Girl with a book and sea life around her.


Girl with a book and sea life around her.

24. Various corals, 25. Razor-shell, 26. Cockle, 27. Various winkels, 28. Shore crab, 29. Father lasher, 30. Periophthalamus, 31. Lobworm, 32. Gunnel

Types of Seashore Life

24. Various corals, 25. Razor-shell, 26. Cockle, 27. Various winkels, 28. Shore crab, 29. Father lasher,…

Hermit crabs find vacant shells to make into their homes, seeking larger shells as it grows.

Hermit Crab

Hermit crabs find vacant shells to make into their homes, seeking larger shells as it grows.

"Four common weeds, the seeds of which are eaten by birds: a, amaranth; b, crab grass; c, ragweed; d, pigeon grass." -Department of Agriculture, 1899


"Four common weeds, the seeds of which are eaten by birds: a, amaranth; b, crab grass; c, ragweed; d,…

"Sea anemones on back of hermit crab." -Thomson, 1916


"Sea anemones on back of hermit crab." -Thomson, 1916

"Colony of Hydractinia on back of a Buccinum shell tenanted by a hermit-crab." -Thomson, 1916


"Colony of Hydractinia on back of a Buccinum shell tenanted by a hermit-crab." -Thomson, 1916

"Commensalism of sea-anemones and hermit-crab." -Thomson, 1916


"Commensalism of sea-anemones and hermit-crab." -Thomson, 1916

"Section through cephalothorax of a crab. H., Heart; Te., extension of the tergum; ST., sternum; PL., pleuron; T., tendons; 1st W.L., insertion of first walking leg; Br., gill in gill-chamber; g., gut; d.a., descending artery; A., afferent branchial; E., efferent branchial." -Thomson, 1916

Crab Cephalothorax

"Section through cephalothorax of a crab. H., Heart; Te., extension of the tergum; ST., sternum; PL.,…

"Dorsal aspect of swimming crab (Portunus). P., Paddle; Abd., abdomen; A1., antennules; A2., antennae; E., eyes; F., forceps." -Thomson, 1916

Swimming Crab

"Dorsal aspect of swimming crab (Portunus). P., Paddle; Abd., abdomen; A1., antennules; A2., antennae;…

"Dorsal aspect of shore crab (Carcinnus). Abd., Abdomen; A1., antennules; A2., antennae; E., eyes; F., forceps." -Thomson, 1916

Shore Crab

"Dorsal aspect of shore crab (Carcinnus). Abd., Abdomen; A1., antennules; A2., antennae; E., eyes; F.,…

"Ventral aspect of femal shore crab. Abd., Abdomen; mxp., third maxillipede." -Thomson, 1916

Female Shore Crab

"Ventral aspect of femal shore crab. Abd., Abdomen; mxp., third maxillipede." -Thomson, 1916

"Hermit-crab withdrawn from its shell. The anterior appendages are broken off. hd., Head; th., thorax; abd., abdomen." -Thomson, 1916

Hermit Crab

"Hermit-crab withdrawn from its shell. The anterior appendages are broken off. hd., Head; th., thorax;…

"Nervous system of shore-crab (Carcinus manas). br., The supra-oesophageal mass; g., gullet surrounded by gr., the gullet ring; m., the sub-oesophageal mass representing a fusion of the thoracic ganglia of the crayfish, and giving off nerves to the limbs; behind it is a short strand representing the abdominal ganglia of the crayfish. a1., antennules; a2., antennae; e., eye." -Thomson, 1916

Shore Crab Nervous System

"Nervous system of shore-crab (Carcinus manas). br., The supra-oesophageal mass; g., gullet surrounded…

"Zoaea of common shore-crab (Carcinus manas). The appendages are numbered; c., gills; i., alimentary canal." -Thomson, 1916

Shore Crab Zoaea

"Zoaea of common shore-crab (Carcinus manas). The appendages are numbered; c., gills; i., alimentary…

A young horseshoe crab or Limulus.

