The stomach showing the muscles which churn the food. Labels: E, where food enters; V, entrance into the intestine, D.


The stomach showing the muscles which churn the food. Labels: E, where food enters; V, entrance into…

The stomach and intestines. Labels: 1, stomach; 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, large intestine; 3, small intestine; 4, entrance of small intestine into large one; 12, spleen.

Digestive System

The stomach and intestines. Labels: 1, stomach; 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, large intestine; 3, small intestine;…

Ruminants (those animals that chew the cud), as the sheep, have a stomach with four cavities. Labels: 1, esophagus; 2, rumen; 3, reticulum; 4, omasum; 5, abomasum or rennet; 6, intestine.

The Stomach of a Sheep

Ruminants (those animals that chew the cud), as the sheep, have a stomach with four cavities. Labels:…

Ruminants (those animals that chew the cud), as the ox, have a stomach with four cavities. Labels: 1, The esophagus. 2, The rumen (paunch). 3, The reticulum (honeycomb). 4, The omasum (many-plies). 5, The abomasum(rennet). 6, The intestine.

Stomach of an Ox

Ruminants (those animals that chew the cud), as the ox, have a stomach with four cavities. Labels: 1,…

Birds usually have three cavities or stomachs. Labels: 1, The esophagus. 2, Ingluvies (crop). 2, Proventriculus (secreting stomach). 4. Triturating stomach (gizzard). 5, Intestine. 6, Two caeca.

The Alimentary Canal of a Fowl

Birds usually have three cavities or stomachs. Labels: 1, The esophagus. 2, Ingluvies (crop). 2, Proventriculus…

In reptiles the alimentary canal differs much from that of mammals or birds. As a general rule, it is shorter in proportion to the trunk than in warm-blooded vertebrates. Labels: 1, esophagus; 2, stomach; 3, small intestine; 4,large intestine.

The Alimentary Canal of the Flying Lizard

In reptiles the alimentary canal differs much from that of mammals or birds. As a general rule, it is…

There are two predominant forms of stomach in fish- one is like a bent tube (siphonal), and the other a blind tube (caecal). The herring has a caeca. Labels: The esophagus. 2, Stomach. 3, Small intestine. 4, Caeca. 5, Air-bladder. 7, Pneumatic duct.

The Alimentary Canal of the Herring

There are two predominant forms of stomach in fish- one is like a bent tube (siphonal), and the other…

A diagram of the organs of digestion. Labels:1, The upper jaw. 2, The lower jaw. 3, The tongue. 4, The roof of the mouth. 5, The esophagus. 6, The trachea. 7, The parotid gland. 8, The sublingual gland. 9, The stomach. 10, The liver. 11, The gall cyst. 12, The duct that conveys the bile to the duodenum (13). 14, The pancreas. 15, The small intestine. 16, The opening of the small intestine into the large intestine. 17, 18, 19, 20, The large intestine. 21, The spleen. 22, The upper part of the spinal column.

Digestive System

A diagram of the organs of digestion. Labels:1, The upper jaw. 2, The lower jaw. 3, The tongue. 4, The…

The lymphatic vessels and glands. Labels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Lymphatic vessels and glands of the lower limb. 7, Lymphatic glands. 8, The receptacle of the thoracic duct. 9, The lymphatics of the kidney. 10, The stomach. 11, Of the liver. 12, Of the lungs. 13, 14, 15, The lymphatics and glands of the arm. 16, 17, 18, Of the face and neck. 19, 20, Large veins. 21, The thoracic duct.

The Lymphatic Vessels and Glands

The lymphatic vessels and glands. Labels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Lymphatic vessels and glands of the lower…

A side view of the lacteal and thoracic duct. Labels: 1, Small intestine. 2, Lacteals. 3, Thoracic duct. 4, Stomach. 5, Colon. 6, Pancreas. 7, Liver. 8, Diaphragm. 9 Heart. 10, Lungs. 11, Large vein into which the thoracic duct opens. 12, Spinal column.

