evergreen of the laurel family, having glossy leaves and bearing clusters of yellowish flowers, which are succeeded by branches of fruit resembling black currants." -Lupton

Camphor Tree

"An evergreen of the laurel family, having glossy leaves and bearing clusters of yellowish flowers,…

In architecture, an opening or a panel dividing by cusps or foliations into four leaves, or more correctly the leaf-shaped figure formed by the cusps. It is an ornament which has been supposed to represents the four leaves of a cruciform flower, and is common in the tracery of Gothic windows.

Quatrefoil Architecture

In architecture, an opening or a panel dividing by cusps or foliations into four leaves, or more correctly…

This gigantic flower, one of the marvels of the vegetable world, was discovered in the interior Sumatra by Sir. T Raffles and Dr. Arnold. The whole plant seems to consist of little else beyond the flower and root.

Raffle'sia Flower

This gigantic flower, one of the marvels of the vegetable world, was discovered in the interior Sumatra…

Leaf arrangements: left, alternate arrangement; right, opposite arrangement.

Leaf Arrangements

Leaf arrangements: left, alternate arrangement; right, opposite arrangement.

"Marginal forms of leaves: a- serrate, or saw-toothed. b- dentate, or toothed. c- crenate, or scalloped. d- repand, undulate, or wavy. e- sinuate. f- incised, cut or jagged." -Foster, 1921

Leaf Margins

"Marginal forms of leaves: a- serrate, or saw-toothed. b- dentate, or toothed. c- crenate, or scalloped.…

Two examples of leaf venation: left, parallel veining; right, netted veining.

Leaf Veins

Two examples of leaf venation: left, parallel veining; right, netted veining.

Leaves, flowers, and seeds from the Logwood tree (Haematoxylum campechianum).


Leaves, flowers, and seeds from the Logwood tree (Haematoxylum campechianum).

The fruit, flower, and branch of the avocado tree.


The fruit, flower, and branch of the avocado tree.

An apple.


An apple.

"Leaf of a willow (Salix sp.). b, blade; p, petiole; s, stipules." -Gager, 1916

Willow Leaf

"Leaf of a willow (Salix sp.). b, blade; p, petiole; s, stipules." -Gager, 1916

"Diagram to show the essential parts of a "flowering" plant. t.r., tap-root; cot. seed-leaf (cotyledon); i, internode; a.l, leaf-axil; n, node; a.b, axillary buud; r, receptacle of floral organs; ca, calyx; per, perianth; co, corolla; st, stamens (androecium); pi, pistil (gynoecium)." -Gager, 1916

Flower Parts

"Diagram to show the essential parts of a "flowering" plant. t.r., tap-root; cot. seed-leaf (cotyledon);…

"Tulip bulb; longitudinal section. F, solid stem; B, flower bud; S, leaf-bases serving as bud-scales, and also for the storage of plant food." -Gager, 1916

Tulip Bulb

"Tulip bulb; longitudinal section. F, solid stem; B, flower bud; S, leaf-bases serving as bud-scales,…

"Leaf of a live-forever (Sedum sp.), with a portion of the epidermis peeled back. Underneath the epidermis is the mesophyll." -Gager, 1916

Sedum Leaf

"Leaf of a live-forever (Sedum sp.), with a portion of the epidermis peeled back. Underneath the epidermis…

"Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus). L, cross-section of leaf-blade, showing relative thickness of a layer of epidermal hairs; H, a single hair from a leaf." -Gager, 1916

Mullein Leaf

"Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus). L, cross-section of leaf-blade, showing relative thickness of a layer…

"Lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus). Portions of leaf-epidermis; U, upper epidermis; L, lower epidermis; ep, epidermal cell; st, guard-cells of the stomata." -Gager, 1916

Leaf Epidermis

"Lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus). Portions of leaf-epidermis; U, upper epidermis; L, lower epidermis;…

"Cross-sections of leaves of an oak (Quercus novimexicana), showing the effect of different light conditions on the internal anatomy. 1, from leaf growing in sunlight; 2, from leaf growing in the shade." -Gager, 1916

