"Bellaire, O.- Steamboats conveying troops and munitions of war for the Federal forces on the Great Kanawha. Bellaire is a town situated on the Ohio River, three miles below Wheeling, Va. It is the eastern terminus of the Central Ohio Railroad, and the point for crossing the river connecting the Baltimore and Ohio with the above-named railroad. The place contained a population of fifteen hundred or two thousand inhabitants in 1861. Its importance was owing to its eligible position for the rapid concentration of troops. The sketch represents a fleet of boats lying in the river awaiting the quoata of troops and munitions for the prosecution of the war on the Great Kanawha. At this date, 1896, two weekly newspapers are published here. It has two banks, two churches, also manufactures of window-glass and flintware, nails, pig iron, galvanized ware and agricultural machines. The city is lighted with gas, and has waterworks and a street railway. Coal, limestone and fire-clay abound here. Population, about ten thousand." —Leslie, 1896


"Bellaire, O.- Steamboats conveying troops and munitions of war for the Federal forces on the Great…

"Old City Tavern. This is a frame building, and stands on the northwest corner of Main and Nineteenth streets. A portion of the lower part is yet inhabited (1852). The glass and some of the sashes in the upper story are gone, and the roof is partly decayed and fallen in on the west end. Here Cornwallis and other British officers were quartered at a later period, and beneath its roof the good Washington was once sheltered."—Lossing, 1851

Old City Tavern

"Old City Tavern. This is a frame building, and stands on the northwest corner of Main and Nineteenth…

"View at Nelson's Ferry, the spot here portrayed, was an important locality during the Revolution. It was the principal crossing-place of the Santee for travelers or troops passing between Camden and Charleston, and as such, commanded the attention of the British after they captured the latter city. A redoubt was cast up there upon the north side of the Santee, and garrisoned by a small detachment; and to that point, as we have seen, Lord Rawdon retreated from Camden."—Lossing, 1851

Nelson's Ferry

"View at Nelson's Ferry, the spot here portrayed, was an important locality during the Revolution. It…

"View of the remains of the French Works. These remains are in the southeastern suburbs of the city, about half way between the [African American] Cemetary and the residence of Major William Bowen, seen toward the right of the picture. The banks have an average height, from the bottom of the ditch, of about five feet, and are dotted with pines and chincapins or dwarf chestnuts, the former draped with moss. The ground is an open common, and although it was mid-winter when I was there, it was covered with green grass, bespangled with myriads of little flowers of stellar form. This view is from the direction of the town looking southeast."—Lossing, 1851

French Works

"View of the remains of the French Works. These remains are in the southeastern suburbs of the city,…

"View at Fort Moultrie. This view is from the southwestern angle of Fort Sullivan, looking toward Jame's Island. That angle, with cannons, a portion of the barracks, and the flag-staff, are seen on the right. The small building toward the left marks the center of the old Palmetto Fort. In the distance is seen Fort Sumter, and in the extreme distance, close by the angle of the fort, is seen the village upon the site of old Fort Johnson. Charleston bar, at the entrance of the harbor, is about six miles from the city. The width of the inner harbor, at its mouth, is about a mile wide. This is guarded by Forts Moultrie, Sumter, and Johnson, and by Castle Pickney, a handsome work in front of the city, within the inner harbor."—Lossing, 1851

Fort Moultrie

"View at Fort Moultrie. This view is from the southwestern angle of Fort Sullivan, looking toward Jame's…

"View at the foot of Broadway. General Charles Lee's troops marched to New York."—Lossing, 1851


"View at the foot of Broadway. General Charles Lee's troops marched to New York."—Lossing, 1851

"Washington's head-quarters. I was informed by the venerable Anna van Antwerp, about a fortnight before her death, in the autumn of 1851, that Washington made his head-quarters, on first entering the city, at the spacious house (half of which is yet standing at 180 Pearl Street, opposite Cedar Street), delineated in the engraving. The large window, with no arch, toward the right, indicates the center of the original building. It is of brick, stuccoed, and roofed with tiles. There Washington remained until sommoned to visit Congress at Philadelphia, toward the last of May. On his return, he went to the Kennedy House, No. 1 Broadway, where he remained until the evacuation in September."—Lossing, 1851

