"Types of vernation. 1, 2, cherry; 3, 4, European walnut; 5, 6, snowball; 7, lady's mantle; 8, oxalis." -Bergen, 1896


"Types of vernation. 1, 2, cherry; 3, 4, European walnut; 5, 6, snowball; 7, lady's mantle; 8, oxalis."…

"Leafy twig of poplar." -Bergen, 1896

Poplar Leaves

"Leafy twig of poplar." -Bergen, 1896

"Pinnately compound leaf of pea. A tendril takes the place of a terminal leaflet." -Bergen, 1896

Pea Leaf

"Pinnately compound leaf of pea. A tendril takes the place of a terminal leaflet." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaves standing nearly vertical in compass-plant. (Silphium laciniatum). A, view from east or west; B, from north or south." -Bergen, 1896

Compass Plant

"Leaves standing nearly vertical in compass-plant. (Silphium laciniatum). A, view from east or west;…

"Melon-Cactus." -Bergen, 1896

Melon Cactus

"Melon-Cactus." -Bergen, 1896

"Common Pitcher-Plant (Sarracenia purpurea). At the right one of the pitcher-like leaves is shown in cross-section." -Bergen, 1896

Common Pitcher Plant

"Common Pitcher-Plant (Sarracenia purpurea). At the right one of the pitcher-like leaves is shown in…

"Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)." -Bergen, 1896

Round-Leaf Sundew

"Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)." -Bergen, 1896

"Blade of leaf of sundew." -Bergen, 1896

Sundew Leaf

"Blade of leaf of sundew." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaves of sundew. The one at the left has all its tentacles closed over captured prey; the one at the right has only half of them thus closed." -Bergen, 1896

Sundew Leaves

"Leaves of sundew. The one at the left has all its tentacles closed over captured prey; the one at the…

The Venus Flytrap.

Venus Flytrap

The Venus Flytrap.

"Spiny leaves of barberry." -Bergen, 1896

Barberry Leaves

"Spiny leaves of barberry." -Bergen, 1896

"Leaf of a nighshade (Solanum atropurpureum)." -Bergen, 1896

Nightshade Leaf

"Leaf of a nighshade (Solanum atropurpureum)." -Bergen, 1896

"Euphorbia splendens. The spines are dead and dry stipules." -Bergen, 1896

Euphorbia splendens

"Euphorbia splendens. The spines are dead and dry stipules." -Bergen, 1896

"Thorn stipules of locust." -Bergen, 1896

Locust Thorns

"Thorn stipules of locust." -Bergen, 1896

A hydrangea used for an experiment.


A hydrangea used for an experiment.

"The parts of the flower. cal, calyx; cor, corolla; st, stamens; p, pistil." -Bergen, 1896

Flower Parts

"The parts of the flower. cal, calyx; cor, corolla; st, stamens; p, pistil." -Bergen, 1896

"Tubular corolla, from head of bachelor's button." -Bergen, 1896


"Tubular corolla, from head of bachelor's button." -Bergen, 1896

"Monadelphous stamens of mallow." -Bergen, 1896

Mallow Stamens

"Monadelphous stamens of mallow." -Bergen, 1896

"Stigma of thorn-apple (Datura) with pollen." -Bergen, 1896


"Stigma of thorn-apple (Datura) with pollen." -Bergen, 1896

"Stamens and pistil of the grape, with a nectar gland, g, between each pair of stamens." -Bergen, 1896

Stamens and Pistil

"Stamens and pistil of the grape, with a nectar gland, g, between each pair of stamens." -Bergen, 1896

"A violet with cleistogamous flowers. The objects which look like flower-buds are cleistogamous flowers in various stages of development. The pods are the fruit of similar flowers. The plant is represented as it appears in late July or August, after the ordinary flowers have disappeared." -Bergen, 1896


"A violet with cleistogamous flowers. The objects which look like flower-buds are cleistogamous flowers…

"Group of follicles and a single follicle of the Monkshood." -Bergen, 1896


"Group of follicles and a single follicle of the Monkshood." -Bergen, 1896

"Fruits of Linden, with a bract joined to the peduncle and forming a wing." -Bergen, 1896

Tilia Fruit

"Fruits of Linden, with a bract joined to the peduncle and forming a wing." -Bergen, 1896