Oak Leaf Cross-Section

"Cross-sections of leaves of an oak (Quercus novimexicana), showing the effect of different light conditions…

"Horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum). ls, leaf-scar, showing scars of seven fibro-vascular bundles, corresponding, in number, to the seven leaflets of the compound leaf, formerly attached at ls. The leaf is drawn to a smaller scale than the branch." -Gager, 1916

Horse-Chestnut Leaf

"Horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum). ls, leaf-scar, showing scars of seven fibro-vascular bundles,…

"Effect of removal of a leaflet from a palmately compound leaf (e.g. Woodbine). B, normal leaf; C, after removal of upper right-hand leaflet. A, Unbroken lines represent average normal position of leaflets; dotted lines, average position of leaflets after operation; barred line, position of leaflet removed." -Gager, 1916

Leaflet Removal

"Effect of removal of a leaflet from a palmately compound leaf (e.g. Woodbine). B, normal leaf; C, after…

"Fern leaves, showing various degrees of subdivision or branching of the blade. A, Phyllitis; B, Polypodium; C, Pteris; D, Adiantum." -Gager, 1916

Fern Leaves

"Fern leaves, showing various degrees of subdivision or branching of the blade. A, Phyllitis; B, Polypodium;…

"Regeneration at the leaf-base of potato leaves (Solanum tuberosum). a, roots formed; b, tuber-like enlargement; c, same as b, with roots; d, formation of true tuber." -Gager, 1916

Potato Root Stages

"Regeneration at the leaf-base of potato leaves (Solanum tuberosum). a, roots formed; b, tuber-like…

"Morphology of typical monocotyledonous plant. A, leaf, parallel-veined; B, portion of stem, showing irregular distribution of vascular bundles; C, ground plan of flower (the parts in 3's); D, top view of flower; E, seed, showing monocotyledonous embryo." -Gager, 1916

Monocotyledonous Morphology

"Morphology of typical monocotyledonous plant. A, leaf, parallel-veined; B, portion of stem, showing…

"Morphology of a typical dicotyledonous plant. A, leaf, pinnately-netted veined; B, portion of stem, showing concentric layers of wood; C, ground-plan of flower (the parts in 5's); D, perspective of flower; E, longitudinal section of seed, showing dicotyledonous embryo." -Gager, 1916

Dicotyledonous Morphology

"Morphology of a typical dicotyledonous plant. A, leaf, pinnately-netted veined; B, portion of stem,…

"Black mustard (Brassica nigra)." -Gager, 1916

Black Mustard

"Black mustard (Brassica nigra)." -Gager, 1916

"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid); C, median longitudinal section through a head, showing the insertion of the flowers; D, individual flower; E, fruit (ripened ovary), showing the persistent pappus (calyx) of short scales." -Gager, 1916

Common Chicory

"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid);…

"Top, lateral pinna from a leaf of Marattia jraxinea. Below at left, synangium of same. At right, corss-section of the synangium." -Gager, 1916

Marratia Fern

"Top, lateral pinna from a leaf of Marattia jraxinea. Below at left, synangium of same. At right, corss-section…

"Cycadeoidea Wielandi. Longitudinal section through the axis of a female inflorescence, or cone. l, old leaf-base; d, insertion of disc; s, erect seed, borne at summit of seed-pedicle inserted on convex receptacle; b, hair covered bract." -Gager, 1916


"Cycadeoidea Wielandi. Longitudinal section through the axis of a female inflorescence, or cone. l,…

The seed, flower, and leaf of a dandelion.


The seed, flower, and leaf of a dandelion.

The leaves and fruit of the elm tree.

Elm Leaves and Fruit

The leaves and fruit of the elm tree.

"The nest of the Tailor-Bird is placed in a large leaf, the margins of which are sewn together, so as to form a bag."

Nest of Tailor-Bird

"The nest of the Tailor-Bird is placed in a large leaf, the margins of which are sewn together, so as…

This insect has a natural camouflage and appears just a leaf.

Leaf Insect (Phyllium Scythe), Female

This insect has a natural camouflage and appears just a leaf.

