This vase is made out of stoneware. It has a design of grape vine and leaves wrapped around its body, and a flared out top.


This vase is made out of stoneware. It has a design of grape vine and leaves wrapped around its body,…

This rustic chair was carved out of a oak wood. It has a vine and leaf design all around the chair.

Rustic Chair

This rustic chair was carved out of a oak wood. It has a vine and leaf design all around the chair.

"Crab's-eye vine. Weather Plant. Fig. 64. - Height 10-12 ft.; frequently trailing over the ground S.: lfts. oblong, in numerous pairs: fls. varying from rose to white: seeds bright scarlet, with a black spot, used by Buddhists for rosaries, in India as standard weight, and in the W. Indies in bead word. Seeds irritant; also used as an abortive in the U.S.A variety with cream-colored bean is offered by Reasoner Bros.: Tropics generally. -The claims make for its weather-fortelling properties are exposed by Oliver in Kew Bull. Jan., 1890. It does, however, "go to sleep" during storms, but this is a feature of other legumes. Sometimes confounded with Rhynchosia phaseoloides (R. precatoria), which has similar seeds, but is a very different plant with large, 3-foliolate, bean-like lvs." L.H. Bailey, 1917

Crab's-Eye Vine

"Crab's-eye vine. Weather Plant. Fig. 64. - Height 10-12 ft.; frequently trailing over the ground S.:…

An ornamental leaf used to decorate a page.

Leaf Doodad

An ornamental leaf used to decorate a page.

An illustration of a floral and vine doodad.

Floral Doodad

An illustration of a floral and vine doodad.

An illustration of a rose and vine divider.

Rose & Vine Divider

An illustration of a rose and vine divider.

"Betel vine. Betel, a species of pepper, a creeping or climbing plant, native of the East Indies." -Vaughan, 1906

Betel Vine

"Betel vine. Betel, a species of pepper, a creeping or climbing plant, native of the East Indies." -Vaughan,…

An illustration of a decorative letter A with an angel holding a vine underneath.

Decorative Letter A with Angel Holding Vine

An illustration of a decorative letter A with an angel holding a vine underneath.

An illustration of a decorative letter M with an angel below.

Decorative Letter M with Angel

An illustration of a decorative letter M with an angel below.

A decorative letter C with an angel holding a vine below the letter.

Decorative Letter C with Angel Holding Vine

A decorative letter C with an angel holding a vine below the letter.

A decorative letter S with illustrated with an angel below the letter holding a cloth.

Decorative Letter S with Angel Holding Cloth

A decorative letter S with illustrated with an angel below the letter holding a cloth.

This agricultural implement is used as a berry picker to simply reach out with the picker and using the special tips pull the fruit from the branch or vine.

Berry Picker

This agricultural implement is used as a berry picker to simply reach out with the picker and using…

An illustration of a broken pipe tangled in a vine on the ground.

Broken Pipe

An illustration of a broken pipe tangled in a vine on the ground.

A vine belonging to the smilarcaceae family, their leaves are gray and white.

Smilax Glauca

A vine belonging to the smilarcaceae family, their leaves are gray and white.

In general grandiflora's are a type of vine.

Solandra Grandiflora

In general grandiflora's are a type of vine.

A vine which is native to Costa Rica, featuring vines and blue flowers.

Solanum Wendlandii

A vine which is native to Costa Rica, featuring vines and blue flowers.

A poisonous perennial vine, with violet flowers.

Solanum Dulcamara

A poisonous perennial vine, with violet flowers.

Tropic vine, bearing long fruits used for medicinal purposes.

Trichosanthes Anguina

Tropic vine, bearing long fruits used for medicinal purposes.

Woody vine belonging to the Vttaceae family, bearing small flowers.

Vitis Rubra

Woody vine belonging to the Vttaceae family, bearing small flowers.

A flowering vine belonging to the Wisteria genus.

Wisteria Shrub

A flowering vine belonging to the Wisteria genus.

