A castle and different classes of people in Medieval Europe.

Middle Ages

A castle and different classes of people in Medieval Europe.

A poster of facts and illustrations of the age of feudalism and chivalry.

Feudalism and Chivalry

A poster of facts and illustrations of the age of feudalism and chivalry.

A poster with facts and images of France during the Middle Ages.

Middle Ages

A poster with facts and images of France during the Middle Ages.

From the book of stories by Oscar Wilde, The Selfish Giant is about a giant who closes his garden up so children do not play in it. Here, he realizes what he has done. His garden turned to winter when he closed it off from children.

The Selfish Giant

From the book of stories by Oscar Wilde, The Selfish Giant is about a giant who closes his garden up…

A legend of the knight Roland, who fearlessly claimed his rights by taking food and drink straight from Charlemagne's hands at a feast.


A legend of the knight Roland, who fearlessly claimed his rights by taking food and drink straight from…

"The Great White Horse. By Albrect Dürer. From the engraving on copper." -Heath, 1901

The Great White Horse

"The Great White Horse. By Albrect Dürer. From the engraving on copper." -Heath, 1901

"The Knight, Death, and the Devil. By Albrecht Dürer. From the engraving on copper." -Heath, 1901

The Knight, Death, and the Devil

"The Knight, Death, and the Devil. By Albrecht Dürer. From the engraving on copper." -Heath, 1901

"The Knight and the Lady. By Albrecht Dürer. From the engraving on copper." -Heath, 1901

The Knight and the Lady

"The Knight and the Lady. By Albrecht Dürer. From the engraving on copper." -Heath, 1901

Sir Galahad from the painting by George Frederick Watts.

Sir Galahad

Sir Galahad from the painting by George Frederick Watts.

The Knight, an engraving from William Caxton's Game and Playe of the Chesse.

The Knight

The Knight, an engraving from William Caxton's Game and Playe of the Chesse.

It takes its origins from the Knights Hospitaller, an organization founded in Jerusalem in 1050 as an Amalfitan hospital to provide care for poor and sick pilgrims to the Holy Land. After the conquest of Jerusalem in 1099 during the First Crusade, it became a Catholic military order under its own charter. Following the loss of Christian territory to Islamic conquerors of the Holy Land, the Order operated from Rhodes (1310-1523), and later from Malta (1530-1798), over which it was sovereign.

A Knight of St. John

It takes its origins from the Knights Hospitaller, an organization founded in Jerusalem in 1050 as an…

A pile of armor pieces including a helm, spears, and maces.

A Knight's Armor

A pile of armor pieces including a helm, spears, and maces.

Sir William Wallace was a Scottish knight, landowner, and patriot who is know for leading a resistance during the Wars of Scottish Independence.

Sir William Wallace

Sir William Wallace was a Scottish knight, landowner, and patriot who is know for leading a resistance…

In feudal or medieval times a squire was a man-at-arms in the service of a knight, often as his apprentice. In later centuries, the term's meaning shifted. Squires are often known in current day as wealthy landowning people in rural England.


In feudal or medieval times a squire was a man-at-arms in the service of a knight, often as his apprentice.…

An illustration of a squire and his wife. In feudal or medieval times a squire was a man-at-arms in the service of a knight, often as his apprentice. In later centuries, the term's meaning shifted. Squires are often known in current day as wealthy landowning people in rural England.

Squire and Wife

An illustration of a squire and his wife. In feudal or medieval times a squire was a man-at-arms in…

An illustration of squire of a Knight of the Bath at the crowing of Charles II.

Squire of a Knight of the Bath

An illustration of squire of a Knight of the Bath at the crowing of Charles II.

An illustration of a knight holding a prisoner with one hand and a sword with the other.

Knight and Captive

An illustration of a knight holding a prisoner with one hand and a sword with the other.

Portrait Sir Galahad detail from the painting by George Frederick Watts.

Sir Galahad

Portrait Sir Galahad detail from the painting by George Frederick Watts.