An engraving from the second leaf of the block book, Canticum Canticorum (Song of Songs).

Canticum Canticorum

An engraving from the second leaf of the block book, Canticum Canticorum (Song of Songs).

"Their attitudes deceive even the close observer; they embrace the stem of the leaf or twig with their hinder or intermediate legs, whilst the rest of their body, vertically elevated, remans stiff and immovable for hours together."

Caterpillar of the Canary-Shouldered Thorn

"Their attitudes deceive even the close observer; they embrace the stem of the leaf or twig with their…

"When the caterpillar wants to gnaw the edge of a leaf, it twists its body in such a way that at least one portion of the edge of the leaf is held between its legs, while the insect's jaws cut the leaf."

Looper Caterpillar Eating the Leaves of the Apricot (After Reaumur)

"When the caterpillar wants to gnaw the edge of a leaf, it twists its body in such a way that at least…

The longleaf pine commonly found in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. The leaves come 3 in a bundle, 9 to 12 inches long.

Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.). Two-thirds natural size. Leaf bundle.

The longleaf pine commonly found in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. The leaves come 3 in a bundle,…

The longleaf pine commonly found in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. The leaves are 9 to 12 inches long.

Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.). Two-thirds natural size. Primary leaf bracts (magnified)

The longleaf pine commonly found in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. The leaves are 9 to 12 inches…

The longleaf pine commonly found in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. The leaves are 9 to 12 inches long.

Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.). Two-thirds natural size. epidermis of leaf (magnified)

The longleaf pine commonly found in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. The leaves are 9 to 12 inches…

Certain caterpillars will roll an oak leaf in order to take refuge inside. "Packets of threads are attached by one end to the surface of the roll, and by the other to the flat surface of the leaf."

Oak Leaf Rolled Perpendicularly

Certain caterpillars will roll an oak leaf in order to take refuge inside. "Packets of threads are attached…

Certain caterpillars will roll an oak leaf in order to take refuge inside. "Packets of threads are attached by one end to the surface of the roll, and by the other to the flat surface of the leaf."

Oak Leaf Rolled Sideways

Certain caterpillars will roll an oak leaf in order to take refuge inside. "Packets of threads are attached…

1. Leaf with batches of eggs laid upon it.2. Batches of recently aid eggs.3. Eggs in which caterpillars can be perceived.4. Batch of eggs from which the caterpillars have already emerged.5. Small caterpillars hanging by threads.6. Leaf with the chrysalis.7. Caterpillar.8. Moth.

The Vine Pyralis in its Three States

1. Leaf with batches of eggs laid upon it. 2. Batches of recently aid eggs. 3. Eggs in which caterpillars…

"The Leaf Cutting Bees make their nests in tubes lined with the leaves of the rose, the willow, the lilac, etc., placed in a cylindrical burrow."

Rose Megachile Bee (Megachile Centuncularis)

"The Leaf Cutting Bees make their nests in tubes lined with the leaves of the rose, the willow, the…

An illustration of a broad leaf laurel.

Broad leaf laurel

An illustration of a broad leaf laurel.

Vermicularia trichella is a fungal plant disease that causes leaf and stem spot in English Ivy.

Fungal Disease

Vermicularia trichella is a fungal plant disease that causes leaf and stem spot in English Ivy.

"Galls on the leaf of an Ochnaceous plant." -Lindley, 1853


"Galls on the leaf of an Ochnaceous plant." -Lindley, 1853

"Woolly Oak-gall, produced by Cynips Quercus ramuli." -Lindley, 1853

Gall Wasp

"Woolly Oak-gall, produced by Cynips Quercus ramuli." -Lindley, 1853

"A greatly magnified view of a perpendicular section of Parmelia aipolia, showing the thecae in the shield, a; b, the hypothecium and some gonidia beneath it; c, the medullary region; and d, the gonimic layer." -Lindley, 1853

Leaf Lichen

"A greatly magnified view of a perpendicular section of Parmelia aipolia, showing the thecae in the…

The leaf insect or walking leaf is an insect that has the appearance of a leaf from the family Phylliidae.