Horseshoe Crab

A young horseshoe crab or Limulus.

"Cancrisocia living as a commensal on the back of a crab." -Parker, 1900


"Cancrisocia living as a commensal on the back of a crab." -Parker, 1900

"The fiddler-crab has one large claw and one small one; the large claw is held in such a manner as to suggest a violin, and the small one in such a position as to represent the bow."


"The fiddler-crab has one large claw and one small one; the large claw is held in such a manner as to…

"The lowest division of articulate animals is the Crustacea. Their name signifies a hard crust of covering, with which the animals are protected."

Zoea Taurus

"The lowest division of articulate animals is the Crustacea. Their name signifies a hard crust of covering,…

"Among some Crustaceans there is neither thorax, nor abdomen, nor head, but all three form only one mass, often short and squat, as in the Four-horned Spider-crab."

Pisa Tetraodon

"Among some Crustaceans there is neither thorax, nor abdomen, nor head, but all three form only one…

"The common crayfish. Crustaceans are nearly all carnivorous. <em>a</em>, left outward root-jaw"

Palinurus Vulgaris

"The common crayfish. Crustaceans are nearly all carnivorous. a, left outward root-jaw"

a: external antenna;b: external foot-jaw;c: tail or abdomen.

Portunus Variegatus, male

a: external antenna; b: external foot-jaw; c: tail or abdomen.

"The Long-clawed Crab is remarkable for its long antennae, which considerably exceed the length of the body."

Corystes Cassivelaunus, male

"The Long-clawed Crab is remarkable for its long antennae, which considerably exceed the length of the…

"The anterior feet are about the length of the body. The other feet terminate in an elongated claw, which is straight-pointed."

Corystes Cassivelaunus, female

"The anterior feet are about the length of the body. The other feet terminate in an elongated claw,…

"The Hermit or Soldier Crab is perhaps the oddest and most curious of the Crustaceans." Hermit Crabs seek out a shell to inhabit and will kill a living mollusk to take its home.

Pagurus Bernhardus, Out of the Shell

"The Hermit or Soldier Crab is perhaps the oddest and most curious of the Crustaceans." Hermit Crabs…

"The Hermit or Soldier Crab is perhaps the oddest and most curious of the Crustaceans." Hermit Crabs seek out a shell to inhabit and will kill a living mollusk to take its home.

Pagurus Bernhardus, In the Shell

"The Hermit or Soldier Crab is perhaps the oddest and most curious of the Crustaceans." Hermit Crabs…

"Norway Lobsters have the eyes uniform and the two last rings of the thorax movable."

Nephrops Norvegicus

"Norway Lobsters have the eyes uniform and the two last rings of the thorax movable."

The edible crab (Cancer pagurus) is a species of crab found in the North Sea, North Atlantic, and the Mediterranean Sea.

Edible Crab

The edible crab (Cancer pagurus) is a species of crab found in the North Sea, North Atlantic, and the…

An illustration of a hermit crab in a shell.

Hermit Crab

An illustration of a hermit crab in a shell.

The Dungeness crab is a species of crab that inhabits eelgrass beds and water bottoms from the Aleutian Islands in Alaska to Santa Cruz, California. Its binomial name, Cancer magister, simply means "master crab" in Latin. They measure as much as 25 cm (10 inches) in some areas off the coast of Washington, but typically are under 20 cm (8 inches). They are a popular delicacy, and are the most commercially important crab in the Pacific Northwest, as well as the western states generally.

Dungeness Crab

The Dungeness crab is a species of crab that inhabits eelgrass beds and water bottoms from the Aleutian…

An illustration of an adult horseshoe crab from the dorsal aspect. The horseshoe crab or Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) is a marine chelicerate arthropod. Despite its name, it is more closely related to spiders, ticks, and scorpions than to crabs. Horseshoe crabs are most commonly found in the Gulf of Mexico and along the northern Atlantic coast of North America. A main area of annual migration is the Delaware Bay, although stray individuals are occasionally found in Europe.