Washington's Head-Quarters

"Washington's head-quarters. I was informed by the venerable Anna van Antwerp, about a fortnight before…

"Gate of Mycenae, the City of Agamemnon."—Colby, 1899

Gate of Mycenae

"Gate of Mycenae, the City of Agamemnon."—Colby, 1899

"The chief credit of the battle of Marathon belongs to Miltiades. But for his courage, the Athenians would have shut themselves up in their city and stood a siege; and it was the stimulus of his heroism that nerved his little army to the victory of Marathon. And the people of Athens fully appreciated what he had done. No man was more popular in the city and none had more honors bestowed upon him. His greatness, however, was of the sort that only great crises call forth. When peace returned, he showed himself selfish and even dishonorable. Securing an armament from the city under false representations, he used it to gratify a private grudge against the people of Paros. He laid siege to their capital, was unsuccessful, and returned in disgrace. He was put on trial, convicted, and fined, but died a few days afterwards."—Colby, 1899


"The chief credit of the battle of Marathon belongs to Miltiades. But for his courage, the Athenians…

"The Age of Pericles. The interval of about fifty years between the close of the Persian and the beginning of the Peloponnesian war has been called the Age of Pericles, -a somewhat misleading term, as Pericles was at the head of Athenian affairs for only twenty years (449-429 B.C.). But he was the most brilliant statesman that Athens produced during that period, and his work is so closely indentified with the greatness of the city that it is not strange that his name has been given to the period."—Colby, 1899


"The Age of Pericles. The interval of about fifty years between the close of the Persian and the beginning…

"Pompey was one of the men, who, having distinguished himself in foreign wars, was looked upon as the natural leader of the city. He increased this already great reputation by his victory over the pirates of the Mediterranean, who had ravaged the coasts of Asia minor and had become so daring that they attacked the towns on the Italian coast. Worse than this, they intercepted the ships which brought grain to Rome. Pompey secured complete command of the territory infested by the pirates, and within three months he succeeded in breaking up their power. It is said that he put 10,000 of them to death and captured 3,000 of their vessels. Soon after this he was chosen as the general to command in the war against Mithridates. In this campaign he was no less successful. The war lasted from 66 to 64 B.C., ending with the complete overthrow of Mithridates, whom Pompey put to flight and who finally committed suicide. As a result of Pompey's expedition in the East, all western Asia was reduced to subjection. On account of these successes he became the idol of his countrymen. No general had ever enjoyed such a triumph as that which was granted to him on his return to Rome. It is said that hundred of princes walked as captives in his trimphal procession. It was his boast that he had conquered Africa, Europe, and Asia, thus completing for Rome the conquest of the world."—Colby, 1899


"Pompey was one of the men, who, having distinguished himself in foreign wars, was looked upon as the…

"The Death of Caesar. Naturaly such extraordinary success made him enemies, and though the city seemed in the main to be contented with his rule, it was easy for his ill-wishers to play on the passions of the people by pointing out that he had aimed at the complete overthrow of the constitution and the establishment of a tyranny. It was said that he intended to assume the title of king. Several times a crown was publicly offered to him and he refused it; but his refusal was thought to proceed merely from his perception of the displeasure of the people. A plot was formed against him, and the Ides (15th day) of March, 44 B.C., was fixed upon for his assassination. The rumors of the intended murder got abroad and Caesar was warned of the plot, but he took no notice of these warnings. On the appointed day he was surrounded in the Senate by the conspirators and killed. Among the assassins was one of whom Caesar had always regarded as his especial friend. This was Brutus, and it is said that Caesar, when he recognized him among his assailants, ceased to offer resistance, and exclaiming, 'Thou too, Brutus!' allowed himself to be slain."—Colby, 1899

Caesar's Death

"The Death of Caesar. Naturaly such extraordinary success made him enemies, and though the city seemed…

