"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid); C, median longitudinal section through a head, showing the insertion of the flowers; D, individual flower; E, fruit (ripened ovary), showing the persistent pappus (calyx) of short scales." -Gager, 1916

Common Chicory

"Chicory (Cichorium Intybus). A, portion of flowering branch; B, basal leaf (runcinate-pinnatifid);…

"A composite (Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflorescence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section through the head; F, a disc-flower in bud; G, disc-flower just opened; H, older disc-flower, the stigmas reflexed; I, disc-flower with corolla removed." -Gager, 1916


"A composite (Coreopsis sp.). A, B, E, views of the inflorescence or head; C, a ray-flower; D, section…

"Wild cliff-cabbage, hypothetical ancestor of the numerous modern horticultural forms." -Gager, 1916

Wild Cliff-Cabbage

"Wild cliff-cabbage, hypothetical ancestor of the numerous modern horticultural forms." -Gager, 1916

"Broccoli (leaves and flowers both used)." -Gager, 1916


"Broccoli (leaves and flowers both used)." -Gager, 1916

Kale or borecole, a variety of wild cabbage.


Kale or borecole, a variety of wild cabbage.

Kohlrabi or German turnip, a variety of wild cabbage.


Kohlrabi or German turnip, a variety of wild cabbage.

"Brussels sprouts (lateral buds used)." -Gager, 1916

Brussels Sprouts

"Brussels sprouts (lateral buds used)." -Gager, 1916

"Common cabbage (a highly developed terminal bud)." -Gager, 1916

Common Cabbage

"Common cabbage (a highly developed terminal bud)." -Gager, 1916

"Cauliflower (flower-buds used)." -Gager, 1916


"Cauliflower (flower-buds used)." -Gager, 1916

"Diagram illustrating the gradual filling up of lakes by the encroachment of vegetation, and also the stages in the origin of peat and marl deposits in lakes. The several plant associations of the Bog series, displacing one another, belong to the following major groups: (I) O. W., open water succession; (2) M., marginal succession; (3) S., shore succession; (4) B., bog succession, comprising the bog-meadow (Bm), bog-shrub (Bs) and bog-forest (Bf); and (5) M. F., mesophytic forest succession." -Gager, 1916

Lake and Vegetation

"Diagram illustrating the gradual filling up of lakes by the encroachment of vegetation, and also the…

"Top, lateral pinna from a leaf of Marattia jraxinea. Below at left, synangium of same. At right, corss-section of the synangium." -Gager, 1916

Marratia Fern

"Top, lateral pinna from a leaf of Marattia jraxinea. Below at left, synangium of same. At right, corss-section…

"Cycadeoidea dacotensis. Semi-diagrammatic sketch of a flower (bisporangiate cone), cut longitudinally; one sporophyll folded, and one (at the right) arbitrarily expanded. At the center is the apical, cone-shaped receptacle, invested by a zone of short-stalked ovules and inter-seminal scales. The pinnules of the sporophylls bear the compound sporangia (Synangia). Exterior to the flower are several hairy bracts." -Gager, 1916


"Cycadeoidea dacotensis. Semi-diagrammatic sketch of a flower (bisporangiate cone), cut longitudinally;…

"Cycadeoidea Wielandi. Longitudinal section through the axis of a female inflorescence, or cone. l, old leaf-base; d, insertion of disc; s, erect seed, borne at summit of seed-pedicle inserted on convex receptacle; b, hair covered bract." -Gager, 1916


"Cycadeoidea Wielandi. Longitudinal section through the axis of a female inflorescence, or cone. l,…

The seed, flower, and leaf of a dandelion.


The seed, flower, and leaf of a dandelion.

"A flowering plant belonging to the Heath family, closely related to the rhododendron."


"A flowering plant belonging to the Heath family, closely related to the rhododendron."

A plant native of the Indies, the plant is used to make castor-oil, which is used as a laxative and as a lubricant for machinery.

Castor-oil Plant

A plant native of the Indies, the plant is used to make castor-oil, which is used as a laxative and…

The cotton plant is a shrub that produces a downy fiber, called cotton. This material is then woven into high quality textiles.

Cotton plant

The cotton plant is a shrub that produces a downy fiber, called cotton. This material is then woven…

The Florida state flower, the orange blossom.

Orange Blossom

The Florida state flower, the orange blossom.

"Foxtail grass, the common name given to certain grasses, because of the shape of the large clusters in which the flowers are arranged." -Foster, 1921

Foxtail Grass

"Foxtail grass, the common name given to certain grasses, because of the shape of the large clusters…

A bean plant showing roots, stem, leaves, and beans.

Bean Sprout

A bean plant showing roots, stem, leaves, and beans.

