A mechanical apparatus consisting of a continuous moving belt that transports materials or packages from one place to another.

Spiraling Conveyer Belt

A mechanical apparatus consisting of a continuous moving belt that transports materials or packages…

Bar, usually metal, with a central loop and a hook at each end, used to hang a carcass for butchering; a roof that has two pitches on each side, where the upper roof area has less slope than the lower roof areas.

Butcher Gambrel

Bar, usually metal, with a central loop and a hook at each end, used to hang a carcass for butchering;…

A conveyor system is a common piece of mechanical handling equipment that moves materials from one location to another. Conveyors are especially useful in applications involving the transportation of heavy or bulky materials.

Four Drum Conveyor

A conveyor system is a common piece of mechanical handling equipment that moves materials from one location…

Piece of equipment within which heat is generated from the primary loop to the secondary loop without the water of the two systems actually touching

Steam Generator

Piece of equipment within which heat is generated from the primary loop to the secondary loop without…

"Marion and Lee could see the light of his camp-fires on the hills in the west. Whatever was done must be done quickly. But what could they do? They had no cannon; and even if they had, they could not batter down the fort; but a bright thought came to Colonel Mahan - to build a tower which would overlook the fortification. As soon as night came, all the axes in the camp were in use. The British could hear the choppers, and wondered what was going on; but they were astonished in the morning when they saw a tower high than the fort, and a swarm of men on the top firing through loop-holes, and picking off their rifles every man who showed his head above the parapet ... Before noon the Americans were in possession of the fort, and all its supplies."—Coffin, 1879

Marion and Lee Capturing Fort Watson

"Marion and Lee could see the light of his camp-fires on the hills in the west. Whatever was done must…

This illustration shows the arrangement of loops in an ordinary web made on a hand-frame.

Arrangement of Loops in Ordinary Web made on Hand-frame

This illustration shows the arrangement of loops in an ordinary web made on a hand-frame.

The most common type of knot, the overhand is made by passing one end of a line over the line and around it, then passing it through the loop.

Overhand Knot

The most common type of knot, the overhand is made by passing one end of a line over the line and around…

A reef knot is formed by taking an overhand knot and repeating the overhand knot process (pass one end of the line over the line, pass the line around, then feed the line through the loop) with the opposite end of the line (Fig. 1): if two overhand knots are made the same way, the result will be a 'granny' (Fig. 2).

Reef Knot

A reef knot is formed by taking an overhand knot and repeating the overhand knot process (pass one end…

To tie a bowline knot, lay the end of the rope 'a' over 'b' so as to form a bight 'c'; pass the end 'a' round behind and under 'b', and through the bight; continue with 'a' to pass it under the standing part 'b', and through the bight 'c' in the opposite direction. This knot forms the best loop that will not slip.

Bowline Knot

To tie a bowline knot, lay the end of the rope 'a' over 'b' so as to form a bight 'c'; pass the end…

A Lemniscate is, in general, a curve generated by a point moving so that the product of its distances from two fixed points is the square of half the distance between the points. It is a particular case of the Cassinian oval and resembles a figure 8. When the line joining the two fixed points is the axis of x and the middle point of this line is the origin, the Cartesian equation is the fourth degree equation, (((x^2)+(y^2))^2)=2(a^2)((x^2)-(y^2)). The polar equation is (ℽ^2) = 2(a^2)cos(2θ). The locus of the feet of the perpendiculars from the center of an equilateral hyperbola to its tangents is a lemniscate. The name lemniscate is sometimes given to any crunodal symmetric quartic curve having no infinite branch. The name is also sometimes given to a general class of curves derived from other curves in the way that the above is derived from the equilateral hyperbola. With these more general definitions of the lemniscate the above curve is called the lemniscate of Bernoulli.


A Lemniscate is, in general, a curve generated by a point moving so that the product of its distances…

A winged child holds an hourglass over a pair of birds. The hourglass usually represents the passing of time or mortality. The hourglass is has two snakes entwined around it. Sometimes snakes are used symbolically to represent eternity (since they can make a loop) or the cheating of death (it was commonly believed that snakes revitalized themselves by shedding their skin).

Cherub with Hourglass

A winged child holds an hourglass over a pair of birds. The hourglass usually represents the passing…

"To measure the depth of; fathom; try or test, as the depth of water and the quality of the ground, by sinking a plummet or lead attached to a line on which is marked the number of fathoms...a, lead; b, counterpoised hooks which engage the loop at the top of the lead; d, wedge-shaped cup for specimens, attached by cord or wire to the pivot of the hooks; e, attachment for the sounding-line or wire. When the cup d touches bottom, the hooks b drop into the position show in E; the sinker or lead then drops over, releasing the cup, and this, with its specimen and the hooks, is drawn to the surface." —Whitney, 1889

British Navy Sounding Apparatus

"To measure the depth of; fathom; try or test, as the depth of water and the quality of the ground,…