"In armor, ornamented with ridges, corrugations, and the like, which in some cases added also to the utility of the piece as giving greater strength. Suits of armor of the sixteenth century, both Italian and German, are often richly fluted." -Whitney, 1911

Fluted Dossière

"In armor, ornamented with ridges, corrugations, and the like, which in some cases added also to the…

An illustration of a knight battling a troll with swords.

Knight Battling Troll

An illustration of a knight battling a troll with swords.

An illustration of angles and a knight surrounding the holy grail.

Holy Grail

An illustration of angles and a knight surrounding the holy grail.

"The male figure is that of Sir John de Weston, of Weston-Lizars, in Staffordshire, and Isabel his wife, whose paternal name was Bromley. In three quarterfoils beneath the figures are shields: the first contains the arms of Weston, sable, and eagle displayed or, with a lable argent, fretty gules; the centre shield is argent, fretty gules; that under the lady is formed entirely of the colours of her arms disposed quarterly, and parted horizontally, or fessways, by the line dancette." -Hall, 1862

Weston Coat of Arms

"The male figure is that of Sir John de Weston, of Weston-Lizars, in Staffordshire, and Isabel his wife,…

An illustration of a man kneeling in front of another.

Man Kneeling in Front of Man

An illustration of a man kneeling in front of another.

"Argent, a chaplet proper. CHAPLET. An ancient ornament for the head, granted to gallant knights for acts of courtesy. It is frequently borne as a charge in a shield of arms, and always tinted in its natural colours." -Hall, 1862


"Argent, a chaplet proper. CHAPLET. An ancient ornament for the head, granted to gallant knights for…

"COAT ARMOUR, or Surcoat. A loose garment worn over the armour of a knight; hence the term coat of arms. On this garment were emblazoned the armorial bearings of the wearer." -Hall, 1862

Coat Armour

"COAT ARMOUR, or Surcoat. A loose garment worn over the armour of a knight; hence the term coat of arms.…

"GARTER. The insignia of the most noble order of the knights of the garter. It is formed of blue velvet edged with gold wire, and lined with white satin; on the velvet is embroidered the motto of the order." -Hall, 1862


"GARTER. The insignia of the most noble order of the knights of the garter. It is formed of blue velvet…

"The helmet without bars, with the beaver open, standing directly fronting the spectator, denotes a knight." -Hall, 1862

Open Helmet Direct

"The helmet without bars, with the beaver open, standing directly fronting the spectator, denotes a…

"KNIGHT AND BARONET. A degree of honour next to a baron, created by King James I. to induce the English gentry to settle in the province of Ulster. The title is knight and baronet; it is hereditary: the arms are distinguished by an augmentation of a human hand gules, generally borne on an escutcheon in the centre of the shield." -Hall, 1862

Knight and Baronet of King James I

"KNIGHT AND BARONET. A degree of honour next to a baron, created by King James I. to induce the English…

"KNIGHT AND BARONET OF NOVA SCOTIA. A new creation during the reign of George I. to induce capitalists to settle in that part of North America. The title is hereditary: the arms are argent, St. Andrew's Cross gules surtout, an escutcheon or, with a lion rampant gules within a double tressure of the same, surmounted by a king's crown as a crest." -Hall, 1862

Knight and Baronet of Nova Scotia

"KNIGHT AND BARONET OF NOVA SCOTIA. A new creation during the reign of George I. to induce capitalists…

An illustration of a knight sitting on a horse wearing a full suit of armor.

Knight in Full Armor

An illustration of a knight sitting on a horse wearing a full suit of armor.

"PENNONS. Small flags borne at the end of a lance of an esquire or gentleman bearing his paternal arms. The end of the pennon was cut off upon the person being created a knight banneret." -Hall, 1862


"PENNONS. Small flags borne at the end of a lance of an esquire or gentleman bearing his paternal arms.…

"TURBAND. In coats of arms, where the knight was a Crusader, this figure often appears. It was the form of the sultan's turban at that period." -Hall, 1862


"TURBAND. In coats of arms, where the knight was a Crusader, this figure often appears. It was the form…

The Knight, Death and the Devil is an engraving that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1513. It depict a knight that represents moral virtue who rides on his horse past death and the devil.

