A floral border decorated with vines, leaves, and flowers.

Floral Border

A floral border decorated with vines, leaves, and flowers.

A vine which is native to Costa Rica, featuring vines and blue flowers.

Solanum Wendlandii

A vine which is native to Costa Rica, featuring vines and blue flowers.

"These [upright] systems are sometimes referred to as the "goblet" systems, since when the shoots are tied together the plant bears a certain resemblance to such a glass. As a rule, these vines make comparatively little growth, and the canes are severely cut back each year."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Upright System of Grape Training

"These [upright] systems are sometimes referred to as the "goblet" systems, since when the shoots are…

"The cross-wire system is another method of training which appears to be confined in this country to the Hudson River Valley, and even there it is used only to a limited extent. But at Juraçon, Bassess-Pyrénées, France, this system is regularly followed. Poles are used in place of the wires, however. [The image] represents vines trained in this manner."—Government Printing Office, 1897

Cross-Wire System of Grape Training

"The cross-wire system is another method of training which appears to be confined in this country to…

Yard long bean is a species of vigna. The vines produce very long, slender pods.

Yard Long Bean

Yard long bean is a species of vigna. The vines produce very long, slender pods.

Grape vines.


Grape vines.

Plows used to dig sweet potatoes. "The long vines must be first disposed of. They are usually pulled by running a plow on each side of the row. This work is done much more satisfactorily if the line of plants be barred off with a turn-plow, to the beam of which is attached a rolling coulter, which cuts the vines close to the row." —Dugger 1911

Plows for Sweet Potato Harvesting

Plows used to dig sweet potatoes. "The long vines must be first disposed of. They are usually pulled…

Illustration of the head of a bishop's staff, also called a crosier. The head is a serpent curled around another reptilian figure and a man with a staff. The serpent symbolizes that the bishop is responsible for the blood of his parish. The lower part is highly ornamented with vines, etc.

Bishop's Staff - Head with Serpent Design

Illustration of the head of a bishop's staff, also called a crosier. The head is a serpent curled around…

"And Jacob called unto his sons, and said: gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the latter days. Assemble yourselves, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; And hearken unto Israel your father." Genesis 49:1-2 ASV
<p>Illustration of Jacob, sitting up in his deathbed, his right arm raised, speaking to his sons and grandsons. Jacob and his two sons, Ephraim and Manasses, stand on one side of Jacob. All of Jacob's sons crowd around his bed. A pitcher, bowl, and scroll are sitting on the bedside table. Two open windows show vines and foliage outside.

Jacob Blesses His Sons and Prophesies on His Deathbed

"And Jacob called unto his sons, and said: gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which…