"Gustavus Adolphus entered Germany at the head of 16,000 men. Among some of the Protestants there was a reluctance to cooperate with this new ally; for they distrusted his motives, especially in regard to northern Germany, where it was known that he had dreams of making himself the master of the Baltic Sea. Nevertheless, many of the hesitating Protestants rallied to his side after the siege and sack of Magdeburg, in 1631. The taking of this city by the troops of Tilly was marked by the most brutal massacre and pillage. Women and children were murdered; and the town was burned to the ground. It is said that some 30,000 people perished at this time. Saxony now joined the side of the Swedish king, who, in 1631, encountered Tilly on the battlefield of Lepzig. Here Gustavus completely overthrew his enemy, and when Tilly again tried to check his advance into southern Germany, Gustavus won another battle, in which Tilly was slain. The successes of Gustavus led the emperor to restore Wallenstein to the command (1632), and Wallenstein accepted the leadership on condition that he was to have absolute control of the army."—Colby, 1899

Gustavus Adolphus

"Gustavus Adolphus entered Germany at the head of 16,000 men. Among some of the Protestants there was…

"The guillotine was used during the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution. Now that the power of the Girondists was broken, and military successes had strengthened the revolutionary party in control, France entered upon that part of the Revolution known as the Reign of Terror. The characteristic feature of the next few months was the wholesale murder of all persons suspected of hostility toward the Jacobin government or lukewarmness on its behalf. To be sure, the victims enjoyed the show of a judicial trial, but sentence was rendered without regard to justice or the facts of the case and execution followed quickly. The guillotine, named after its inventor, Dr. Guillotin, was a serviceable instrument for disposing quickly of the condemned, and hardly a day passed without seeing a score or more of suspected persons beheaded in the city of Paris alone."—Colby, 1899


"The guillotine was used during the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution. Now that the power of…

"The citadel of a Grecian city, usually the site of the original settlement, and situated on an eminence commanding the surrounding country."-Whitney, 1902


"The citadel of a Grecian city, usually the site of the original settlement, and situated on an eminence…

"The first passenger locomotive built in the United States. A year after the Enterprise sailed for India, the first railroad in the United States was opened in Massachusetts, from the Quincy quarries to tide water. It was only two miles long, and was used for hauling granite; the cars were drawn by horses. It was the first use of rails in America. In 1830 the first passenger railway in America was opened. It extended westward from Baltimore about fifteen miles, and now forms a part of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The cars were at first drawn by horses, but a locomotive was used the next year. Its first locomotive was built by Peter Cooper, who made later the generous and useful gift of the Cooper Union to the city of New York. Now began the construction of railroads in various directions; in the next twenty years nearly ten thousand miles of road were built. This mileage has constantly been increased, until in 1895 there were in operation in the United States nearly one hundred and eighty thousand miles of railway."—Scudder, 1897

Passenger Train

"The first passenger locomotive built in the United States. A year after the Enterprise sailed for India,…

The City of Washington


The City of Washington

The coin of the ancient city Acanthus in Egypt.

Coin of Acanthus

The coin of the ancient city Acanthus in Egypt.

"A Cathedral is the principal church of a diocese, and the Cathedral city is the seat of the bishop of the diocese, and his throne is placed in the Cathedral church, which is the parish church of the whole diocese. The distinction between Cathedral and collegiate churches consists principally in the see of the bishop being at the former. The governing body of a Cathedral is called the dean and chapter. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine (P. E.) in New York, will, when completed, be the most splendid structure of the kind on this continent."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Cathedral of St. John the Divine

"A Cathedral is the principal church of a diocese, and the Cathedral city is the seat of the bishop…

"Columbia University is a seat of learning in New York city. The charter of King's College, the original name of Columbia, was granted by George II., and finally passed the seals on Oct. 31, 1754, from which day the college dates its existence. The central library building and other costly buildings including St. Paul's Chapel, completed 1907, form a fine group."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Library of Columbia University

"Columbia University is a seat of learning in New York city. The charter of King's College, the original…