"They subsist on the sap of the tree; and are sometimes provided with wings, and are sometimes without."

Winged Aphides, or Plant Lice

"They subsist on the sap of the tree; and are sometimes provided with wings, and are sometimes without."

"They subsist on the sap of the tree; and are sometimes provided with wings, and are sometimes without."

Winged Aphides, or Plant Lice

"They subsist on the sap of the tree; and are sometimes provided with wings, and are sometimes without."

"They subsist on the sap of the tree; and are sometimes provided with wings, and are sometimes without."

Wingless Aphides, or Plant Lice

"They subsist on the sap of the tree; and are sometimes provided with wings, and are sometimes without."

"They subsist on the sap of the tree; and are sometimes provided with wings, and are sometimes without."

Wingless Aphides, or Plant Lice

"They subsist on the sap of the tree; and are sometimes provided with wings, and are sometimes without."

Ants are very fond of a sugary liquid that Plant lice secrete. They will milk the bugs of this liquid.

Ant and Plant Lice

Ants are very fond of a sugary liquid that Plant lice secrete. They will milk the bugs of this liquid.

"Nature, pervades the air, where grow the modest blue-eyed violets, the fragrant trailing arbutus, spicy and sweet, the funny Jack-in-the-pulpit, without which no collection of wild flowers would be complete, and there also maybe found the rare and beautiful bloodroot, whose stay is so short one can scarce catch a glimpse of its pure, white blossoms ere they vanish." -Beard, 1906

Bloodroot flower

"Nature, pervades the air, where grow the modest blue-eyed violets, the fragrant trailing arbutus, spicy…

"Water-proof paper flower-pot May-basket." -Beard, 1906

Mayflower basket

"Water-proof paper flower-pot May-basket." -Beard, 1906

The longleaf pine commonly found in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. The leaves are 9 to 12 inches long.

Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris Mill.). Two-thirds natural size. epidermis of leaf (magnified)

The longleaf pine commonly found in the South Atlantic and Gulf States. The leaves are 9 to 12 inches…

The mesquit is on of the characteristic shrubs throughout the desert. It varies in size from a straggling bush to a well-formed tree.

Mesquit (prosopis juliflora).

The mesquit is on of the characteristic shrubs throughout the desert. It varies in size from a straggling…

Two or three species of yucca are called Spanish bayonet. The shrub has a thick stalk about 3 or 4 feet tall, bearing sharp pointed leaves. In the center is the flower-bearing stalk.

Spanish bayonet (yucca baccata).

Two or three species of yucca are called Spanish bayonet. The shrub has a thick stalk about 3 or 4 feet…

The creosote is a sticky, resinous bush with small round evergreen leaves, yellow flowers, woolly fruit, and a very strong disagreeable odor.

Creosote bush (larrea mexicana)

The creosote is a sticky, resinous bush with small round evergreen leaves, yellow flowers, woolly fruit,…

The candlewood consists of about a dozen stalks about an inch in diameter, nearly straight, and about 5 feet tall. The stalks are gray in color and armed with abundant spines.

Candlewood (fouquiera splendens).

The candlewood consists of about a dozen stalks about an inch in diameter, nearly straight, and about…

The giant cactus is by far the largest form of vegetation in the desert. They can grow to be over 20 to 40 feet tall and 12 to 18 inches in diameter.

Giant Cactus (cereus giganteus).

The giant cactus is by far the largest form of vegetation in the desert. They can grow to be over 20…

An annual plant , 6 to 15 inches high, with many slender branches of a brownish or straw color, more or less hairy, parasitic upon the roots of other plants.

Broomrape (orobanche ramosa).

An annual plant , 6 to 15 inches high, with many slender branches of a brownish or straw color, more…

An illustration of poison hemlock.

Poison hemlock

An illustration of poison hemlock.

An illustration of water hemlock including the root and fruit.

Water hemlock

An illustration of water hemlock including the root and fruit.

An illustration of poke weed.

Poke weed

An illustration of poke weed.

"Piece of the frond of Fucus platycarpus furnished with receptacles." -Lindley, 1853

Brown Alga

"Piece of the frond of Fucus platycarpus furnished with receptacles." -Lindley, 1853

"Fucus platycarpus...Section of a conceptacle much magnified." -Lindley, 1853

Brown Alga

"Fucus platycarpus...Section of a conceptacle much magnified." -Lindley, 1853

"Fucus platycarpus...3. jointed branching hairs detached from the sides of the conceptacle and bearing antherids; 4. an antherid full; 5. an antherid with only one antherozoid left in it; 6. Antherozoids." -Lindley, 1853

Brown Alga

"Fucus platycarpus...3. jointed branching hairs detached from the sides of the conceptacle and bearing…