A Side View of the Lacteals and Thoracic Duct

A side view of the lacteal and thoracic duct. Labels: 1, Small intestine. 2, Lacteals. 3, Thoracic duct.…

The respiratory apparatus of other mammals is similar to humans in both structure and function. The lungs fill the cavity of the chest, and have the same general composition of lobes, lobules and air-cells. Labels: 1, Trachea. 2, Lungs. 3, Heart. 4, Diaphragm. 5, Liver. 6, Stomach. 7, Esophagus. 8, Kidney. 9, Intestines. 10, Bladder. 11, Cerebrum. 12, Cerebellum. 13, Medulla spinalis. 14, Vertebrae.

The Respiratory System of a Small Mammal

The respiratory apparatus of other mammals is similar to humans in both structure and function. The…

In high orders of Mollusca the circulation resembles that of fish. Shown is the heart and arteries of a snail. Labels: 2, The stomach. 3, Intestines. 5, Heart. 6, Aorta. 7, Pulmonary artery.

The Heart and Arteries of a Snail

In high orders of Mollusca the circulation resembles that of fish. Shown is the heart and arteries of…

In the Radiata, the starfish manifests one of the simplest forms of nervous systems. it consists of a central mass, with five arms radiating from it. In the center is the mouth, and beneath it the stomach or gastric cavity, which sends branches to each limb. The nervous system consists of five similar ganglions situated in the central portion at the base of the arms. These ganglions are connected and each sends off nerve-filaments to corresponding limbs.

Diagram of a Radiata

In the Radiata, the starfish manifests one of the simplest forms of nervous systems. it consists of…

The human torso. Labels: A, the heart; B, the lungs drawn aside to show the internal organs; C, the diaphragm; D, the liver; E, the gall cyst; F, the stomach; G, the small intestines; H, the transverse colon.


The human torso. Labels: A, the heart; B, the lungs drawn aside to show the internal organs; C, the…

A, the natural position of the internal organs. B, when deformed by tight lacing. The liver and stomach have been forced downward almost as low as the pelvis.

The Natural Position Compared to the Deformed Position of the Internal Organs

A, the natural position of the internal organs. B, when deformed by tight lacing. The liver and stomach…

The stomach and intestines. Labels: 1, stomach; 2, duodenum; 3, small intestine; 4, termination of the ileum; 5, caecum; 6, vermiform appendix; 7, ascending colon; 8, transverse colon; 9, descending colon; 10, sigmoid flexure of the colon; 11, rectum; 12, spleen.

The Stomach and Intestines

The stomach and intestines. Labels: 1, stomach; 2, duodenum; 3, small intestine; 4, termination of the…

The spinal nerves, sympathetic cord, and the network of sympathetic nerves around the internal organ. Labels: K, aorta; A, esophagus; B, diaphragm; C, stomach.

Spinal Nerves, Sympathetic Cord, and the Network of Sympathetic Nerves

The spinal nerves, sympathetic cord, and the network of sympathetic nerves around the internal organ.…

A diagram showing the separate abdominal and chest cavities.

Chest and Abdominal Cavity

A diagram showing the separate abdominal and chest cavities.

Plan of the blood vessels of the stomach, as they would be seen in a vertical section. Labels: a, arteries, passing up from the vessels of submucous coat; b, capillaries branching between and around the tubes; c, superficial plexus of capillaries occupying the ridges of the mucous membrane; d, vein formed by the union of veins which, having collected the blood of the superficial capillary plexus, are seen passing down between the tubes.