"Louvre is the name of a celebrated public building of Paris, situated in the N. part of the city, near the right band of the Seine."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Louvre West Pavilion

"Louvre is the name of a celebrated public building of Paris, situated in the N. part of the city, near…

"New York is a city in Southern New York; coextensive with New York, Kings, Queens, and Richmond counties, on New York Bay, the Hudson and East rivers, Long Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean; the first city in the United States in population and commercial importance, and after London, the largest metropolitan center in the world. Among the public buildings is the City Hall, 216 by 105 feet, and three stories high: completed in 1812 at a cost of $500,000. In the rear of the City Hall is the Court House."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

City Hall of New York

"New York is a city in Southern New York; coextensive with New York, Kings, Queens, and Richmond counties,…

"New York is a city in Southern New York; coextensive with New York, Kings, Queens, and Richmond counties, on New York Bay, the Hudson and East rivers, Long Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean; the first city in the United States in population and commercial importance, and after London, the largest metropolitan center in the world. New York is noted for the number and height of its office buildings. In 1911 there were 50 such structures in occupancy, ranging from 14 to 50 stories in height, or from 179 to 700 feet above ground level, and 16 more were nearing completion. The tallest building was that of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 700 and one quarter feet to top of lantern on its majestic tower. Other conspicuous ones [include the] Park Row, 382 [feet]."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Park Row Building of New York

"New York is a city in Southern New York; coextensive with New York, Kings, Queens, and Richmond counties,…

The Masonic Temple in New York City.

Masonic Temple of New York

The Masonic Temple in New York City.

Madison Square Garden in New York City.

Madison Square Garden in New York

Madison Square Garden in New York City.

The National Academy of Design Building in New York City.

National Academy of Design in New York

The National Academy of Design Building in New York City.

"Nuremburg is a city in the Bavarian province of Middle Franconia, Germany; on the Pegnitz river; 95 miles N. by W. of Munich. It is the quaintest and most interesting town of Germany, on account of the wealth of medieval architecture which it presents in its many-towered walls, its gateways, its picturesque streets with their gabled house fronts, its bridges, and its beautiful Gothic fountains."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Balcony of House in Nuremburg

"Nuremburg is a city in the Bavarian province of Middle Franconia, Germany; on the Pegnitz river; 95…

"Ottawa is a city, county seat of Carleton co., Ontario, and capital of the Dominion of Canada; at the confluence of the Ottawa and Rideau rivers on the Rideau canal, and on the Canadian Atlantic, the Canadian Pacific, and other railroads; 126 miles W. of Montreal. The government buildings are imposing structures, of Gothic architecture, costing about $4,000,000. They are built around a quadrangle, and with the grounds belonging to them occupy about 30 acres. They are constructed of a light-colored sandstone."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Ottawa Main Parliament Building

"Ottawa is a city, county seat of Carleton co., Ontario, and capital of the Dominion of Canada; at the…

"The Parthenon is a celebrated temple at Athens, consecrated to Athena or Minerva, the protectress of the city, built on an elevated rock near the Acropolis, and has always been regarded as the most exquisite and perfect example of Grecian architecture. The Parthenon was erected about 448 B. C., in the time of Pericles, Phidias being the chief sculptor. It had a length of 228 feet, by a breadth of 100; it had eight columns beneath each pediment, and 15 on each side, exclusive of those at each end of the pediments, with which they formed 16 intercolumns, of 46 columns in all, exclusive of those within the building. This magnificent fane had resisted the ravages of time down to the 17th century, being by turns a pagan temple, a Christian church, and also a Turkish mosque, till at the siege of Athens by the Venetians, in 1687, a shell fell on the roof of the Acropolis or citadel, which, firing the magazine beneath, shattered that building and the Parthenon into blackened ruins."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"The Parthenon is a celebrated temple at Athens, consecrated to Athena or Minerva, the protectress of…

"Isocrates was the son of a prosperous flute-maker; he was born at Athens B.C. 436, and lived till 338. He represents the excellence of that species of oratory which gives the highest place to artistic form and finish, and regards the subject-matter as comparatively of small importance." — The Delphian Society, 1913


