Transverse section through the the middle of the olivary region of the human medulla or bulb.

Section Through Medulla in Olivary Region

Transverse section through the the middle of the olivary region of the human medulla or bulb.

Diagram of the minute structure of the olfactory bulb.

Minute Structure of Olfactory Bulb

Diagram of the minute structure of the olfactory bulb.

Tactile corpuscles. A, End bulb. B, Corpuscle of Pacini. C, Corpuscle of Meissner.

Tactile Corpuscles

Tactile corpuscles. A, End bulb. B, Corpuscle of Pacini. C, Corpuscle of Meissner.

A sconce is a light fixture attached to the wall to support a a candle, torch, or bulb.


A sconce is a light fixture attached to the wall to support a a candle, torch, or bulb.

Crocus (plural: crocus, crocuses) is a genus of perennial flowering plants, native to a large area from coastal and subalpine areas of central and southern Europe (including the islands of the Aegean), North Africa and the Middle East, across Central Asia to western China. The genus Crocus is placed botanically in the iris family (Iridaceae). The plants grow from corms and are mainly hardy perennials, and are found in a wide range of habitats, including woodland, scrub and meadows. There are about eighty species of crocus (of which approximately 30 are cultivated). Their cup-shaped, solitary, salverform flowers taper off into a narrow tube. Their color varies enormously, although lilac, mauve, yellow and white are predominant. The grass-like, ensiform leaf shows generally a white central stripe along the leaf axis. The leaf margin is entire. All crocuses typically have three stamens. The spice saffron is obtained from the stigmas of Crocus sativus, an autumn/fall-blooming species.


Crocus (plural: crocus, crocuses) is a genus of perennial flowering plants, native to a large area from…

Narcissus is the botanic name for a genus of mainly hardy, mostly spring-flowering, bulbs in the Amaryllis family native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia. There are also several Narcissus species that bloom in the autumn. Though Hortus Third cites 26 wild species, Daffodils for North American Gardens cites between 50 and 100 excluding species variants and wild hybrids. Through taxonomic and genetic research, it is speculated that over time this number will likely continue to be refined. Daffodil is a common English name, sometimes used now for all varieties, and is the chief common name of horticultural prevalence used by the American Daffodil Society The range of forms in cultivation has been heavily modified and extended, with new variations available from specialists almost every year.


Narcissus is the botanic name for a genus of mainly hardy, mostly spring-flowering, bulbs in the Amaryllis…

"In photometry (measure of light), a mounting for an incandescent lamp ... Rotator. The lamp to be tested is mounted upon a revolving spindle, ss, current being supplied through the brushes bb. The axis of rotation may be varied by turning the spindle about the horizontal shaft a." -Whitney, 1911


"In photometry (measure of light), a mounting for an incandescent lamp ... Rotator. The lamp to be tested…

A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure the specific gravity (or relative density) of liquids; that is, the ratio of the density of the liquid to the density of water. A hydrometer is usually made of glass and consists of a cylindrical stem and a bulb weighted with mercury or lead shot to make it float upright. The liquid to be tested is poured into a tall jar, and the hydrometer is gently lowered into the liquid until it floats freely. The point at which the surface of the liquid touches the stem of the hydrometer is noted. Hydrometers usually contain a paper scale inside the stem, so that the specific gravity can be read directly.

Common Hydrometer

A hydrometer is an instrument used to measure the specific gravity (or relative density) of liquids;…

The incandescent lamp or globe lamp, showing carbon filament at a.

Incandescent Lamp

The incandescent lamp or globe lamp, showing carbon filament at a.

An electric arc lamp by Brush Electric Company. Arc lamps produce light by an electric or voltaic arc.

Arc Lamp

An electric arc lamp by Brush Electric Company. Arc lamps produce light by an electric or voltaic arc.

An electric arc lamp by Brush Electric Company. Arc lamps produce light by an electric or voltaic arc.

Arc Lamp

An electric arc lamp by Brush Electric Company. Arc lamps produce light by an electric or voltaic arc.

Scilla (squill) is a genus of bulb-forming perennial herbs in the Hyacinthaceae. The 90-odd species are found in woodlands, subalpine meadows, and seashores across the Old World. Their flowers are usually blue, but white, pink, and purple types are known; most flower in early spring, but a few are autumn-flowering.


Scilla (squill) is a genus of bulb-forming perennial herbs in the Hyacinthaceae. The 90-odd species…

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively high in fibre, especially when cut late. It is considered part of the standard mix for grass hay and provides quality nutrition for horses. Timothy is a staple food for domestic pet rabbits, guinea pigs,chinchillas, and degus, often making up the bulk of their diet. Plants persist through the winter. Dead, straw-colored flowering stems may persist, but only for a short time, and are recognized by the distinctive spike-like inflorescence. This picture represents the bulb fully developed and mature, form which the stalk was cut.