The Knight, Death and the Devil

The Knight, Death and the Devil is an engraving that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer…

An illustration of a knight riding a horse and holding a lance.

Knight Riding Horse & Holding a Lance

An illustration of a knight riding a horse and holding a lance.

An illustration of a knight riding a horse and holding a javelin with a child holding onto the horse and knight.

Knight Riding Horse with a Child Holding onto Knight

An illustration of a knight riding a horse and holding a javelin with a child holding onto the horse…

An illustration of two knights jousting with lances, shields, and armor.

Two Knights Jousting with Lances

An illustration of two knights jousting with lances, shields, and armor.

An illustration of a dragon holding a knight and a horse in his claw.

Dragon Holding Knight & Horse in Claw

An illustration of a dragon holding a knight and a horse in his claw.

An illustration of a helmet with mesail in two parts.

Hemet with Mesail

An illustration of a helmet with mesail in two parts.

An illustration of a knight and three men at arms wearing iron armors during the fourteenth century.

Fourteenth Century Knight and Men at Arms

An illustration of a knight and three men at arms wearing iron armors during the fourteenth century.

An illustration of fourteenth century tournament of knights wearing armor from Romance of King Maliadus manuscript. A tournament is when there are three or more knights fighting on the course, whereas a joust is only two are fighting.

Knight Tournament from Romance of King Meliadus

An illustration of fourteenth century tournament of knights wearing armor from Romance of King Maliadus…

"A contemporary cartoon representing the French people hammering to pieces with their flails all the emblems of the feudal system, including the knight's armor and sword and bishop's crosier and miter."—Webster, 1920

The Destruction of Feudalism

"A contemporary cartoon representing the French people hammering to pieces with their flails all the…

"The armor and lance of a knight of 1550."—Gordy, 1912

Knight of 1550

"The armor and lance of a knight of 1550."—Gordy, 1912

"At the age of twenty-one the squire became a knight, being then introduced to the order of knighthood by a peculiar and impressive service."—Myers, 1905

Arming a Knight

"At the age of twenty-one the squire became a knight, being then introduced to the order of knighthood…

A ritual where a knight is stripped of his position due to discipline.

Degradation of a Knight

A ritual where a knight is stripped of his position due to discipline.

A Spanish knight who founded the Society of Jesus and was its first Superior General.

Ignatius of Loyola

A Spanish knight who founded the Society of Jesus and was its first Superior General.

The shield of a knight of the time of Edward II. The lion's face is a common charge in heraldry.

Heraldic Shield with a Lion's Face

The shield of a knight of the time of Edward II. The lion's face is a common charge in heraldry.

"The Helm of Baronet and Knights is of steel, garnished with silver, and standing affronté; the vizor is raised, and without bars."—Aveling, 1891

Helm of Baronet

"The Helm of Baronet and Knights is of steel, garnished with silver, and standing affronté; the…

The Gauntlet is a piece of protective armor for the hand, dating back to the 12th century. The first gauntlets were leather covered gloves with an unarticulated metal back. They evolved from the chain mail bag, which , in the 12th century, terminated at the sleeves of the hauberk. The gauntlet of the 14th century had separate, but unjointed fingers. This gauntlet was superseded by the 'mitten'.


The Gauntlet is a piece of protective armor for the hand, dating back to the 12th century. The first…

Coat of mail, used to protect a knight from close combat sword cuts.

Coat of Mail

Coat of mail, used to protect a knight from close combat sword cuts.

A knight in full armor.

Full Armor

A knight in full armor.

A knight wearing Allecret armor, which was typically worn by the Swiss in the 16th century.

Allecret Armor

A knight wearing Allecret armor, which was typically worn by the Swiss in the 16th century.

Illustration of a knight, riding a horse at full gallop, carrying a javelin and wearing full armor. A woman's sleeve streams from his left shoulder. He wears the sleeve as a favor from the woman. The illustration is from Viollet-le-Duc's "Dictionary du Mobilier francais.,

A Knight on Horseback, Wearing a Woman's Sleeve as a Favor

Illustration of a knight, riding a horse at full gallop, carrying a javelin and wearing full armor.…