Leaf Insect

The leaf insect or walking leaf is an insect that has the appearance of a leaf from the family Phylliidae.

"The caterpillar of which, commonly known as the tobacco-worm in the Middle States, is very destructive to the leaf of the tobacco-plant, when the worm is young, by eating holes in the leaves, thus spoiling them for use as wrappers for cigars, and when old by devouring the whole of the leaf itself." -Watts, 1874

Tobacco worm

"The caterpillar of which, commonly known as the tobacco-worm in the Middle States, is very destructive…

"The branch vascular bundles will be distinctly seen, resembling in some respects the arteries and veins of the human body. A careful examination will show that these are also covered with a very fine lace-work of cells under and over them, and interspersed among the latter will be seen a vast assemblage of translucent dottings, each having an opening across it corresponding to those of the stomates under which they were situated before dissection." -Watts, 1874

Microscopic view of a leaf

"The branch vascular bundles will be distinctly seen, resembling in some respects the arteries and veins…

"Under the power of about 90 diameters the general character of the peridia is seen. They are densely aggregated, elongated, submerged, pale-brown, irregularly torn. The sporidia are copius...Nos. 1 and 2, indicate the general points of growth of this fungus. I find frequently on the leaf-ribs and terminal points of the leaves, and very often dispersed over the smooth parts of the leaf; sometimes, although rarely, the peridia are on the upper surface which, when matured, resembles net work. At the juncture of the leaf (see 4) the cells of the peridia are nearly round, at 5, oblong. From 3 to 4 the cellular structure is of light Vandyke brown; at 5, a pale yellow...6 represents the appearance of the peridia as see by the naked eye; 7, their general arrangements and their groupings on the leaves; 8, three cells, showing the parts of which the peridia are composed being magnified about 125 diameters." -Watts, 1874

Cellular structure of peridia

"Under the power of about 90 diameters the general character of the peridia is seen. They are densely…

Beetles in the family Chrysomelidae are commonly known as leaf beetles.

Lina Populi

Beetles in the family Chrysomelidae are commonly known as leaf beetles.

Herminium monorchis or the Musk Orchid is a flowering plant of the Orchid family.

Musk Orchid

Herminium monorchis or the Musk Orchid is a flowering plant of the Orchid family.

The capsule of Ténon consists of a thin membrane which envelops the eyeball from the optic nerve to the ciliary region, separating it from the orbital fat and forming a socket in which it plays. Shown is the capsule of Ténon. The aponeurosis is seen from behind forward on the posterior hemisphere of the globe. Labels: a, Cellulofibrous intermuscular lamina; b, deep leaf of the sheath incised at the point where it leaves the muscle to fold itself on the posterior hemisphere when it forms the posterior capsule; d, Partly incised; c, Serous membrane.

Capsule of Ténon

The capsule of Ténon consists of a thin membrane which envelops the eyeball from the optic nerve…

"1. Leaf of Ouvirandra fenestralis; 2. a flower cut open; 3. section of a ripe carpel of O. Bernieriana; 4, 5. embryo in different positions: the thicker part is cotyledon, the smaller the plumule." -Lindley, 1853

Lattice Leaf Plant

"1. Leaf of Ouvirandra fenestralis; 2. a flower cut open; 3. section of a ripe carpel of O. Bernieriana;…

"Leaves of Zamias." -Lindley, 1853

Zamia Leaves

"Leaves of Zamias." -Lindley, 1853

"Cone of Pinus muricata, showing the difference between the outer and inner sides of the same strobilius when the inner side is pressed against a branch. 1. A pair of leaves; 2. the end of the leaf magnified; 3, a seed, natural size." -Lindley, 1853

Bishop Pine

"Cone of Pinus muricata, showing the difference between the outer and inner sides of the same strobilius…

"1. Acer circinatum. 2. flower of A. campestre; 3. its samara; 4. the same, with the seed laid bare; 5. the embryo unfolded." -Lindley, 1853

Vine Maple

"1. Acer circinatum. 2. flower of A. campestre; 3. its samara; 4. the same, with the seed laid bare;…