"Russian Thistle." -Bergen, 1896

Russian Thistle

"Russian Thistle." -Bergen, 1896

"Panicle of tickle-grass, a common tumbleweed." -Bergen, 1896


"Panicle of tickle-grass, a common tumbleweed." -Bergen, 1896

"Fruits adapted for dispersal by the shaking action of the wind: pea." -Bergen, 1896

Pea Fruit

"Fruits adapted for dispersal by the shaking action of the wind: pea." -Bergen, 1896

"Fruits adapted for dispersal by the shaking action of the wind: jimson weed (Datura)." -Bergen, 1896

Datura Fruit

"Fruits adapted for dispersal by the shaking action of the wind: jimson weed (Datura)." -Bergen, 1896

"Spore-plant of a fern (Aspidium filix-mas). A, part of a rootstock and fronds; fr, young fronds unrollin. B, under side of a pinnule, showing sori, s. C, section through a sorus at right angles to surface of leaf, showing indusium, i, and sporangia, s. D, a sporangium discharging spores." -Bergen, 1896

Fern Spore Plant

"Spore-plant of a fern (Aspidium filix-mas). A, part of a rootstock and fronds; fr, young fronds unrollin.…

"Plant of Lycopodium (L. annotinum)." -Bergen, 1896


"Plant of Lycopodium (L. annotinum)." -Bergen, 1896

"A scouring-rush (Equisetum sylvaticum). At the right is a colorless fertile stem, in the middle a green sterile one, and at the left a green fertile one." -Bergen, 1896

Scouring Rush

"A scouring-rush (Equisetum sylvaticum). At the right is a colorless fertile stem, in the middle a green…

"Longitudinal section through fertilized ovule of a spruce. p, pollen grains; t, pollen tubes; n neck of the archegonium; a, body of archegonium with nucleus; e, embryo sac filled with endosperm." -Bergen, 1896

Spruce Ovule

"Longitudinal section through fertilized ovule of a spruce. p, pollen grains; t, pollen tubes; n neck…

"A, Shapes of bases of leaves; B, Peltate leaf of Tropaeolum. 1, heart-shaped; 2, arrow-shaped; 3, halberd-shaped." -Bergen, 1896

Leaf Bases

"A, Shapes of bases of leaves; B, Peltate leaf of Tropaeolum. 1, heart-shaped; 2, arrow-shaped; 3, halberd-shaped."…

"Axillary and solitary flowers of pimpernel." -Bergen, 1896

Pimpernel Flowers

"Axillary and solitary flowers of pimpernel." -Bergen, 1896

"Raceme of common red currant. p, peduncle; p', pedicel; br, bract." -Bergen, 1896

Redcurrant Raceme

"Raceme of common red currant. p, peduncle; p', pedicel; br, bract." -Bergen, 1896

"Simple umbel of cherry." -Bergen, 1896

Cherry Umbel

"Simple umbel of cherry." -Bergen, 1896

"Catkins of willow. A, staminate flowers; B, pistillate flowers." -Bergen, 1896

Willow Catkin

"Catkins of willow. A, staminate flowers; B, pistillate flowers." -Bergen, 1896

"Head of yarrow. A, top view; B, lengthwise section. re, receptacle; i, involucre; r, ray-flowers; d, disk-flowers; c, corolla; s, stigma; ch, chaff, or bracts of receptacle." -Bergen, 1896


"Head of yarrow. A, top view; B, lengthwise section. re, receptacle; i, involucre; r, ray-flowers; d,…

"Compound umbel of carrot." -Bergen, 1896

Carrot Umbel

"Compound umbel of carrot." -Bergen, 1896

"Fescue-grass (Festuca pratensis). A, spikelet; B, a flower, the lodicules in front and the palea behind; C, a lodicule; D, ovary." -Bergen, 1896

Fescue Grass

"Fescue-grass (Festuca pratensis). A, spikelet; B, a flower, the lodicules in front and the palea behind;…

The carnivorous plant, the butterwort, of the genus Pinguicula.


The carnivorous plant, the butterwort, of the genus Pinguicula.

The fruit, flower, and leaves of the cacao tree.


The fruit, flower, and leaves of the cacao tree.

The melon cactus or Melocactus.

Melon Cactus

The melon cactus or Melocactus.