"Isocrates was the son of a prosperous flute-maker; he was born at Athens B.C. 436, and lived till 338.…

"The mosted noted of the orations of Isocrates is the Panathenaicus or Panegyric of Athens, a work on which he spent ten years, and in which he uses all the resources of his art to extol Athens and magnify the benefits she conferred o nthe whole of Greece." — The Delphian Society, 1913

Ancient Athens

"The mosted noted of the orations of Isocrates is the Panathenaicus or Panegyric of Athens, a work on…

"Besides Sappho, her friend, perhaps lover, Alcaeus is almost the sole representative of the Aeolic school of poetry. He was a noble of Mytilene, the capital of Lesbos. With other nobles he opposed and drove into exile the tyrant of this city." — The Delphian Society, 1913


"Besides Sappho, her friend, perhaps lover, Alcaeus is almost the sole representative of the Aeolic…

"Ancilia carried by Salii. The sacred shield carried by the Salii, and made of bronze. The original ancile was found, according to tradition, in the palace of Numa; and, as no numan hand has brought it there, it was concluded that it had been sent from heaven. At the same time, the haruspices declared that the Roman state would endure so long as this shield remained in Rome. To secure its preservation in the city, Numa ordered eleven other shields, exactly like it, to be made by the armourer, Mamurius Veturius, and twelve ancilia. They were kept in the temple of that divinity, on the Palatine mount, and were taken from it only once a year, on the calends of March. The feast of the god was then observed during several daysl when the Salaii carried their shields about the city, singing songs in praise of Mars, Numa, and Mamurius Veturius, and at the same time performing a dance, which probably in some degree resembled our morris with rods, so as to keep time with their voices, and with the movements of their dance. The preceding cut shows one of these rods, as represented on the tomb of pontifex salius, or chief of the Salii" — Smith, 1873


"Ancilia carried by Salii. The sacred shield carried by the Salii, and made of bronze. The original…

"Constantine, the first Christian emperor, removed the capital of the world-empire from Rome to Byzantium, henceforth to be called Constantinople. Though the court, with all its splendor and power, was thus transferred to a city where Greek was the vernacular, the change did not retard, but rather hastened, the decline of literature." — The Delphian Society, 1913

Byzantine court

"Constantine, the first Christian emperor, removed the capital of the world-empire from Rome to Byzantium,…

"Caryae was a city in Arcadia, near the Laconian border, the inhabitants of which joined the Persians after the battle of Thermopylae. On the defeat of the Persians the allied Greeks destroyed the town, slew the men, and led the women into captivity; and Praxiteles and other Athenian artists employed female figures, representing Caryatidae, or women of Caryae, instead of columns in architecture. This account is illustrated by a bas-relief with a Greek inscription, mentioning the conquest of the Caryatae." — Smith, 1873


"Caryae was a city in Arcadia, near the Laconian border, the inhabitants of which joined the Persians…

"The Athenians, on their return to Attica, after the defeat of the Persians, found their city ruined and their country desolate." — Smith, 1882

Modern Parthenon

"The Athenians, on their return to Attica, after the defeat of the Persians, found their city ruined…

"Athens restored, from the Pnyx." — Smith, 1882

Athens restored

"Athens restored, from the Pnyx." — Smith, 1882

"Athens is said to have derrived its name from the prominence given to its worship of Athena by its king erechtheus. The inhabitants were previously called Crannai and Cecropidae, from Cecrops, who, according to tradition, was the original founder of the city. This at first occupied the hill or rock which afterwards became the <em>Acropolis</em>, but gradually the buildings began to spread over the ground at the southern foot of this hill. It was not till the time of Pisitratus and his sons (B.C. 560-514) that the city began to assume any degree of splendour. The most remarkable of these building deposits was the gigantic temple of the Olympian Zeus, which, however, was not finished till many centuries later."&mdash; Smith, 1882

Temple of the Olympian Zeus

"Athens is said to have derrived its name from the prominence given to its worship of Athena by its…