Horseshoe Crab (Adult)

An illustration of an adult horseshoe crab from the dorsal aspect. The horseshoe crab or Atlantic horseshoe…

An illustration of a young horseshoe crab from the dorsal aspect. The horseshoe crab or Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) is a marine chelicerate arthropod. Despite its name, it is more closely related to spiders, ticks, and scorpions than to crabs. Horseshoe crabs are most commonly found in the Gulf of Mexico and along the northern Atlantic coast of North America. A main area of annual migration is the Delaware Bay, although stray individuals are occasionally found in Europe.

Horseshoe Crab (Young)

An illustration of a young horseshoe crab from the dorsal aspect. The horseshoe crab or Atlantic horseshoe…

An illustration of a crap carrying a mass of eggs beneath its abdomen.


An illustration of a crap carrying a mass of eggs beneath its abdomen.

An illustration of a Zoea of common shoe-crap in its second stage. r, Rostral spine; s, Dorsal spine; m, Maxillipeds; t, Buds of thoracic feet; a, Abdomen.


An illustration of a Zoea of common shoe-crap in its second stage. r, Rostral spine; s, Dorsal spine;…

An illustration of the violet land crab, Gecarcinus ruricola.

Violet Land Crab

An illustration of the violet land crab, Gecarcinus ruricola.

The velvet crab (alternatively velvet swimming crab or devil crab) is the largest swimming crab found in British coastal waters, with a carapace width of up to 100 mm. The body is coated with short hairs, giving the animal a velvety texture, hence the common name. It is one of the major crab species for UK fisheries. The velvet crab lives from southern Norway to Western Sahara in the North Sea and north Atlantic as well as western parts of the Mediterranean Sea, on rocky bottoms from the shoreline to a depth of about 65 m. The last pair of pereiopods are flattened to facilitate swimming.

Velvet Crab

The velvet crab (alternatively velvet swimming crab or devil crab) is the largest swimming crab found…

Pagurus bernhardus is the common marine hermit crab of Europe's Atlantic coasts. It is sometimes referred to as the common hermit crab or soldier crab. It is about 3&frac12; cm long ,and is found in both rocky and sandy areas, from the Arctic waters of Iceland, Svalbard and Russia as far south as southern Portugal, but its range does not extend as far as the Mediterranean Sea.

Hermit Crab

Pagurus bernhardus is the common marine hermit crab of Europe's Atlantic coasts. It is sometimes referred…

An illustration of the sentinel spinous crab.

Sentinel Spinous Crab

An illustration of the sentinel spinous crab.

The pea crab is a small crab in the family Pinnotheridae that lives symbiotically in oysters, clams, mussels and other species of bivalves. The crab is usually about the size of a pea but can grow as large as a small walnut. It is also commonly known as the oyster crab. Females have a large tail flap that is used to cover eggs attached to the bodies when they are breeding, adding to the spherical appearance.

Pea Crab

The pea crab is a small crab in the family Pinnotheridae that lives symbiotically in oysters, clams,…

Corystes cassivelaunus, the masked crab, helmet crab or sand crab, is a burrowing crab of the North Atlantic and North Sea from Portugal to Norway, which also occurs in the Mediterranean Sea. It may grow up to 4 cm long (carapace length). The name "masked crab" derives from the patterns on the carapace which resemble a human face, in a similar manner to heikegani.

Masked Crab

Corystes cassivelaunus, the masked crab, helmet crab or sand crab, is a burrowing crab of the North…

Hermit crabs are decapod crustaceans of the superfamily Paguroidea. They are not closely related to true crabs. Hermit crabs are quite commonly seen in the intertidal zone, for example in tide pools. Most species of hermit crabs have long soft abdomens which are protected from predators by the adaptation of carrying around a salvaged empty seashell, into which the whole crab's body can retract. Most frequently hermit crabs utilize the shells of sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks. The tip of the hermit crab's abdomen is adapted to clasp strongly onto the columella of the snail shell. As the hermit crab grows in size, it has to find a larger shell and abandon the previous one.