Camellia, a flowering plant of the Theaceae family.


Camellia, a flowering plant of the Theaceae family.

The capsicum plant, showing flower and fruit (pepper).


The capsicum plant, showing flower and fruit (pepper).

"Cardamom. a, cross section of fruit; b, fruit; c, flower; d, seeds." -Foster, 1921


"Cardamom. a, cross section of fruit; b, fruit; c, flower; d, seeds." -Foster, 1921

The caster oil plant, Ricinus communis.

Castor Oil Plant

The caster oil plant, Ricinus communis.

Leaves and flowers of the cinnamon plant.


Leaves and flowers of the cinnamon plant.

"Cotton is a downy substance produced on the seeds of he cotton plant, Gossypium, which is herbaceous, and of a height varying from four to twenty feet." -Lupton

Cotton Plant

"Cotton is a downy substance produced on the seeds of he cotton plant, Gossypium, which is herbaceous,…

"The most common variety of the flax plant has a very slender erect stem, two or three feet high, branching only near the top, so as to form a loose corymb of flowers." -Lupton

Flax Plant

"The most common variety of the flax plant has a very slender erect stem, two or three feet high, branching…

"Hemp adapts itself to diversities of climate, and is cultivated equally under the burning sun of the tropics, and in the northern parts of Russia." -Lupton

Hemp Plant

"Hemp adapts itself to diversities of climate, and is cultivated equally under the burning sun of the…

"The plant tillers like wheat, but not to the same degree. The cane ground is kept clean by hand-hoeing, or by the plough." -Lupton

Gathering, Sugar Cane

"The plant tillers like wheat, but not to the same degree. The cane ground is kept clean by hand-hoeing,…

"The castor oil plant belongs to an order whose affinities have not yet been accurately limited by botanists; but it is supposed to comprise at least one thousand five hundred species." -Lupton

The Castor Oil Plant

"The castor oil plant belongs to an order whose affinities have not yet been accurately limited by botanists;…

"The mint family of plants, of which the most important species are peppermint, spearmint and penny-royal, all contain an aromatic essential oil, possessing medicinal qualities." -Lupton


"The mint family of plants, of which the most important species are peppermint, spearmint and penny-royal,…

The nutmeg trees are genus of the evergreen tree. The flowers grown on the nutmeg tree can be used as two spices, nutmeg and mace.

Nutmeg Tree

The nutmeg trees are genus of the evergreen tree. The flowers grown on the nutmeg tree can be used as…

The cinnamon tree is a evergreen tree small in stature. The bark from the tree is used as a the spice, cinnamon.

Cinnamon Tree

The cinnamon tree is a evergreen tree small in stature. The bark from the tree is used as a the spice,…

"Pimento or Jamaica pepper, otherwise called allspice, is a small berry, the fruit of a beautiful tree, abut thirty feet high, with a straight trunk much branched above covered with a smooth, gray bark." -Lupton


"Pimento or Jamaica pepper, otherwise called allspice, is a small berry, the fruit of a beautiful tree,…

" Our engraving represents a wonderfully singular and beautiful plant, which grows among the mountains of California. " -Lupton

Twining Hyacinth of California

" Our engraving represents a wonderfully singular and beautiful plant, which grows among the mountains…

"This tree, a native of India, is remarkable for its vast branches. It is a species of fig; has ovate, heart-shaped, entire leaves, about five or six inches long, and produces a fruit of a rich scarlet, not larger than a cherry, growing in pairs from the axils of the leaves." -Lupton

Banyan Tree

"This tree, a native of India, is remarkable for its vast branches. It is a species of fig; has ovate,…

"Called the Indian fig. The opuntia is a fleshly and succulent plant, destitute of leaves, covered with clusters of spines, and consisting of flattened joints inserted upon each other." -Marshall

Prickly Pear Cactus

"Called the Indian fig. The opuntia is a fleshly and succulent plant, destitute of leaves, covered with…

"a genus of algae. P.nivalis (red-snow) appears on the surface of snow, tinging extensive tracts in the Arctic regions or amongst the Alps, in an incredibly short space of time, with a deep crimson. This plant may be regarded a s one of the simplest forms of vegetation." -Marshall

Protococcus Algae

"a genus of algae. P.nivalis (red-snow) appears on the surface of snow, tinging extensive tracts in…