"On the walls near the lantern." — Young, 1901

Woman Leaning on Wall

"On the walls near the lantern." — Young, 1901

"Porta San Paolo" — Young, 1901

Porta San Paolo

"Porta San Paolo" — Young, 1901

"A Skyline from the Sette Salle." &mdash; Young, 1901

Roman skyline

"A Skyline from the Sette Salle." — Young, 1901

"The Dome of St. Peter's from the Janiculan." &mdash; Young, 1901

Dome of St. Peter's

"The Dome of St. Peter's from the Janiculan." — Young, 1901

"The Fountain Trevi." &mdash; Young, 1901

Trevi Fountain

"The Fountain Trevi." — Young, 1901

"Lectica was a kind of couch or litter, in which persons, in a lying position, were carried from one place to another. They were used for carrying the dead as well as the living. The Greek lectica consisted of a bed or mattress, and a pillow to support the head, placed upon a kind of bedstead or couch. It had a roof, consisting of the skin of an ox, extending over the couch and resting on four posts. The sides of this lectica were covered with curtains. In the republican period it appears to have been chiefly used by women, and by men only when they were in ill health. When this kind of lectica was introduced among the Romans, it was chiefly used in traveling, and very seldom in Rome itself. But towards the end of the republic, and under the empire, it was commonly used in the city, and was fitted up in the most splendid manner. Instead of curtains, it was frequently closed on the sides with windows made of transparent stone, and was provided with a pillow and bed. when standing, it rested on four feet, generally made of wood. Persons were carried in a lectica by slaves, by means of poles attached to it, but not fixed, so that they might easily be taken off when necessary. The number of lecticarri employed in carrying one lectica varied according to its size, and the display of wealth which a person might wish to make. The ordinary number was probably two; but it varied from two to eight, and the lectica is called hexaphoron or octophoron, according as it was carried by six or eight persons. The following woodcut represents a lectica. It is taken from the tombstone of M. Antonius Antius." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"Lectica was a kind of couch or litter, in which persons, in a lying position, were carried from one…

"They who are within this machine obtain first a view of the place from their high position, and then, by means of small bridges (<em>pontes</em>), descend upon the city walls." — Anthon, 1891

Mobile tower

"They who are within this machine obtain first a view of the place from their high position, and then,…

A Vinea, or Testudo, a small structure framed with wood used to protect soldiers attacking city walls.


A Vinea, or Testudo, a small structure framed with wood used to protect soldiers attacking city walls.

"The cloak worn by a Roman general commanding an army, his principal officers and personal attendants, in contradistinction to the sagum of the common soldiers, and the toga or garb of peace. It was the practice for a Roman magistrate, after he had received imperium from the comitia curiata and offered up his vows in the capitol, to march out of the city arrayed in the paludamentum, attended by his lictors in similar attire, nor could he again enter the gates undil he had formally divested himself of this emblem of military power. The paludamentum was open in front, reached down to the knees or a litle lower, and hung loosely over the shoulders, being fastened across the chest by a clasp. The colour of the paludamentum was commonly white or purple, and hence it was marked and remembered that Crassus no the morning of the fatal battle of carrhae went forth in a dark-coloured mantle." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"The cloak worn by a Roman general commanding an army, his principal officers and personal attendants,…

A boy playing with his toys and blocks.

Boy Playing

A boy playing with his toys and blocks.

"Now when Mordecai knew all that was done, Mordecai rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth with ashes, and went out into the midst of the city, and cried with a loud and a bitter cry; and he came even before the king's gate: for none might enter within the king's gate clothed with sackcloth." Esther 4:1-2
<p>Mordecai stands at the king's gate and cries out at the news that all the Jews of Persia were to be destroyed.