"1. Chara vulgaris; 2. a portion of a branch with a nucule and globule; 3. the globule more magnified; 4. the spiral tubes of the latter; 5. a nucule cut open; 6. a nucule in germination." -Lindley, 1853

Common Stonewort

"1. Chara vulgaris; 2. a portion of a branch with a nucule and globule; 3. the globule more magnified;…

"1. Antherid and spore-case of Chara fragilis not much magnified; 2. the same at a later period, after the dehiscence of the antherid; 3. three of the valves which cover the antherid represented at the moment of dehiscence; 4. an empty tube, in which a few antherozoids are left; 5. Anteroizoids." -Lindley, 1853

Chara fragilis

"1. Antherid and spore-case of Chara fragilis not much magnified; 2. the same at a later period, after…

Arcyria flava (or Arcyria obvelata) is a species of fungus or slime mold found in Australia.

Arcyria flava

Arcyria flava (or Arcyria obvelata) is a species of fungus or slime mold found in Australia.

Mucor caninus is a species of mold found in soil, on plant surfaces, and rotting vegetables.

Mucor caninus

Mucor caninus is a species of mold found in soil, on plant surfaces, and rotting vegetables.

Vermicularia trichella is a fungal plant disease that causes leaf and stem spot in English Ivy.

Fungal Disease

Vermicularia trichella is a fungal plant disease that causes leaf and stem spot in English Ivy.

"Mucor mucedo, very highly magnified, exhibiting 1, the spawn or mycelium." -Lindley, 1853

Fungal Diseas

"Mucor mucedo, very highly magnified, exhibiting 1, the spawn or mycelium." -Lindley, 1853

"Galls on the leaf of an Ochnaceous plant." -Lindley, 1853


"Galls on the leaf of an Ochnaceous plant." -Lindley, 1853

"Woolly Oak-gall, produced by Cynips Quercus ramuli." -Lindley, 1853

Gall Wasp

"Woolly Oak-gall, produced by Cynips Quercus ramuli." -Lindley, 1853

Aseroe pentactina is a species of mushroom from the Phallaceae family.


Aseroe pentactina is a species of mushroom from the Phallaceae family.

The Sphaeria sinensis a cordycep, a parasitic fungus. "The right hand figure represents the manner in which it is made up for sale." -Lindley, 1853


The Sphaeria sinensis a cordycep, a parasitic fungus. "The right hand figure represents the manner in…

The Sphaeria Robertsii a cordycep, a parasitic fungus "growing from the caterpillar of a New Zealand moth called Hepialus verescens." -Lindley, 1853


The Sphaeria Robertsii a cordycep, a parasitic fungus "growing from the caterpillar of a New Zealand…

"1. Polyplocium inquinans, divided vertically, natural size; 2. flocci and spores; 3 and 4, the same more highly magnified." -Lindley, 1853

Flocci and Spores

"1. Polyplocium inquinans, divided vertically, natural size; 2. flocci and spores; 3 and 4, the same…

"Pisomyxa racodioides, Corda.-1. Natural size; 2, the fungus greatly magnified; 3, a spore-case bursting and discharging its spores." -Lindley, 1853


"Pisomyxa racodioides, Corda.-1. Natural size; 2, the fungus greatly magnified; 3, a spore-case bursting…

"1. Spore-case of Lycopodium denticulatum opened; 2. antheridium; 3. spore." -Lindley, 1853

Ground Pine

"1. Spore-case of Lycopodium denticulatum opened; 2. antheridium; 3. spore." -Lindley, 1853

"1. Shields of Variolaria amara; 2, a portion of the thallus of the same plant." -Lindley, 1853


"1. Shields of Variolaria amara; 2, a portion of the thallus of the same plant." -Lindley, 1853

"3. a piece of the thallus of Sticta pulmonacea, with lacunae and soredia; 4. thallus of the same, bearing shields." -Lindley, 1853

Tree Lungwort

"3. a piece of the thallus of Sticta pulmonacea, with lacunae and soredia; 4. thallus of the same, bearing…

"5. shield of Opegrapha scripta; 6. thallus of the same." -Lindley, 1853


"5. shield of Opegrapha scripta; 6. thallus of the same." -Lindley, 1853

"Shields of Baeomyces rufus." -Lindley, 1853


"Shields of Baeomyces rufus." -Lindley, 1853

"Cetraria islandica: a a. its shields; b. a shield magnified and divided vertically." -Lindley, 1853

Iceland Moss

"Cetraria islandica: a a. its shields; b. a shield magnified and divided vertically." -Lindley, 1853

"Sticta pulmonaria, or Lungs of the Oak." -Lindley, 1853

Tree Lungwort

"Sticta pulmonaria, or Lungs of the Oak." -Lindley, 1853