Hermit Crab

Hermit crabs are decapod crustaceans of the superfamily Paguroidea. They are not closely related to…

An illustration of the zoea of a common-shore crab in its second stage. R, Rostral spine; S, Dorsal spine; M, Maxillipeds; t, Buds of thoracic feet; A, Abdomen.

Zoea of Common Shore-Crab

An illustration of the zoea of a common-shore crab in its second stage. R, Rostral spine; S, Dorsal…

Eriphia laevimana is a crustacean in the Cancridae family of crabs.


Eriphia laevimana is a crustacean in the Cancridae family of crabs.

This hermit crab (Eupagurus bernhardus) is in the shell of the northern moon snail (Lunatia heros).

Hermit Crab

This hermit crab (Eupagurus bernhardus) is in the shell of the northern moon snail (Lunatia heros).

An illustration of a boy and girl looking at a crab.

Boy & Girl Looking at Crab

An illustration of a boy and girl looking at a crab.

The Sand Fiddler Crab (Uca pugilator) is a small crustacean in the Ocypodidae family of ghost and fiddler crabs. It was once known as the synonym Gelasimus pugilator.

Sand Fiddler Crab

The Sand Fiddler Crab (Uca pugilator) is a small crustacean in the Ocypodidae family of ghost and fiddler…

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which generally have a very short projecting tail. The body of the crab in its first larval stage is composed of short, globular portion, furnished with conspicuous long spines and a relaively long, jointed tail. This is call the zo&euml;a stage.

Metamorphosis of a Crab

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which generally have a very short projecting…

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which generally have a very short projecting tail. After the first stage, the zo&euml;a changes into a stage called the megalops, which has many characteristics of the adult crab condition. In this stage the crab looks very much like a tiny lobster or shrimp.

Metamorphosis of a Crab

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which generally have a very short projecting…

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which generally have a very short projecting tail. After the first stage, the zo&euml;a changes into a stage called the megalops, which has many characteristics of the adult crab condition. In this stage the crab looks very much like a tiny lobster or shrimp. In the final stage the tail disappears and the body widens.

Metamorphosis of a Crab

Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which generally have a very short projecting…

Sacculina is a genus of barnacles that parasitize crabs. The female Sacculina larva finds a crab and walks on it until it finds a joint. It then molts, injecting its soft body into the crab while its shell falls off. The Sacculina grows in the crab, emerging as a sac, known as an externa, on the underside of the crab's rear thorax, where the crab's eggs would be incubated.

Crustacean Parasite

Sacculina is a genus of barnacles that parasitize crabs. The female Sacculina larva finds a crab and…

Sacculina is a genus of barnacles that parasitize crabs. The female Sacculina larva finds a crab and walks on it until it finds a joint. It then molts, injecting its soft body into the crab while its shell falls off. The Sacculina grows in the crab, emerging as a sac, known as an externa, on the underside of the crab's rear thorax, where the crab's eggs would be incubated. Here the parasite has been removed from the crab.

Crustacean Parasite

Sacculina is a genus of barnacles that parasitize crabs. The female Sacculina larva finds a crab and…

"Glass-crab (larva of Palinurus). GLASS-CRAB. A crab of the spurious genus Phyllosoma, or of the spurious order Phyllosomata-- that is, any young shrimp of either of the families Palinuridae and Scyllaridae. These larvae are as thin as paper, flat and transparent, and have no resemblance to the adult." -Whitney, 1911

Glass-Crab Lobster Larva

"Glass-crab (larva of Palinurus). GLASS-CRAB. A crab of the spurious genus Phyllosoma, or of the spurious…