Blood Vessels of the Stomach

Plan of the blood vessels of the stomach, as they would be seen in a vertical section. Labels: a, arteries,…

Diagrammatic representation of the nerves of the alimentary canal. Oe to Rct, the various parts of the alimentary canal from esophagus to rectum: L.V, left vagus, ending in front of stomach; rl, recurrent laryngeal nerve, supplying upper part of esophagus; R.V, right vagus, joining left vagus in esophageal plexus;, supplying the posterior part of the stomach , and continues at R'V' to join the solar plexus, here represented by a single ganglion, and connected with the inferior mesenteric ganglion a, branches from the solar plexus to stomach and small intestine , and from the mesenteric ganglia and rami communicantes; r.c., belonging to dorsal nerves from the 6th to the 9th (or 10th); Spl.min., small splanchnic nerve similarly from the 10th and 11th dorsal nerves. These both join the solar plexus, and thence make their way to the alimentary canal; c.r., nerves from the ganglia, &c., belonging to 11th and 12th dorsal and 1st and 2nd lumbar nerves, proceeding to the inferior mesenteric ganglia (or plexus),, and thence by the hypogastic nerve, n.hyp., and the hypogastric nerve, n.hyp., and the hypogastric plexus, pl.hyp., to the circular muscles of the rectum; 1.r., nerves from the 2nd and 3rd sacral nerves, S.2, S.3 (nervi erigentes) proceeding by the hypogastric plexus to the longitudinal muscles of the rectum.

Nerves of the Alimentary Canal

Diagrammatic representation of the nerves of the alimentary canal. Oe to Rct, the various parts of the…

Diagrammatic view of the Sympathetic cord of the right side, showing its connections with the principal cerebrospinal nerves and the main prae-aortic plexuses. Cerebrospinal nerves. VI, a portion of the sixth cranial as it passes through the cavernous sinus, receiving two twigs from the carotid plexus of the sympathetic nerve; O, opthalmic ganglion connected by a twig with the carotid plexus; M, connection of the spheno-palatine ganglion by the Vidian nerve with the carotid plexus; C, cervical plexus; Br, brachial plexus; D 6, sixth intercostal nerve; D 12, twelfth; L 3, third lumbar nerve; S 5, fifth; Cr, anterior crural nerve winding round the subclavian artery. Sympathetic Cord. c, superior cervical ganglion; c', second or middle; c", inferior; from each of these ganglia cardiac nerves (all deep on this side) are seen descending to the cardiac plexus; d 1, placed immediately below the first dorsal sympathetic ganglion; d 6, is opposite he sixth; l 1, first lumbar ganglion. Preaortic and Visceral Plexuses. p, pharyngeal, and, lower down, laryngeal plexus; pl, post-pulmonary plexus spreading from the vagus on the back of the right bronchus; c a,on the aorta , the cardiac plexus, towards which , in addition to the cardiac nerves from the three cervical sympathetic ganglia, other branches are seen descending from the vagus and recurrent nerves; co, right or posterior and co1, left or an. coronary plexus; o, esophageal plexus in long meshes on the gullet; sp, great splanchnic nerve formed by branched from the fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, and ninth dorsal ganglia; +, small splanchnic from the ninth and tenth; ++, smallest or third splanchnic from the eleventh: the first and second of theses are shown joining the solar plexus, s o; the third descending to the renal plexus, r e; connecting branches between the solar plexus and the vagi are also represented; pn', above the place where the right vagus passes to the lower or posterior surface of the stomach; pn", the left distribution on the anterior side or upper surface of the cardiac portion of the organ: from the solar plexus large branches are seen surrounding the arteries of the coeliac axis, and descending from the solar and sup. mesenteric plexuses and from the lumbar ganglia; mi, the inf. mesenteric plexus surrounding the corresponding artery; hy, hypogastric plexus; pl, the right pelvic or inf. hypogastric plexuses; pl, the right pelvic plexus; from this the nerves descending are joined by those from the plexus on the sup. hemorrhoidal vessels, mi', by nerves from the third and fourth sacral spinal nerves, and there are thus formed the rectal, vesical, and other plexuses, which ramify upon the viscera, ,as towards ir, and v, the rectum and bladder.

Sympathetic System

Diagrammatic view of the Sympathetic cord of the right side, showing its connections with the principal…

Outlines of the form and position of the alimentary canal in successive stages of its development. A, alimentary canal, in an embryo of four weeks; B, at six weeks; C, at eight weeks; D, at ten weeks; l, the primitive lungs connected with the pharynx; s, the stomach; d, duodenum; i, the small intestine; i', the large intestine; c, the caecum and vermiform appendage; r, the rectum; cl, in A, the cloaca; a, in B, the anus distinct from s i, the sinus uro-genitalis; v, the yolk sac; vi, the vitellointestinal duct; u, the urinary bladder and urachus leading to the allantois; g, genital ducts.