Woody perennial native to China.

Wisteria Sinensis

Woody perennial native to China.

A diagram showing six different parts of a grape vine. These parts include the shoot, cane, arm, branch, spur, and stem (trunk).

Ideal Vine for Cane Renewal

A diagram showing six different parts of a grape vine. These parts include the shoot, cane, arm, branch,…

"These [upright] systems are sometimes referred to as the "goblet" systems, since when the shoots are tied together the plant bears a certain resemblance to such a glass. As a rule, these vines make comparatively little growth, and the canes are severely cut back each year."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Upright System of Grape Training

"These [upright] systems are sometimes referred to as the "goblet" systems, since when the shoots are…

"When a grapevine is first set in a vineyard, it closely resembles the plant shown in [the image]. Such a rooted cutting may be one or two years old, the former being preferable in the majority of cases. The cane is cut back to two buds, and during the first season its shoots are allowed to lie prone upon the surface of the soil."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Rooted Grape Cutting

"When a grapevine is first set in a vineyard, it closely resembles the plant shown in [the image]. Such…

"The cross-wire system is another method of training which appears to be confined in this country to the Hudson River Valley, and even there it is used only to a limited extent. But at Juraçon, Bassess-Pyrénées, France, this system is regularly followed. Poles are used in place of the wires, however. [The image] represents vines trained in this manner."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Cross-Wire System of Grape Training

"The cross-wire system is another method of training which appears to be confined in this country to…

An unpruned vine trained according to the Hudson horizontal system.

Unpruned Vine

An unpruned vine trained according to the Hudson horizontal system.

A diagram of the horizontal arm spur system, depicting the various parts of a vine.

Horizontal Arm Spur System

A diagram of the horizontal arm spur system, depicting the various parts of a vine.

A diagram depicting an unpruned vine trained according to the umbrella system. This image shows stem renewal. This system is also known as the two-cane Kniffin system.

Unpruned Vine According to the Umbrella System

A diagram depicting an unpruned vine trained according to the umbrella system. This image shows stem…

An image depicting a pruned vine that was trained according to the umbrella system. This system is also called the two-cane Kniffin.

Pruned System According to the Umbrella System

An image depicting a pruned vine that was trained according to the umbrella system. This system is also…

Also known as Quisqualis indica. A vine with red flower clusters that can grow between 2.5 meters and 8 meters. It is commonly found in Asia.

Chinese Honeysuckle

Also known as Quisqualis indica. A vine with red flower clusters that can grow between 2.5 meters and…

"A philosopher, seating himself under an oak tree, and viewing its massiveness, could not understand why so large a tree should produce such small fruit. 'There,' said he, 'is the pumpkin, growing on a slender vine; how much better it would be, if that vine bore acorns, and the great tree the pumpkins; then there would be some harmony and fitness in nature.' As he was meditating on this subject, and examining some ancient theories on the works of creation, an acorn dropped on his head and broke up the train of his reflections. 'How foolish and short-sighted I am, to question the wisdom of Providence,' thought the philosopher, 'if the acorn had been a pumpkin, my head would have been broken.'"—Barber, 1857

Man Thinks Himself Wise, till God Shows Him His Folly

"A philosopher, seating himself under an oak tree, and viewing its massiveness, could not understand…

The vine of a peanut plant.

A Peanut Vine

The vine of a peanut plant.

"Potato digger with agitating rear rack and vine separator."—The Federal Digest, 1921

Potato Digger

"Potato digger with agitating rear rack and vine separator."—The Federal Digest, 1921

A vine of tomatoes grown using a hoop training method.

Hoop Trained Tomato

A vine of tomatoes grown using a hoop training method.

The grape or vine louse belongs to the Aphides, or Green Flies. The insect lives on the European vine. Galls are formed by the louse on each side of roots and leaves.

Grape or Vine Louse

The grape or vine louse belongs to the Aphides, or Green Flies. The insect lives on the European vine.…

Grape or vine louse are wingless. These insects are very small.