"Crab's-eye vine. Weather Plant. Fig. 64. - Height 10-12 ft.; frequently trailing over the ground S.: lfts. oblong, in numerous pairs: fls. varying from rose to white: seeds bright scarlet, with a black spot, used by Buddhists for rosaries, in India as standard weight, and in the W. Indies in bead word. Seeds irritant; also used as an abortive in the U.S.A variety with cream-colored bean is offered by Reasoner Bros.: Tropics generally. -The claims make for its weather-fortelling properties are exposed by Oliver in Kew Bull. Jan., 1890. It does, however, "go to sleep" during storms, but this is a feature of other legumes. Sometimes confounded with Rhynchosia phaseoloides (R. precatoria), which has similar seeds, but is a very different plant with large, 3-foliolate, bean-like lvs." L.H. Bailey, 1917

Crab's-Eye Vine

"Crab's-eye vine. Weather Plant. Fig. 64. - Height 10-12 ft.; frequently trailing over the ground S.:…

"Longitudinal section of hopper dredger, employed on the River Clyde. The vessel steams to place of working and is moored by the Steam Winches A A at bow and stern to buoys, the Bucket Ladder B is then lowered by steam power, and thereafter Buckets set in motion by gearing C C. The depth of water at which the Bucket Ladder dredges is regulated by the Hoisting Shears and Chain Barrel D D, driven by shafting E E from the Engines. The Buckets discharge the material by the shoot F into the Hopper G. The dredged material is discharged by the doors of the Hopper being opened by the Lifting Chains H H. These doors are hinged on to the side of Vessel, and suspended at centre by the Lifting Chains, which are connected to geared Crab Winches I I." -Hill, 1921

Hopper Dredger

"Longitudinal section of hopper dredger, employed on the River Clyde. The vessel steams to place of…

Maja squinado (the European spider crab, spiny spider crab or spinous spider crab) is a species of migratory crab found in the north-east Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. It feeds on a great variety of organisms, with seaweeds and molluscs dominating in winter, and echinoderms such as sea urchins and sea cucumbers in summer. Females can produce up to 4 broods per year. Migrations generally take place in autumn, with some crabs covering over 100 miles (160 km) in eight months.

European Spider Crab

Maja squinado (the European spider crab, spiny spider crab or spinous spider crab) is a species of migratory…

Carcinus maenas is a common littoral crab, and an important invasive species. It is listed among the 100 "world's worst invasive types of invasive species". C. maenas is known by different names around the world. In the British Isles, it is generally referred to simply as the shore crab. In North America and South Africa, it bears the name green crab or European green crab. In Australia and New Zealand, it is referred to as either the European green crab or European shore crab.

Shore Crab

Carcinus maenas is a common littoral crab, and an important invasive species. It is listed among the…

An illustration of crab apples growing on a tree branch.

Crab Apples

An illustration of crab apples growing on a tree branch.

The apple tree is a strikingly handsome tree when in flower. The apple is known as the Crab in its wild state. The apple tree in native to the United Kingdom and the warmer parts of Europe.

Apple Blossom

The apple tree is a strikingly handsome tree when in flower. The apple is known as the Crab in its wild…

The land crab is a member of the family 'Gecarcinidae', and is remarkable for the curious modification of the carapace in the region of the gills, which enables it to lead a terrestrial existence. The land crabs occurs in the warmer regions of both hemispheres, but the best known one is the black 'Gecarcinus ruricola' of Jamaica and the West Indian islands generally. It inhabits burrows on the hills a short distance from the coast, wanders about at night or during rains, in search of vegetable food, and makes an annual migration to the shore to spawn, often passing through houses instead of going around them. They are sometimes eaten. Many other crabs are largely terrestrial, as the oriental cocoa-nut crabs; and a species of Ocypoda very troublesom in Ceylon, by burrowing in lawns, garden paths, and the like.

Land Crab

The land crab is a member of the family 'Gecarcinidae', and is remarkable for the curious modification…

The only medal known to inscribe the name of the town.  It depicts a crab, which holds in its claws the symbols of the sun and moon.

Medal of Gebal

The only medal known to inscribe the name of the town. It depicts a crab, which holds in its claws the…

Copepoda, an order of crustaceans. e, Calligus Mulleri, or horseshoe crab.


Copepoda, an order of crustaceans. e, Calligus Mulleri, or horseshoe crab.