Development of the Alimentary Canal

Outlines of the form and position of the alimentary canal in successive stages of its development. A,…

Diagram of part of digestive tract of a chick (4th day). The black line represents hypoblast , the outer shading mesoblast; lg, lung diverticulum with expanded end forming primary lung vesicles; St, stomach; l, two hepatic diverticulum, with their terminations united by solid rows of hypoblast cells; p, diverticulum of the pancreas with the vesicular diverticula coming from it.

Digestive Tract of a Chick

Diagram of part of digestive tract of a chick (4th day). The black line represents hypoblast , the outer…

The development of the respiratory organs. A, is the esophagus of a chick on the fourth day of incubation, with the rudiments of the trachea on the lung of the left side, viewed laterally; 1, the inferior wall of the esophagus; 2, the upper portion of the same tube; 3, the rudimentary lung; 4, the stomach. B, is the same object seen from below, so that both lungs are visible. C, shows the tongue and respiratory organs of the embryo of a horse; 1, the tongue; 2, the larynx; 3, the trachea; 4, the lungs, viewed from the upper side.

Development of Respiratory Organs

The development of the respiratory organs. A, is the esophagus of a chick on the fourth day of incubation,…

Showing the position of the viscera in the condition of visceroptosis (Glenard's disease). Labels: A, sterno-ensiform line: it crosses above the fifth costal cartilage; B, mid-epigastric line; C, umbilical line; D, mid-hypogastric line; a, pericardium; b, stomach (greatly elongated and dilated); c, liver; c', the lingual or Riedel's process; d, duodenum; e, caecum; f, transverse colon; g, rectum; h, elongated gastro-hepatic omentum.

Position of the Viscera in the Condition of Visceroptosis

Showing the position of the viscera in the condition of visceroptosis (Glenard's disease). Labels: A,…

Radiographic outline of the stomach of a patient who has taken a bismuth-laden diet.

Stomach in a Bismuth-Laden Diet

Radiographic outline of the stomach of a patient who has taken a bismuth-laden diet.

Horizontal section through upper part of abdomen. Labels: a, liver; b, stomach; c, transverse colon; d, spleen; e, kidneys; f, pancreas; g, inferior vena cava; h, aorta with thoracic duct behind it.

Horizontal Section Through Abdomen

Horizontal section through upper part of abdomen. Labels: a, liver; b, stomach; c, transverse colon;…

The swelling under the throat is called the crop, or first stomach. It is largely developed in some of the granivorous or grain-eating birds.

Crop and Digestive Organs

The swelling under the throat is called the crop, or first stomach. It is largely developed in some…

"Digestive apparatus of the common beetle."A: MouthB: EsophagusC: CropD: GizzardE: Chylific entricleF: Small intestineG: Large intestineH: Anus

Digestive Apparatus of Carabus Auratus

"Digestive apparatus of the common beetle." A: Mouth B: Esophagus C: Crop D: Gizzard E: Chylific entricle…

Shows "the manner in which the tubes enter the chylific ventricle."

Posterior Extremity of the Chylific Ventricle, Surrounded by the Malpighian Vessels

Shows "the manner in which the tubes enter the chylific ventricle."

Larvae of Estrus (Gasterophilus) Equi. Representation of "the state of a horse's stomach attacked by the gadfly larvae."

Gadfly Larvae in a Portion of the Stomach of the Horse

Larvae of Estrus (Gasterophilus) Equi. Representation of "the state of a horse's stomach attacked by…

Superficial and deep muscles of the trunk. The sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis major, anterior portion of deltoid, the external oblique, aponeurosis of the internal oblique, tensor fasciae latae, sartorius, rectus femoris, iliopsoas, pectineus, adductor longus and the gracilis muscles of the left side have been cut away to expose the underlying muscles. Anterior View.