Timothy Grass

Timothy Grass is commonly grown for cattle feed and, in particular, as hay for horses. It is relatively…

"Sea-lemon (Goniodoris nodosa). GONIODORIDIDAE. A family of nudibranchiate gastropods, typified by the genus Goniodoris, having a sessile or petiolated suctorial pharyngeal bulb." -Whitney, 1911

Sea Lemon

"Sea-lemon (Goniodoris nodosa). GONIODORIDIDAE. A family of nudibranchiate gastropods, typified by the…

"Edison's first lamp with a filament of bamboo fibre." -Bodmer, 1917

Edison's First Light Bulb

"Edison's first lamp with a filament of bamboo fibre." -Bodmer, 1917

"The carbon lamp-- the oldest form of incandescent lamp." -Bodmer, 1917

Carbon Light Bulb

"The carbon lamp-- the oldest form of incandescent lamp." -Bodmer, 1917

"The Tantalum lamp developed just before the Mazda lamp." -Bodmer, 1917

Tantalum Light Bulb

"The Tantalum lamp developed just before the Mazda lamp." -Bodmer, 1917

"Standard Mazda lamp-- the highest development of the incandescent lamp." -Bodmer, 1917

Standard Mazda Light Bulb

"Standard Mazda lamp-- the highest development of the incandescent lamp." -Bodmer, 1917

"Improved Mazda lamp for lighting large areas-- the most efficient lamp ever made." -Bodmer, 1917

Improved Mazda Light Bulb

"Improved Mazda lamp for lighting large areas-- the most efficient lamp ever made." -Bodmer, 1917

"a.-- Truncated bulb of onion; b.-- onion leaf dissected off; c.-- bulb of lily. Bulb, a modified leaf-bud, formed on a plant upon or beneath the surface of the ground, emitting roots from its base, and producing a stem from its center." -Vaughan, 1906

Various Bulbs

"a.-- Truncated bulb of onion; b.-- onion leaf dissected off; c.-- bulb of lily. Bulb, a modified leaf-bud,…

The incandescent light bulb is a source of electric light that works by heat driven light emissions. An electric current passes through a thin filament, heating it until it produces light.

The Light Emitting Incandescent Lamp

The incandescent light bulb is a source of electric light that works by heat driven light emissions.…

A lamp is a replaceable component such as an incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce light from electricity. These components usually have a base of ceramic, metal, glass or plastic, which makes an electrical connection in the socket of a light fixture.

Electric Lamp

A lamp is a replaceable component such as an incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce light…

Credit for the invention of the electric telephone is frequently disputed, and new controversies over the issue have arisen from time-to-time. As with other great inventions such as radio, television, light bulb, and computer, there were several inventors who did pioneering experimental work on voice transmission over a wire and improved on each other's ideas.

Telephone Transmitting Device

Credit for the invention of the electric telephone is frequently disputed, and new controversies over…

The incandescent light bulb, is a source of electric light that works by incandescence which is a general term for heat driven light emissions, which includes the simple cases of black body radiation.

Process of Producing Incandescing Bodies for Electric Lamps

The incandescent light bulb, is a source of electric light that works by incandescence which is a general…

A lamp is a replaceable component such as an incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce light from electricity. These components usually have a base of ceramic, metal, glass or plastic, which makes an electrical connection in the socket of a light fixture. This connection may be made with a screw-thread base, two metal pins, 2 metal caps or a bayonet cap.

Light Fixture

A lamp is a replaceable component such as an incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce light…

A lamp is a replaceable component such as an incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce light from electricity. These components usually have a base of ceramic, metal, glass or plastic, which makes an electrical connection in the socket of a light fixture.

Device for Conducting Electricity Into Lamps

A lamp is a replaceable component such as an incandescent light bulb, which is designed to produce light…

A lampshade is a fixture that covers the light bulb on a lamp to diffuse the light it emits. Conical, cylindrical and other forms on floor-, desk- or table top-mounted as well as suspended lamp models are the most common and are made in a wide range of materials.

Incandescent Lampshade

A lampshade is a fixture that covers the light bulb on a lamp to diffuse the light it emits. Conical,…

An electric light in which a filament is heated to incandescence by an electric current.

Incandescent Bulb

An electric light in which a filament is heated to incandescence by an electric current.

Wire inside an incandescent light bulb that produces light.

Lighting Filament

Wire inside an incandescent light bulb that produces light.

A mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction

Piston Type Pump

A mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction

A bulb like perennial commonly seen in Siberia.

Scilla Siberica

A bulb like perennial commonly seen in Siberia.

"One to three feet high; flowers erect, orange yellow, spotted black, well open and very beautiful. Each bulb throws up from three to four flowering stems. Native of Japan and blooms in August."—Heinrich, 1887


"One to three feet high; flowers erect, orange yellow, spotted black, well open and very beautiful.…

"The bulb is a leaf-bud inclosed in scales or concentric layers, and is found either at the base of summit of the stem, or in the axils of the leaves; and differs in no respect from the buds hereafter to be described, but in separating itself from the parent, and forming an independent individual."—Darby, 1855

Bulb Root

"The bulb is a leaf-bud inclosed in scales or concentric layers, and is found either at the base of…

"A hardy biennial plant, producing an oblong bulb, or stalk, which has the flavor of an onion, and is used principally for flavoring soups and stews."—Rawson, 1892

London Flag Leek

"A hardy biennial plant, producing an oblong bulb, or stalk, which has the flavor of an onion, and is…

Amaryllis Belladona, or the Belladona Lily, does not produce the leaves and flowers together. The colors of the flower ranges from almost white to a reddish or purplish color.