Mordecai Cries out at the City Gates

"Now when Mordecai knew all that was done, Mordecai rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth with ashes,…

"Triumphus, a solemn procession, in which a victorious general entered the city in a chariot drawn by four horses. He was preceded by the captives and spoils taken in war, was followed by his troops, and after passing in state along the Via Sacra, ascended the capitol to offer sacrifice in the temple of Jupiter." &mdash Smith; 1873


"Triumphus, a solemn procession, in which a victorious general entered the city in a chariot drawn by…

"According to the ancient authorities, it was made of bronze, and its form was oval, but with the two sides receding inward with an even curvature, and so as to make it broader at the ends than in the middle. The original ancile was said to have fallen from the skies in the time of Numa. To secure its preservation, Numa ordered eleven other shields to be made exactly like it. These twelve <em>ancilia</em> were kept in the temple of Mars Gradivus, and were taken from it only once a year, on the kalends of March. The feast of the god was then observed during several days; when the Salii, or priests of Mars, twelve in number, carried the sacred shields about the city, singing songs in praise of Mars, Numa, and Mamurius Veturius, who made the eleven. They at the same time performed a dance, in which they struck the shield with rods, so as to keep time with their voices and with the movements of the dance." &mdash; Anthon, 1891


"According to the ancient authorities, it was made of bronze, and its form was oval, but with the two…

"Vestaes, the virgin priestesses of Vesta, who ministered in her temple and watched the eternal fire. Their existence at Alba Longa is connected with the earliest Roman traditions, for silva the mother of Romulus was a member of the sisterhood; their establishment in the city, in common with almost all other matters connected with state religion, is generally ascribed to Numa, who selected four, two from the Titienses and two from the Rames; and two more were subsequently added from the Luceres, by Tarquinius Priscus according to one authority, by Servius Tullius according to another. This number of six remained unchanged to the latest times." &mdash Smith; 1873


"Vestaes, the virgin priestesses of Vesta, who ministered in her temple and watched the eternal fire.…

"Via, a public road. It was not until the period of the long protracted Samnite wars that the necessity was felt of securing a safe communication between the city and the legions; and then for the first time we hear of those famous paved roads, which, in after ages, connected Rome with her most distant provinces, constituting the most lasting of all her works. The excellence of the principles upon which they were constructed is sufficiently attested by their extraordinary durability, many specimens being found in the country around Rome which have been used without being repaired for more than a thousand years." &mdash; Smith; 1873


"Via, a public road. It was not until the period of the long protracted Samnite wars that the necessity…

Founded Tiffany and Co. in New York City in 1837.

Charles Tiffany

Founded Tiffany and Co. in New York City in 1837.

Hewitt was a congressman, major of New York City, teacher, iron manufacturer, and lawyer.

Abram Stevens Hewitt

Hewitt was a congressman, major of New York City, teacher, iron manufacturer, and lawyer.

Henry was a member of the Wisconsin legislature and was city comptroller at Milwaukee.

Henry Smith

Henry was a member of the Wisconsin legislature and was city comptroller at Milwaukee.

Prof. Adler was a Jewish intellectual who founded the Society for Ethical Culture in New York City.

Felix Adler

Prof. Adler was a Jewish intellectual who founded the Society for Ethical Culture in New York City.

"Babylon is said, by some writers, to have owed its foundation to Queen Semiramis, a person whose history, as it is handed down by tradition, seems to consist rather of entertaining fictions than substantial realities. By other authors, the foundation of the city is ascribed to Belus, and Nebuchadnezzar is allowed to have completed the labor. It stood on the Euphrates, in the middle of a wide plain, and was built in the form of an exact square, each side being fifteen miles in extent." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844


"Babylon is said, by some writers, to have owed its foundation to Queen Semiramis, a person whose history,…

The destruction of Jerusalem.

The Destruction of Jerusalem

The destruction of Jerusalem.

"Amid the barren deserts of Arabia, a few fertile spots of soil arise out of the sandy waste, like islands out of the wide ocean. One of these places, termed <em>oases</em> by the inhabitants of those countries, became the seat of a rich, flourishing, and magnificent city, the immense ruins of which, at the present day, strike every traveller with astonishment. Palmyra, as this city was called in the Latin, and Tadmor, in the Syriac language, are both derrived from the multitude of palm-trees which grew upon this fertile region." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844


"Amid the barren deserts of Arabia, a few fertile spots of soil arise out of the sandy waste, like islands…