Anterior View of the Muscles of the Trunk

Superficial and deep muscles of the trunk. The sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis major, anterior portion…

Section through the liver and stomach, at the level of the xiphoid process.

Cross Section of the Trunk Through the Liver and Stomach

Section through the liver and stomach, at the level of the xiphoid process.

Stomach with puckered fundus, seen from behind and somewhat from left; hardened by formalin.

Stomach with Puckered Fundus

Stomach with puckered fundus, seen from behind and somewhat from left; hardened by formalin.

Transverse section of stomach (left end), showing general arrangement of coats.

Transverse Section of Stomach

Transverse section of stomach (left end), showing general arrangement of coats.

Deeper portion of gastric glands from fundus, showing two varieties of lining cells and secretion capillaries connecting parietal with lumen.

Gastric Gland from Fundus

Deeper portion of gastric glands from fundus, showing two varieties of lining cells and secretion capillaries…

Transverse section of stomach, pyloric end; ruga is cut across, showing mucosa supported by core of submucous

Transverse Section of Stomach

Transverse section of stomach, pyloric end; ruga is cut across, showing mucosa supported by core of…

Stomach turned inside out, showing dissection of oblique and circular muscular coats.

Stomach Turned Inside Out

Stomach turned inside out, showing dissection of oblique and circular muscular coats.

General view of the subperitoneal lymphatic plexus of the stomach prepared by the method of Gerota.

Lymphatic Plexus of the Stomach

General view of the subperitoneal lymphatic plexus of the stomach prepared by the method of Gerota.

Outlines of the stomach, showing its anatomical landmarks.

Parts of the Stomach

Outlines of the stomach, showing its anatomical landmarks.

The interior of the stomach.

Interior of the Stomach

The interior of the stomach.

The superficial muscular layer of the stomach, viewed from above and in front.

Superficial Muscles of the Stomach

The superficial muscular layer of the stomach, viewed from above and in front.

The middle and deep muscular layer of the stomach, viewed from above and in front.

Deep Muscles of the Stomach

The middle and deep muscular layer of the stomach, viewed from above and in front.

The mucous membrane of the stomach. The top image is natural size and shows the rugae and he mamillated surfaces. The bottom image is magnified 25 times and shows the gland mouths, with the gland tubes leading from some of them, and the ridges separating the mouths are seen.

Mucous Membrane of the Stomach

The mucous membrane of the stomach. The top image is natural size and shows the rugae and he mamillated…

Termination of the blood vessels in the mucous membrane of the stomach.

Blood Vessels in the Mucous Membrane of the Stomach

Termination of the blood vessels in the mucous membrane of the stomach.

The valvulae conniventes are large folds or valvular flaps projecting into the lumen of the bowel. They are composed of reduplications or folds of the mucous membrane, the two layers of the fold being bound together by submucous tissue, they contain no muscular fibers, and, unlike the folds in the stomach, they are permanent, and not obliterated when the intestine is distended. Shown is valvulae conniventes is the upper part of the small intestine.

Valvulae Conniventes

The valvulae conniventes are large folds or valvular flaps projecting into the lumen of the bowel. They…

Abdominal organs. Labels: 1, liver turned up; 2, gall bladder; 3, stomach; 4, large intestine; 5, small intestine.

Abdominal Organs

Abdominal organs. Labels: 1, liver turned up; 2, gall bladder; 3, stomach; 4, large intestine; 5, small…

Diagram of vertical median section of abdomen. The fine dots represent the great sac of the peritoneum, the coarse dots the lesser sac. Labels: A, aorta; P, pancreas; I, intestine; R, rectum; L, liver; D, duodenum; B, bladder; St, stomach; c, colon; v, vagina.

Vertical Median Section of the Trunk

Diagram of vertical median section of abdomen. The fine dots represent the great sac of the peritoneum,…

Diagram of horizontal section through upper part of 1st lumbar vertebra. The fine dots represent the great sac of the peritoneum, the coarse dots the lesser sac. Labels: A, aorta; Sp, spleen; B.D, bile duct; V.C, vena cava; P, pancreas; H.A, hepatic artery; K, kidney; L, liver; St, stomach; P.V, portal vein.