Amaryllis Belladona Blub and Flower Spike

Amaryllis Belladona, or the Belladona Lily, does not produce the leaves and flowers together. The colors…

The flowers of bulbocodium vernum are a violet-purple color with a white spot on the claw. The flowers are tubular and funnel shaped. The bulbs are black and two or three flowers grow from each bulb.

Bulbocodium Vernum

The flowers of bulbocodium vernum are a violet-purple color with a white spot on the claw. The flowers…

The flowers of burlingtonia decora are white or rose colored spotted with red. The lip of the flower is pure white. Oval, pseudo-bulbs arise from the long, slender stem.

Flower-Spike, Pseudo-Bulb, and Leaf of Burlingtonia Decora

The flowers of burlingtonia decora are white or rose colored spotted with red. The lip of the flower…

Eucharis grandiflora flowers are four to five inches wide and they droop at the end of the stems. The flowers are pure white. The bulb is egg shaped with a long neck.

Leaves and Inflorescence of Eucharis Grandiflora

Eucharis grandiflora flowers are four to five inches wide and they droop at the end of the stems. The…

Leeks are cultivated for the lower part of its leaves. The lower parts of the leaves from a sort of elongated bulb.


Leeks are cultivated for the lower part of its leaves. The lower parts of the leaves from a sort of…

These young bulblets are borne in the axils of the leaves. These bulblets can be collected in the summer. When planted they will grow and form flowering bulbs.

Young Bulblets of Lily

These young bulblets are borne in the axils of the leaves. These bulblets can be collected in the summer.…

Lily bulbs are composed of a number of fleshy scales. The fleshy scales contract and become withered under the drying influence of the open air.

Bulb of Lily

Lily bulbs are composed of a number of fleshy scales. The fleshy scales contract and become withered…

Lilium bulbiferum is a bulb bearing variety of lily. The flowers are red and slightly cottony on the outside. The flowers bloom in summer.

Flowering Stem of Lilium Bulbiferum

Lilium bulbiferum is a bulb bearing variety of lily. The flowers are red and slightly cottony on the…

The pseudo-bulbs of maxillaria venusta are two leaved. The flowers are a waxy white. The lip of the flower is faintly stained with yellow and blotched with crimson. The leaves are linear, oblong, and a light shining green color.

Pseudo-Bulb, Leaf, and Flower of Maxillaria Venusta

The pseudo-bulbs of maxillaria venusta are two leaved. The flowers are a waxy white. The lip of the…

The Naples giant rocca onion has a roundish, large bulb. The flesh is thick and white.

Naples Giant Rocca Onion

The Naples giant rocca onion has a roundish, large bulb. The flesh is thick and white.

The common name of <i>Allium fistulosum</i> is welsh onion. It has no distinct bulb, but only an enlarged base or crown. The leaves are usually clustered.

Allium Fistulosum

The common name of Allium fistulosum is welsh onion. It has no distinct bulb, but only an enlarged base…

Pictured is an autumn blooming bulb. The scientific name of the flower is <I>Colchicum autumnale.</I>

Colchicum Autumnale

Pictured is an autumn blooming bulb. The scientific name of the flower is Colchicum autumnale.

Illustrated are bulbs are four different varieties of crinum. From left to right: C. moorei, C. giganteum, C. kirkii, and C. powellii.

Crinum Bulbs

Illustrated are bulbs are four different varieties of crinum. From left to right: C. moorei, C. giganteum,…

Pictured is a young plant of crinum moorei. The bulb is oval and the neck is twelve to eighteen inches long.

Crinum Moorei

Pictured is a young plant of crinum moorei. The bulb is oval and the neck is twelve to eighteen inches…

The flowers of lycoris squamigera are rosy lilac and banded yellow. The bulb is round. THe leaves are produced in spring.

Lycoris Squamigera

The flowers of lycoris squamigera are rosy lilac and banded yellow. The bulb is round. THe leaves are…

A Cartesian diver. At the top of the jar is a rubber bulb filled with air. The figure inside the jar is made of glass and weighs less than an equal volume of water, so it will float. This image serves to illustrate the elasticity of air and the transference of pressure in all directions of the water.

Cartesian Diver

A Cartesian diver. At the top of the jar is a rubber bulb filled with air. The figure inside the jar…

Section through a small, low pressure oil engine of the "hot-bulb" or "hot-ball" type.

Oil Engine

Section through a small, low pressure oil engine of the "hot-bulb" or "hot-ball" type.

The first filament and bulb created by Thomas Edison.


The first filament and bulb created by Thomas Edison.