"Typical Skull of Common Fowl (Galliformes). A, side view: sa, surangular bone of mandible; ar, articular…
"Typical Skull of Common Fowl (Galliformes). B, vertical longitudinal section: sa, surangular bone of…
The Florida Gallinule (Gallinula chloropus cerceris) is a subspecies of the Common Moorhen, a bird in…
The Painted Spurfowl (Galloperdix lunulata) is a bird in the Phasianidae family of pheasants.
The Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus) is a bird in the Phasianidae family of pheasants. It was also known…
The Pin-Tailed Sandgrouse (Pterocles alchata) is a bird in the Columbiformes order.
The Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) is a bird in the Pelecaniformes order of waterbirds. It was once…
The black-and-red broadbill (Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos) is a bird in the Eurylaimidae family also…
The Vogelkop Bowerbird (Amblyornis inornata) is a bird in the Ptilonorhynchidae family of bowerbirds…
Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) is a sea duck in the Anatidae family of ducks, geese, and swans.…
The Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) is a small white heron in the Ardeidae family. It was also known as…
"Struthio camelus, the Ostrich or "Camel-bird" of North Africa now extends from Barbary to Arabia, and…
Nandu or "Rhea Americana, the so-called American Ostrich... is found from Bolivia Paraguay, and South…
One-wattled Cassowary "...Casuarius uniappendiculatus, of Salawatti and the adjoining parts of New Guinea,…
An Emeu "Dromaeus novae-hollandiae, of the interior Eastern Australia, which extended in times past…
Kiwi, Apteryx australis, of the South Island, is lighter (than the Apteryx mantelli of North Island),…
The Great Northern Diver, Colymbus glacialis, "...is black above, with belts of white spots making a…
"Both sexes of the Little Grebe are mainly dusky brown or blacking grey above, and silvery white below,…
This is a troop of crested "Maccaroni" or Rock-hopper penguins nesting "under the shade of tussocks…
Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…
Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…
Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…
Tangrams, invented by the Chinese, are used to develop geometric thinking and spatial sense. Seven figures…
Outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams,…
Outlines of Florida birds (seagull, mocking bird, egret, flamingo, turkey vulture, cormorant) made from…
Solutions for outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram…
Solutions for outlines of Florida birds (seagull, mocking bird, egret, flamingo, turkey vulture, cormorant)…
Silhouette outlines of birds (duck, swan, turkey vulture, cormorant, and egret) made from tangram pieces.…
Silhouette outlines of Florida birds (seagull, mocking bird, egret, flamingo, turkey vulture, cormorant)…
"The Wandering Albatros of the Southern Oceans is white with narrow dusky undulations above and almost…
The storm Petrel "of the Mediterranean and North Atlantic from Greenland to South Africa, which breeds…
The Gull-Billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) is a bird in the Sternidae family of seabirds. It was formerly…
The Tropic Bird " are chiefly found in the tropical regions of the south; ... this species breeds as…
"The Gannet (S. bassana) has slate-grey wing-quills, purplish-grey bill, reddish feet and naked parts."…
The Cormorant "P. carbo, but has a tuft of long narrow recurved plumes on each side f the crown in the…
"The Indian Darter (Plotus melangaster) or snake-bird of tropical and subtropical America, ranging northwards…
"The Frigate pr Mana-of-War-Bird... is met throughout the tropical regions, breeds in Laysan and has…
"The Crested Pelican or (Pelecanus crispus) is white with rosy or salmon tinge, the primaries being…
"The most typical forms of Ardea (Common Heron) are large slaty-coloured birds, varied by black, rufous,…
"Balaeniceps rex, the Shoebill, of the White Nile, has a short crest, and is brownish-grey with blackish…
"Scopus umbretta, the Hammerhead, of Madagascar and a large part of the Ethiopian Range, is purplish-brown,…
"Ciconia ciconia, the White Stork, ...is white with black wings and orbits, red bill and feet." A. H.…
"Platalea leucorodia, the Spoonbill, has white plumage, with bare lores, orbits, and throat, and a fine…
"Chauna Cristata, Northern Screamer, is dark grey, with a black ring around the neck and whitish-grey…
Biziura lobata, (Musk Duck) of Tasmania and Australia -except the north-is brown with buff mottlings,…
Tadorna cornuta, the Sheld-Drake or Bargander, ...shews a white collar on the lower neck followed by…
Bernicla ruficollis, the Red-breasted Goose of West Siberia, which migrates southwards, strays to Britain…
"Cygnus bewicki, Buck's Swan, is white with black feet and bill, the basal half of the latter being…
"On the Sarcorhamphus gryphus the Condor, the head and neck are bare, with dull red skin, wrinkled in…
"Standing some four feet high on very long legs, this bird (Secretary Bird) gives the impression of…
"Gypaëtus barbatus, the magnificent L&emumlmmergeier, is greyish-black with white streaks, and has…
"Accipiter nisus, the Sparrow-Hawk, which breeds throughout Europe, North Africa, Asia north of the…
"Milvus milvus, the Red Kite or Forked Tail Glead of the Old World, ranging from the Atlantic Islands-except,…
"Rhynchotus rufescens,... is grey-brown, with blacker crown, rufous cheeks, neck, and breast, and chestnut…
Pedionomus torquatus differs in structure from Turnix by the presence of a small hind-toe. The lax upper…