Horizontal Section Through Trunk

Diagram of horizontal section through upper part of 1st lumbar vertebra. The fine dots represent the…

Diagram to show the course of the esophagus.

Course of the Esophagus

Diagram to show the course of the esophagus.

The lower part of the pharynx and the upper part of the esophagus have been slit up from behind, and the mucous membrane removed to show the muscular fibers. The two longitudinal bands are seen coming round to the front to be attached by a common tendon to the upper border of the cricoid cartilage.

Pharynx and Esophagus

The lower part of the pharynx and the upper part of the esophagus have been slit up from behind, and…

Diagrammatic transverse section of abdomen, to show the peritoneum on transverse tracing. A, at level of foramen of Winslow. B, lower down. In A note, one of the vasa brevia arteris passing to the stomach between the layers of the gastrosplenic omentum, and also the foramen of Winslow leading into the lesser sac which lies behind the stomach.

Transverse Section of Abdomen

Diagrammatic transverse section of abdomen, to show the peritoneum on transverse tracing. A, at level…

Moderately distended stomach, viewed A, from in front; B, from inner or right side; and C, from the outer or left side. The contents of the stomach were carefully removed, through an artificial opening , and replaced with gelatin, the stomach remaining in situ throughout the operation. After the jelly hardened, its exact orientation was carefully noted, and pins indicating the vertical, horizontal, and transverse planes, having been inserted, the organ was removed.

Distended Stomach

Moderately distended stomach, viewed A, from in front; B, from inner or right side; and C, from the…

The abdomen viscera after the removal of the jejunum and ileum. The transverse colon is much more regular than usual. Both the liver and caecum extend lower down than normal. The subdivisions of the abdominal cavity are indicated by dark lines.

Abdomen Laid Open After Removal of Jejunum and Ileum

The abdomen viscera after the removal of the jejunum and ileum. The transverse colon is much more regular…

The stomach chamber and stomach bed shown after stomach has been removed.

Stomach Chamber

The stomach chamber and stomach bed shown after stomach has been removed.

Abdomen of female showing displacement resulting from tight lacing. The liver is much enlarged, and extends on the left side to the ribs, where it was folded back on itself for over an inch. The pyloric end of the stomach and the beginning of the duodenum are quite superficial below the liver, and all the viscera are displaced downwards.

Abdomen Showing Displacement Caused by Corset

Abdomen of female showing displacement resulting from tight lacing. The liver is much enlarged, and…

Section through wall of stomach, cardiac portion.

Section Through Stomach Wall

Section through wall of stomach, cardiac portion.

The three layers of the muscular coat of the stomach. A, Outer or longitudinal layer. B, Middle or circular layer. C, Internal or oblique layer. Labels: a, longitudinal fibers of esophagus; b, superficial circular fibers of esophagus passing into circular fibers of stomach in B; c, deep circular fibers of esophagus passing into oblique fibers of stomach in C; d, oblique fibers forming rings at the fundus; e, submucosa.

Stomach Muscles

The three layers of the muscular coat of the stomach. A, Outer or longitudinal layer. B, Middle or circular…

Diagram to show formation of pylorus. Labels: P, peritoneum; L, longitudinal layer of muscular fibers; C, circular layer; M, mucous membrane; V, villi. It will be seen that the pyloric narrowing is due practically entirely to a gradual thickening of the circular muscular fibers, which stops abruptly at the pyloric orifice.

Formation of Pylorus

Diagram to show formation of pylorus. Labels: P, peritoneum; L, longitudinal layer of muscular fibers;…

The mucous membrane of the stomach. A, Natural size. B. Magnified. In A the rugae and the mammilated surface are shown. In B the gland mouths, with gland tubes leading off from some of them, and the ridges separating the mouths are seen.

Stomach Mucous Membrane

The mucous membrane of the stomach. A, Natural size. B. Magnified. In A the rugae and the mammilated…