Grape or Vine Louse

Grape or vine louse are wingless. These insects are very small.

The common names of <i>Adlumia fungus</i> are climbing fumitory, mountain fringe, and allegheny vine. The vine climbs by the slender young leaf stalks.

Adlumia Fungosa

The common names of Adlumia fungus are climbing fumitory, mountain fringe, and allegheny vine. The vine…

<I>Ampelopsis heterophylla variety amurensis</i> has hairy branchlets. The leaves are slightly three lobed and are two to four inches long.

Ampelopsis Heterophylla Variety Amurensis

Ampelopsis heterophylla variety amurensis has hairy branchlets. The leaves are slightly three lobed…

The common names of <I>Aristolochia macrophylla</I> are dutchman's pipe and pipe vine. The flowers are u-shaped and purplish. The flowers are enlarged above the ovary. The ovary is labeled "a" and the swelling of the calyx-tube is labeled "b".

Aristolochia Macrophylla

The common names of Aristolochia macrophylla are dutchman's pipe and pipe vine. The flowers are u-shaped…

Pictured is the longitudinal section of <I>Aristolochia macrophylla</I>. Shown is the ovary and the short column of stamens. The common names of the plant are dutchman's pipe and pipe vine.

Aristolochia Macrophylla

Pictured is the longitudinal section of Aristolochia macrophylla. Shown is the ovary and the short column…

The common name of campsis radicans is trumpet vine. It is also known as trumpet creeper and trumpet honeysuckle. It is a high climbing shrub. The flowers are usually orange with scarlet.

Campsis Radicans

The common name of campsis radicans is trumpet vine. It is also known as trumpet creeper and trumpet…

Illustrated is campsis radicans climbing by means of aerial roots. The common names are trumpet vine, trumpet creeper, and trumpet honeysuckle.

Campsis Radicans

Illustrated is campsis radicans climbing by means of aerial roots. The common names are trumpet vine,…

Capparis spinosa is a spiny shrub that grows three feet tall. It is often straggling and vine-like. The flowers are purple.

Capparis Spinosa

Capparis spinosa is a spiny shrub that grows three feet tall. It is often straggling and vine-like.…

The common name of cardiospermum halicacabum is balloon vine but it is also know has heart seed and heart pea. The plant grows ten feet tall. The stem and branches are grooved.

Cardiospermum Halicacabum

The common name of cardiospermum halicacabum is balloon vine but it is also know has heart seed and…

<p>Vine, he does not drink it. The children of the night, what music they make.</p>

<p>Illustrated by James Basom Seaman II</p>

I Do Not Drinkā€¦ Vine

Vine, he does not drink it. The children of the night, what music they make. Illustrated by James Basom…

Clematis illustration showing leaf stalks modified as tendrils.


Clematis illustration showing leaf stalks modified as tendrils.

Devices used to set sweet potato slips and vine cuttings. In setting out potatoes, the farmer uses either a garden dibble or small trowel, or a short sharpened stick; on soft soil the slip is pressed into place by the use of special devices, about as long as a walking-stick, which usually consists of either (1) a single lath, having a base hollowed out and covered with leather, or (2) wooden tongs made of two laths.

Planting Dibbles

Devices used to set sweet potato slips and vine cuttings. In setting out potatoes, the farmer uses either…

Illustration of the head of a bishop's staff, also called a crosier. The head is a serpent curled around another reptilian figure and a man with a staff. The serpent symbolizes that the bishop is responsible for the blood of his parish. The lower part is highly ornamented with vines, etc.

Bishop's Staff - Head with Serpent Design

Illustration of the head of a bishop's staff, also called a crosier. The head is a serpent curled around…

"<i>Philampelus satellitia</i>, a large and handsome hawk-moth whose larva feeds upon the vine. Natural size. Left pair of wings omitted." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Satellite Sphinx Moth

"Philampelus satellitia, a large and handsome hawk-moth whose larva feeds upon the vine. Natural size.…